Democratic National Convention


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Gw you may think I am a moron for believing that Bush got us involved in that quagmire over in I mean Iraq for money reasons but if you believe he got us over there to make us safer and fight terrorism it is you my friend who is missing the target. Bush cannot even explain to us why we are there. Is it WMD or because Saddam was an immediate threat as he and his henchmen first said? Or is it to liberate the Iraqi's as he now says because he has not been able to prove even one of his original reasons for invading that country? If it is to liberate the Iraqi's what does that have to do with our national security? There are a lot of others we can liberate out there. Why pick on Iraq when Iran seems to be much more of a power player in terror than our friends the Iraqi's were?
All you have to do is to look at the security measures put in place in Boston for this convention. That will show you how weak we have been in our homeland security. Why do we have to turn a town inside out because a bunch of fridge fruitcakes will be meeting in the Fleet Center for four days? Seems to me the Fleet Center is full of people most nights with Boston Celtics or Bruins games or a concert. Terrorists could make themselves quite a point by blowing up one of these venues too. But why is it that we admit that our security is so weak that we have to turn a whole town inside out because of an event that is being at a place where events are held all the time?
Truth is we did nothing to secure the rails of this country. Would it be expensive, yes. But we can't afford it because we are too busy beating Saddam Hussein and then rebuilding that country.
Don't forget we won the Cold War without firing a shot. The Soviet Union collapsed from within. The same could happen here. We are spending money like a drunken sailor and not getting much in return.
As for what Kerry will do different, hopefully he will understand that the future of this country depends on the middle class, not the elite. We can only hope that he will pursue an agenda that will help the middle class and at the same time pick our wars very carefully. Terrorism must be fought and it must be fought where it grows. That doesn't appear to be Iraq. At least George W. Bush has not been able to make the case. If he could he would say things other than "They hate us. They hate freedom."


Forum Member
A Question For Kerry
I have just one question for John Kerry that will clear up much about his ideas and strategies for a more peaceful world and restore the US to a "respected" world leadership role.

If John Kerry were President, in order to create a *more* international coalition in Iraq, what country would he convince to provide major support (like Great Britain)?
Could one of you at the Convention just ask him this one, please? I think it will clear up a lot of fog on this issue about international leadership.

[Note: NATO is not a country. The EU is not a country.]



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
The good news we only have 3% of the high and might that everyone talks about paying these high taxes. Then there are the rest of us SOB's. That be about 97%. Thats good we can see who wins in the end. As for this convention and the one next month. They don't change anything. As for SD point why all the security if were safer. Well of of course SD we know we are not.
And for liberals giving a chit. Well as long as they stick up for that 97%. Well this country has a chance. I don't know if we can stand 4 more years like we just got form the conservatives. We may be broke for ever.


Forum Member
If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, the world would look something like the following:

There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western hemisphere, both north and south
8 Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
70 would be non-white
30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth
All 6 would be from the United States.
80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth
1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 would own a computer

You own a computer or at the very least have consistent access to one.

You are among the world's wealthiest 1%

With all of the bills and the stress, life doesn't feel that way does it?

Maybe that's just because you don't know how blessed you are.

Wake Up!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Haven't seen that one for some time Chan. So are you part of the 97% or the 3%. If part of the 3% were after you and you have way to much. Not sure if that computer makes you that rich.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
stevie...i`ll post my opinion of the rationale for the iraq invasion one more time...

the haliburton thing is a ridiculous straw man

i`ll try and rationalize the "why" of taking out saddam..

let me preface my opinion by stating that the administration could never explain their reasoning for removing saddam by using rationale like the safety and security of the middle eastern oil supply and the security of israel..and the two are inexorably linked..

it`s just not a politically correct enough reason to remove saddam..given the anti-israeli sentiment pervading europe(mostly because of the large influx of muslims)..and those moronic enough to continually scream no war for oil(a very stupid sentiment..basically voiced by those that have grown soft from having everything provided to them for to long)..
therefore,it could could not be put forth in a public forum because it would be considered inflammatory..

