Why did the father pay for the daughter's medical bills? Why was HE responsible?
The daughter was not a minor, so, yes, legally, the father is not responsible.
They are a family of a religious belief not familiar to me, but somewhat like the Amish. They do not believe in any sort of socialism, including insurance which they consider interference in their personal affairs.
Yes, I know that may sound silly in some ways, but it is what they believe, that they, as a family with six children are required to fend for themselves in every way.
The father and mother see it as their moral responsibility to care for their children in every way until they are married
The father spent his life as a tree guy, as are his sons now. He had retired, but has gone back to work to pay the bills. Last I saw him, he had paid off about half. The daughter remains unmarried and unable to work.
Strange people in this day, perhaps, but I have known them for a good many years, and I would trust any of them with my life.
Probably the only people I can say that about.
They have done some work for me over the years. I've learned not to bother to ask what the cost will be. It will always be fair. Period.
But my point is: the daughter incurred $300K in medical bills. No government "handout" has paid that. I suppose she could declare bankruptcy, but her beliefs will not permit that, as she and her family would see it as dishonorable. They will pay what they owe. If the father isn't able to work long enough to pay it all, then it will fall on her brothers.
They will work seven day weeks and eat beans until the debt is paid.
From what I know of them, they will not vote in the upcoming election since they will think both candidates are heathens or heretics.
And, I'd iike to add: No member of this family will ever commit a crime, under any circumstances, will never take a penny they haven't earned.
Strange, in their beliefs by most standards, but if our country were full of them, well............
There would be no crime, no theft, no graft, no need for lawyers, and no wars.
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