Did Bush ever demand Kerry stop Michael Moore/George Soros attacks?

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
just think of the public outrage if he did!!!

liberals would be up in arms screaming about censorship and rightly so

now Kerry is demanding that Bush do this.....unbelievable

if the citizenry has something to say, let them be heard.....95% of our politicians are dishonest 95% of the time....i dont think thats much of a reach


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Mar 14, 2001
dr. freeze said:
if the citizenry has something to say, let them be heard.....95% of our politicians are dishonest 95% of the time....i dont think thats much of a reach

I'll give you that... I don't think that's much of a reach at all. Actually, the estimate may be low in my opinion. It really is just a very, very corrupt profession.


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Jun 18, 2002
Hopefully this will lead to something so it can be stopped in the next election. It will be harder to stop people like Moore and the much more dangerous Murdoch but it is a good start.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
I guess part of it stems from the fact that alot of Fareheit was true. Not all of it by any stretch, but scenes like 7 minutes after the tower hit, or Bush in Texas for the whole summer leading up to 9/11 and ignoring briefings on bin laden. There is no truth to the swift boat vets, as each one gets rebuked one by one. The Texas based Bush political machine plays dirty politics and is the only thing they know. Look what they did to McCain. The only way they know how to win is to smear. I have never seen a sitting president run a more negative campaign. Why is this? Because he has nothing to run on.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
your blind partisanship allows you to say that there is no truth to the swift boat vets.....

looking at it objectively, i think much of what they say is true although i think it may be a little embellished....

a "negative campaign" is ESSENTIAL in America.....we MUST know the character of our politicians and since most of them are very dishonest people, this is especially paramount

big joe

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Forum Member
Jan 20, 2001
Clem D said:
I guess part of it stems from the fact that alot of Fareheit was true. Not all of it by any stretch, but scenes like 7 minutes after the tower hit, or Bush in Texas for the whole summer leading up to 9/11 and ignoring briefings on bin laden. There is no truth to the swift boat vets, as each one gets rebuked one by one. The Texas based Bush political machine plays dirty politics and is the only thing they know. Look what they did to McCain. The only way they know how to win is to smear. I have never seen a sitting president run a more negative campaign. Why is this? Because he has nothing to run on.

Clem, how can you say that all the swift boat points have been proven untrue? I've yet to hear anyone on the right say that,,only those only the left and many veterans that are democrat are saying it's true.
I hate all this crap as much as anybody,,but we might never know the real truth.


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Kerry, Bush escalate battle over Vietnam ads


Texas, USA: Democrat John Kerry asked the Federal Election Commission on Friday to force a group accused of collaborating with the Bush campaign to withdraw ads challenging his service in Vietnam as the presidential race took a decidedly bitter turn.

Bush's campaign advisers denied any involvement in advertisements by the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and the White House, in a new line of attack, criticized Kerry for "losing his cool" over the accusations.

President George W. Bush and his top political adviser have long-standing ties to people who helped finance the ads, which accuse Kerry of lying about his service record in Vietnam.

Kerry frequently cites his military record, which his supporters contrast with that of Bush, who spent the war in the United States serving in the Texas Air National Guard. Some Democrats have accused Bush of going absent without leave from the guard, citing gaps in his attendance record.

The Kerry campaign alleged the Swift Boat group violated "the law with inaccurate ads that are illegally coordinated with the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign and Republican National Committee."

The Kerry campaign said there is "overwhelming evidence" that the group is coordinating its spending on advertising and other activities with the Bush campaign.

Aides to Kerry cited a flyer distributed by Republicans in Florida promoting a weekend rally sponsored in part by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

Bush campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel denied any coordination with the Swift Boat group, calling it "a frivolous complaint."

John O'Neill, a member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, called it "completely frivolous" and "a direct assault on the First Amendment of the United States."

Proving "coordination" between the campaign and the Swift Boat group could be difficult and time consuming.

"It's not a short process. Cases vary depending on their complexity," said Ian Stirton, spokesman for the FEC.

Kerry escalated the battle over the Swift Boat ads on Thursday by charging that the group was "a front for the Bush campaign" funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Republican contributor in Texas, Bush's home state.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan described the Republican donor, Bob Perry, as "a supporter" of the president, and acknowledged Perry's personal ties with Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove.