but,let the oil supply be interrupted in this country for an extended period and watch our nation the world`s economy fold..

i know there are other sources of oil available..venzuela,canada etc..but,the middle east is the hub...the heart..and it is also one of the most unstable areas in the world..a large part of that instability was linked to saddam..

and,like israel or not,they are a democracy and our biggest ally in the region...they share our core beliefs..they are a society that basically mirrors our own..cut from the same cloth,so to speak,as far as the evolution of civilization is concerned...should we abandon them because it`s easier than standing with them against a common enemy?....terror,that is..should we be like like france ?abandon our allies because it`s expedient or profitable?..

i`m not trying to espouse a pro-israeli stance..but,we may be the only thing standing between the muslims and the israelis and an enormous middle eastern conflagration..

.it`s a fact that israel does have nuclear weapons..but,they have not used them,even though gravely provoked..

saddam hussein is on record as saying,"my biggest mistake was not having nuclear weapons when going into kuwait"...if he`d had them,he`d probably still be in kuwait..and maybe some other middle eastern countries..if you check your history,you`ll find that the iraqi`s were frantically trying to complete their french provided nuclear reactor "osirak" or "tammuz 1" in the 80`s ..i have pictures of a young jacques chirac standing in a nuclear reactor in france shaking hands and showing saddam what they would soon provide to him...

..luckily the israeli`s took the reactor out before it went hot....basically saving 1000`s of iraqi lives.....the timing of the "removal" of this reactor was a master stroke by israel....causing very little loss of life and causing much less consternation in the arab world...

understand that if the israeli`s hadn`t taken out that french built iraqi nuclear reactor in the 80`s,there would have been nuclear weapons thudding into israel,not poorly guided scuds during the gulf war..around 39 of them hit israel,i think....unprovoked........while the israeli`s sat on their hands...

...and as i said,about 3 hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs would pretty much annihilate a small country like israel....

make no mistake....a big part of our decision to take saddam out,is rooted in the continued existence and safety of israel......and probably more so by the potential global catastrophe that an all out middle eastern war would`s about the oil....and that`s about as good a reason as there is in this world...

these things were seen as being jeopardized by the one dictator in the middle east crazy and ballsy enough to willingly try to offest the delicate political balance in the middle east...the one that invaded kuwait...the one that gassed his own people.....the one that tried to destroy the kuwaiti oil fields and cause economic and ecological disaster when he was driven out of kuwait..

a quick read...
Wednesday, 4 October, 2000, 13:35 GMT 14:35 UK
Saddam threatens Israel

Palestinian killings have enraged Iraqis

By Middle East correspondent Frank Gardner
""Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein has said his country could destroy Israel if it was given access to land next to the Jewish state.

On Wednesday, Iraq's state controlled newspapers carried the president's threat, which he made following the recent bloody clashes between Israelis and Palestinians.

Iraqis are calling the threat one of the strongest statements by Saddam Hussein in years.

An idle boast or a serious threat to Israel? With Iraq's unpredictable leader, it is hard to tell.

The government controlled press quoted the president as saying Iraq could put an end to Zionism in a very short time if only it was given a piece of land next to Israel.

That is highly unlikely to happen, but Iraq did physically attack Israel during the Gulf War nine years ago by firing 39 Scud missiles at the Jewish state.

Iraqis say the clashes over the last few days between Israeli forces and Palestinians have enraged their president.

Angry outburst

On Tuesday he was seen on television banging his fist on the table in anger, criticising Arabs for not doing enough in response to Israeli killings in the Palestinian territories.

He said the great people of Iraq were ready to destroy Zionism right now and he called on Arabs to brandish their swords and make the sacrifices needed.

Iraq has also been calling for a holy war to liberate Jerusalem from Israeli control. President Saddam Hussein has said Iraq did not need to wait for sanctions to be lifted before striking Israel.

