Democratic National Convention


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
Hi guys:

Long time lurker but I thought I'd make a few comments on last nights presentation by Bill Clinton. To me, to even allow this liar, who brought shame to the presidency, to speak at this gathering of 1st and 2nd generartion immigrants with their hands out, solidifies the election for President Bush.

This cheating, lying, disbarred, and impeached low-life had the audacity to suggest that Kerry was a hero in Viet Nam where by all accounts he was reckless and endangered the lifes of his men. He should have been at a minimum sanctioned, but more probably dishonorably discharged.

You know what. Whats really neat is this scumbag finnally made an admission. That is, he ducked the Viet Nam war. I think thats the first time I ever heard him tell the truth. Vote for a man who you know will tell the truth and who you know where he stands on the issues. Not some reckless guy who gets a couple of scratches then throws his medals away.

4 more years. Elect a moral, honest, Christian man. Vote for George W. Bush.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
loophole...i`ve made the exact same point before,believe it or surely looks like saddam knew how to keep all the opposing religious factions and tribalism in iraq under control.....

with an iron fist...a ruthlessness...a willingness to act as ruthlessly as your enemy...if he wasn`t in bed with the terrorists,they surely weren`t willing to mess with his secular ass....

we don`t have that capability...our idea of civilization has hamstrung our ability to deal with people that could care less about treating prisoners fairly...that could care less about anybody`s rights....that murder indiscriminately....thousands at a clip..

in hindsight,we now know that a civilized approach to handling middle eastern dissent(bombing innocents and chopping off heads)is useless.....

our own westernized,politically correct,evolving civilization may be our undoing....

and our own self loathing media, academic elite and high profile hollywood celebrities living in the bizarro world are hastening our demise....

i really believe that if you could project today`s social climate back to earlier times(ww1 and 2,korea etc)we might have lost every war we were ever involved in....

maybe we`ve become "over-civilized"....sounds odd....

this is what i believe....

the u.n. will continue to sit on it`s hands regarding iran...we`ll get nothing but lip service from many conflicting interests to ever get any kind of collective action against iran...this is the world body that has cuba,saudi arabia,china and SUDAN!! sitting on it`s "Human Rights Commission"

john kerry will be elected....i pray that he doesn`t wait for the france`s,russia`s, germany`s and the u.n. to tag along to do what is necessary to protect OUR interests...

iran will get their nuclear weapons..unless israel does what the rest of the world should be doing and takes out iran`s reactor...much like they did with iraq...

we are in big trouble....we are becoming europeanized....i`m afraid if kerry`s elected we`ll stick our heads in the sand...much like europe has always done.......until it`s to late....

i like the guy..i believe he`s a patriot... .i pray he`s not really a waffler and isn`t afraid to make the tough decisions...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Well if you didn't make tons of money with Clinton you did something wrong. I agree. I also wonder how Bush found away to piss 5 trillion down the drain. That was the surplus handed to Bush in 2000. We now have how large a deficit. And we should not worry about the oil Saudi will help anytime we ask. I wonder who if anybody will give a chit about that part of the world in 25 years when there oil is all bout gone.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
DJV the kid just got out of college under Clinton, now he is out making money and he thinks Bush didn't hurt him. It doesn't even fall under the radar screen. Clinton made a great speech last night. You have to wonder where the country would be today if he didn't have Ken Starr on his a$$ every minute. That witch hunt was the biggest disgrace this country was ever put through next to the Bush Administration. I am glad the Bush boy doesn't have a Ken Starr around his neck


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
Stevie, from your posts, I think your a pretty smart guy, misguided, but pretty smart. How can you say Clinton made a great speech last night. Didn't you see that oh so loving hug between the bj king and his dyke wife? That was real touching. Clintons speech was nothing more than a black southern baptist minister rabble rousing the parisheners on a saturday night in Selma. Nothing more. Like I said, the only honest thing this guy said last night was that he ducked the war in Viet Nam. Other than that same old Clinton bullshit. Gardenweasel, I wish I could write like you do. That was a brilliant post and I couldnt agree more except I think we will make Iraq a demacracy in short order. I think the sarafices we make there will benefit the US and the oil we need to keep this economy on the upswing. Also you are wrong that Kerry will be elected. I live in Ohio and this state is going to Bush. Guaranteed. I think your just feeling the bounce that each party gets during and immediately after there conventions. Bush in a landslide.


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