"But that still shouldn't be used to draw any connection there because we have not been involved in this ad whatsoever," McClellan told reporters near Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch.

McClellan said Kerry was "angry" about the advertising campaign, adding: "His losing his cool shouldn't be an excuse to falsely attack the president."

Bush campaign chairman Marc Racicot said in an interview on CNN that Kerry looked "wild-eyed" talking about it.

Kerry campaign spokesman David Wade responded tersely: "Maybe if George Bush had seen combat up close, his hired gun mouthpiece wouldn't be so flip about the dishonest and dishonorable attack funded by the President's Texas pals."

Kerry aides compared Bush's new line of attack against Kerry to the campaign mounted by Bush's allies in the 2000 Republican primary race to portray Sen. John McCain as too "unstable" and temperamental to be president.

The White House has declined to specifically condemn the Swift Boat commercials, and the group announced yesterday that it would launch a new round of television ads next week with spots in three states where Kerry has touted his military service.

The White House, instead, has challenged Kerry to join Bush in calling for an end to all ads funded by unrestricted donations, including those questioning Bush's service in the National Guard.

Kerry has condemned one of those ads, but McClellan says his campaign has actively fueled some of the attacks.

Over the last 12 months, groups favoring the Democrats have spent $63.5 million on ads attacking Bush, according to the Bush campaign, which filed its own FEC complaint earlier this year alleging "coordination" between Kerry and the left-leaning groups.

Perry has contributed $200,000 to Swift Boat Veterans, according to an analysis by Texans for Public Justice, a nonpartisan research organization that tracks money in Texas politics.

Records show Perry is also a long-time Bush supporter. He contributed $46,000 to Bush's 1994 and 1998 campaigns for Texas governor, and has contributed the maximum allowable $2,000 to Bush's current reelection.

Perry also worked with Rove as early as 1986 when Perry served as campaign treasurer for Republican gubernatorial candidate William Clements and Rove served as a campaign consultant and fundraiser, Texans for Public Justice said.

Perry was the largest single contributor to the Texas Republican Party during the 2002 election cycle, giving $905,000.


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John Kerry's Magical Mystery Tour
Written by Barbara Stock

Questions continue to appear faster than answers these days about John Kerry?s ever-changing four months as a swift boat captain in Viet Nam.

The latest scuffle involves a cast of characters including the Reverend David Alston, Fred Short, Captain Ted Peck, and, of course, John Kerry.

David Alston stood before the crowd and recalled the many harrowing experiences he had shared with his good friend and former captain, John Kerry.

Alston kept the crowd in a rapt and hushed silence as he professed his undying love and devotion to his good friend. ''I know him from a small boat in Vietnam where we fought and bled together serving our country. We usually patrolled the narrow waterways of the Mekong Delta, flanked on both sides by thick jungle. After combat engagements Lieutenant Kerry always took the time to calm us down, to bring us back to reality, to give us hope, to show us what we truly had within ourselves. I came to love and respect him as a man I could trust with life itself.''

It sounds like a movie script. Doesn?t a vision of Tom Hanks leading his band of men in search of Pvt. Ryan across France spring to mind? Eating together, sleeping together, protecting each other in battle in the steamy jungles of Viet Nam, and the brave young captain comforting his crew in hard times. Yes, David Alston managed to cram all of these experiences into the six days he actually served on John Kerry?s swift boat PCF-94. Not only that, he became devoted to a man with whom he actually only saw combat a total of two times. That?s right--twice.

The history of PCF-94 is interesting. The skipper prior to John Kerry was a man named Ted Peck. Captain Peck and David Alston were both injured on January 29, 1969, and airlifted out for medical care.

On January 30, 1969, John Kerry took command of PCF-94. A man named Fred Short took David Alston?s place on Kerry?s new boat. Fred Short clearly remembers the day he joined Kerry?s crew because it was his birthday, February 18, 1969. Short remained on PCF-94 until March 4 and stated that Alston returned to the boat a ''couple of days later.'' John Kerry left PCF-94 after receiving his third purple heart just after March 13, 1969. Those dates are part of the official record showing Alston served a total of one week, maximum, under John Kerry?s command.