The United States says it closely monitors Iraq for any signs of military activity, but United Nations inspectors looking for Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction have not been in the country for nearly two years now.""

saddam has wanted to lead the middle east against the infidels(us)...he called himself "the sword of nebuchadnezar"...uniting the arab world against the west...restoring the greatness of "baylon"....

the world is becoming rife with black market nuclear processing material and some say,actual nuclear weapons(the soviet union cannot account for all of their cold war weapons)....n. korea has already been caught secretly shipping missiles to terrorist nation yemen on unmarked vessels....unfortunately,the world`s hands are somewhat tied because n. korea HAS a nuclear capability....that fact changes the whole dynamic...

if saddam`s reactor hadn`t been taken out prior to the gulf war,and the u.n. still chose to extract him from kuwait,israel would most definitely have been hit with nuclear weapons.....thus,bringing retaliatory strikes with nuclear weapons from israel....thus opening the middle east up to a full scale arab vs israeli conflict,fecking up half the world`s oil supplies,and possibly creating a global catastrophe.......the guy has proven he`s willing to do what your average despot will not do..

it`s not hard to understand the rationale for removing saddam...agree or not,there was some reason for their thinking...why they did what they did....but,it was poorly planned...the aftermath,i mean...

the whole world thought that saddam had the weapons..why didn`t he come clean,if he had nothing?..and save his regime...

.the france`s and germany`s did what they did in the u.n. because it was in their own their own economic and political interests....if they had provided a united front against saddam,it`s a good chance the war would never have happened........

and make no mistake,the u.n. sponsored gulf war 1 was never intended to remove saddam from iraq...just from kuwait..bush 1 didn`t make a mistake...he was under u.n. mandate to go no farther....the france`s and germany`s and russia`s only wanted their cash cow back in his cage...not removed...

the france`s and germany`s are obviously trying to bolster old european influence under the cover of the toothless u.n..and were lining their pockets with lucrative oil deals from sadddam......we now find that the oil for food program meant to take the heat off iraqi sanctions was probably rife with u.n. payoffs,kickbacks and bribery...and probably benefitted saddam much more than the people of iraq.........france,russia and germany were more than a little dishonest about their less than altruistic reasons for stonewalling u.n. efforts at making saddam come clean about wmd`s.... oil deals....billions of dollars......again the oil.....

..blocked at every turn by the europeans when trying to make saddam open up for years, i guess the administration thought that if you can`t assuredly get the knife away from jack the ripper....then you have to get rid of jack....

you may not agree..hell,i`m still not sure i may be jew-haters,anti-american,anti-bush administration or just flat out anti any may not want to hear this..that`s your right....

bottom line is,the administration chose to stop this show before it got to the breaking point..before it got to north korean proportions.....saddam was a monster,as are many others around the world....but he has demonstrated the instability necessary to cause a full scale middle eastern and global conflict.....

was it a good move?....history will be the judge...are cheney,rumsfeld et al members of some secret society?.....ridiculous...

i agree that everything that happened after the saddam statue fell was poorly planned and because of the administration`s lack of foresight,this thing has turned into an ungodly mess....but,i think it`s way to premature to state as fact that saddam had no wmd`s.....plenty of time was available to ship truckloads of material to syria or lebanon.

"why invade iraq"....

it certainly wasn`t was much bigger than that...

it`s my opinion..


yankee hater
Forum Member
Jul 1, 2004

I said before that I'm not very political, just a hard working middle class O's fan, but I really liked that last post you made.

"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider"

I'm going to be using that, if you don't mind. It's in the vault. :cool:

thanks, ripken8


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
rip...knock yourself out...i ripped it off myself from Sir Francis`s another "bacon beauty"...

"It is an immense ocean that surrounds the island of Truth."

i pulled these out waiting to respond to continued attacks from "Sir Edward Haskell"....

but i just found out why edward left the site...

edward actually was slated to be a gymnast in this year`s olympics....he left this site to go to greece..

but,he was observed forcibly mounting a pommel horse against it`s will,and was kicked off the team....

a tragedy...
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yankee hater
Forum Member
Jul 1, 2004

you're alright. :cool:

sorry to hear about eddie. hopefully he's in a

better place. :rolleyes:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Gw, As for Hussein invading Kuwait a couple of years back Nolan made a great post that I think explained that. Please, do not try to put me in a position of defending Saddam Hussein. I was against sleeping with this man in the first place when Rumsfeld and Reagan where pumping him up. And that was at the same time he was gassing all those people that Rumsfeld now finds so terrible.
Your point is correct that the aftermath of the war has been run terrible. I don't even like calling it an aftermath of the war. More like the aftermath of the bombing.
If we are going in after the oil then so be it. Then lets go in with the full force and power that we possess and pay for. Lets go in and take over those oil fields. But lets not go in and leave our guys out their like sitting ducks.
Also, one other point I would like to make about your article. I think that when we send our young to war and ask them to give up their life or limbs that our leaders back home can at least have the courage to tell them the truth of why they are going.


Forum Member
bjfinste said:
Woo-hoo!!! We're all gonna get laid!

Wait a minute bjf- Didn't you read that 11 are homosexual so... that means... :confused: ... yeah, I guess you're right :brows:

Great responses gw & StevieD.
StevieD- no matter what someone will always complain. Remember what Bill Maher said about launching missiles against our enemies- something about it being such a 'cowardly act' from so far away? Of course he thought the 9/11 hi-jackers were anything but cowards as they gave their lives for their cause.

Guess Eddie really is gone- surely he would've been smoked out by now.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
stevie.....we all know that in this country...and probably around the world,you can`t bludgeon the public with honesty....they can`t stomach it...

you won`t hear mark garagos saying that the devil worshippers or homeless people that were brought up in the peterson trial are made up out of wholecloth and meant to muddy the waters....

france didn`t say that they didn`t want saddam removed because they had sweetheart oil deals that they considered more important than getting rid of a major threat...

just imagine the "no blood for oil" mo-mo`s screaming at the top of their lungs at the mere mention of the word "oil'...that is until they sit in a gasoline line for 4 hours to fill their tank up...

the u.n. isn`t stating that they`ve done nothing to help the sudanese that are being slaughtered by their muslim brothers because member states also have sweetheart oil deals that probably would get disrupted and anan might not get voted in for another term by these s.o.b.`s....

and the mere mention of helping israel sends most of now muslim europe into a tizzy...

honesty not only isn`t the best`s unacceptable...

we weren`t going in to "get" their oil...we were trying to rid the middle east of,who we thought to be, the most destabilizing influence there...hell,if we wanted the oil,and we`re such monsters,invading iraq was probably the most expensive,dangerous way of obtaining it that could ever be conceived....if that`s the case,we`re getting ripped off...big time...

we gambled that a potential,thriving democracy in the middle east might influence other nations....there`s already enormous unrest and dissent in iran from the younger educated class...and libya threw in their cards...

it may or may not work..many things weren`t well thought through.... i agree on that...

also, lets not forget...that based on the intelligence that the world had at hand,kerry and edwards also voted to invade iraq....basicallly the same intelligence folks that were around when bill clinton was pres....things won`t change that drastically with a new administration...i truly believe that..

think about this....

who do you think stands between israel and the arabs tearing one another to shreds?....the u.s...i`d say....

...think about the middle east...with the majority of the world`s oil supply sitting under their grubby little sandals...

now think about iraq and iran...with saddam and the mad mullahs running the show....think about these two countries with wmd`s...the u.n. sitting on it`s hands because member nations are profitting from these monsters........with terrorists all over the place...with the potential for one of these rogue nations to pass on some sort of wmd to said terrorists to act as surrogates to attack israel..or the u.s.....or for saddam,as he has stated numerous times he`d do,launching his own attack on israel......israel has nukes...but they have a western mindset...they aren`t mindless religious zealots that think killing people is their religious duty...

and think what israel`s response might be...would have to be... if attacked with wmd`s.......and in turn,what the rest of the middle east`s response might be to israel....

and what sort of position that would leave us in.....

we fell asleep on n.korea....the stakes,for our country,are about 10 times higher in the middle east....
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
gw, your posts on the rationale for the iraq war are well taken and well presented, and probably something similiar to the ones considered by the administration. you dam* well better believe that oil is worth fighting for, our economy is completely dependent upon it. however, i think the argument overlooks one important issue, the same one that caused our government to prop up hussein for years, even causing bush sr to stop short of taking him out. the problem that i see is that, when all the smoke clears and our troops come home, there will be no force there that will stop the islamic extremists from taking over the government. we needed hussein there, as he was the only person powerful enough and ruthless enough to keep them down. now, i believe we have played right into the hands of the extremists, and soon they will be in control of one of the world's largest oil reserves. how do you think that's going to work out for us?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2001

Quick question: other sites I've visited have mentioned that this administration considers the USA to be under a 'permanent state of war' against terrorism. This perceived 'state', as this administration sees it, would allow the president to go to war with ANY country that might be a terrorist threat at his sole discretion. Per their perception, there would be no approval required by our congress, as our forefathers intended and stated in our constitution. There would be no checks and balances to keep the decision making process of going to war somewhat of a democratic process. Are you aware of this 'mindset' by this administration and if so, how can they legally proceed?

p.s. Although a 'layman' in the legal field, I'm not confusing your defense attorney background with someone that specializes in 'constituional law'. I'm very aware how some professions are often asked unfair questions that come from out of left field because of the lack of understanding by the questionee. I'm simply asking you this question because of my deference for your seemingly very broad knowledge in politics, and as such if you'd by chance wondered accross this issue before. Thanks.
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I'm trite!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
This perceived 'state' would allow the president to go to war with ANY country that might be a terrorist threat as his sole discretion. There would be no approval required by our congress, as our forefathers intended and so stated in our constitution, to invade and go to war with any country. There would be no checks and balances to keep the decision process of going to war somewhat of a democratic process. Are you aware of this 'mindset' by this administration and if so, how can they legally proceed?

How old are you? The implicit (let me know if I need to define that word for you djv) ability to go to war by the president has been intact as long as I have been alive.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2001

Retard wrote...."How old are you? The implicit (let me know if I need to define that word for you djv) ability to go to war by the president has been intact as long as I have been alive."
Sound like you're one of those guys that would have to stand on his mothers shoulders to kiss my sweet azz re just about anything. I'm also guessing your mom has had to hoist you up there quite a bit judging from your sheer ignorance. Now please STFU retard.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 25, 2002
Great Post Gw.

By The Way , What Have The Gop Done To Everyone's Income Over The Last 4 Yrs. ?

The Rep Have Done Nothing To Hurt Mine. Perhaps I Am Aloof - That's It. I Earned More $$ I Yr Ago Than I Have Ever Earned Before. Under The Bush Admin. Do I Give Him Credit For It, F' No. I Did It Myself. If You Lost $$ Over The Last 4yrs. Wtf Were U Doing ? Sitting Around Doing What ? Curious. If This Has To Do W/ Gov Programs/grants/prescription Drugs/ So Sec/ Than The Gov Is The Problem./ Not The Current Admin. Less Taxes, Less Gov Programs, Invest/save For Your Own Retirement. If You Are Past Your Prime Than I Am Sorry For You As My Own Father Is Facing The Same Dilemma. It Is A B!@!*. Maybe You Should Realize That The Gov Cannot Provide For All. Hope That Your Kids Are Smart Enough Not To Depend On So Sec And Gov Programs For Their Retirement. I Am So Sick Of Reading About How Peoplel Are Broke Because Of Bush. F' He Has Financed The War With Deficit Spending ! Hasn't He ? So How Has That Affected Your Bottom Line ? Go Ahead And Buy Your Pills From Canada. Can't Wait For Those Pills Not To Work As The Us Gov Cannot Control Their Med. Jmo. Just A Concerned Citizen Here That Sees The Country He Loves Going To The Shatter.

Ps. I Was More Broke In The Clinton Era Than Any Other. Was It His Fault - Not Even Close. It Was The 20 Grand Of Cc Debt I Racked Up While In College. Damn Clinton - Why Didn't He Think Of A Way To Pay For My Education Like His Party Did For Many Of My Minority Classmates . Whatever. - Take Responsibilty For Yourself.
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