According to Kerry?s own written reports, he had no missions from March 1 to March 10. From March 10 to the time he wrote his last report on March 13, he wrote reports for four missions. The missions of March 10 and 11 reveal no enemy contact.

March 12, 1969, brought the first combat David Alston saw with John Kerry. Fighting was reported as heavy, but there were no casualties or injuries reported.

March 13 is the now infamous day that bought John Kerry his Bronze Star and his third Purple Heart. Four boats were involved in this particular mission. PCF-3 struck a mine and was disabled. There seems to be some confusion on the part of Jim Rassman, the man Kerry pulled from the water, as to which boat he was actually on. At the convention, he stated he was on Kerry?s boat but in other interviews, he claims he was on PCF-3 and was blown off when it struck the mine along with three other men. There are many conflicting reports on what happened after that mine exploded with the majority of those present saying there was no incoming enemy fire as remembered by Rassman but only outgoing cover-fire that he may have confused for enemy fire. Giving Mr. Rassman the benefit of the doubt, he had just been blown off some boat and may well have been dazed. It?s odd that man who can vividly describe how John Kerry saved him cannot remember what boat he was actually on at the time.

That was John Kerry and David Alston?s second and last shared combat experience.

Also interesting are the apparent foggy memories of John Kerry himself about his time with David Alston. Posted on John Kerry?s official website was this description of Kerry?s recollection of when Alston was wounded. Reported by the Boston Globe the following report was quickly removed after it became obvious that it was a total fabrication. "The campaign summarize[d] action that took place on Jan. 29, 1969, this way: 'While Kerry's boat and another (PCF-72) were probing a canal along the river, Kerry's boat came under heavy fire and was hit by a B-40 rocket in the cabin area. One member of Kerry's crew Forward Gunner David Alston suffered shrapnel wounds in his head....' '' The campaign website also listed two other incidents that took place prior to January 29 as having occurred under Kerry's leadership.

Ted Peck was not thrilled to read about John Kerry taking credit for missions that Kerry never participated in--on a boat he didn?t take command of until January 30, 1969. The Kerry website has now removed all of the military documentation it once bragged endlessly about being proud to post. John Kerry?s ''band of brothers'' has been gagged by the boss and may only give interviews after Kerry has approved them.

Other statements made by David Alston:

''We were in a lot of firefights. You learn a lot about people. After a firefight, John would come up to me and he would put his hand on me and he'd say, 'David, are you all right?? I stand here before you only because almighty God saw our boat safely through those rivers of death and destruction, by giving us a brave, wise, and decisive leader named John Kerry.''

''I can still see him now, standing in the doorway of the pilothouse, firing his M-16, shouting orders through the smoke and chaos. Even wounded, or confronting sights no man should ever have to see, he never lost his cool.''

Those are powerful words from a man who served one week with John Kerry. Is it possible to discern that a man is fit to be the leader of the free world based on four missions with only two incidents of combat 35 years ago? David Alston also related, vividly, the event that led to Kerry?s Silver Medal (February 28, 1969) and said he knew Kerry was a man who would ''take it to Charlie'' when Kerry bravely beached their boat and pursued the enemy. The problem is that Alston was not there. Alston was still in the hospital recovering from the injuries he received on January 29.

Men who served on boats around John Kerry in Viet Nam and Steve Gardner, who was under Kerry?s command, say that John Kerry and his band of brothers? recollection of those days are hazy at best and often fabricated at its worst. These men have been vilified in the media and by the Kerry camp as partisans, hacks, and liars.

What the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are doing now is just an extension of what they did for their country in Viet Nam--protect the American people from enemies both foreign and domestic. Thirty-five years ago the enemy was foreign and now they are warning Americans about a man who has taken four short months and glorified his service to the point of unbelievability, absconded with other men?s records, received questionable honors and medals, related on the floor of the Senate events ''seared'' in his memory that didn?t happen, and now claims that those four months make him deserving of the presidency. If not for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Kerry might have been able to carry out this gross charade on the American people. John Kerry was barely fit for command in Viet Nam. Kerry is certainly not fit for command now.

About the Writer: Barbara is a registered nurse who enjoys writing about politics and current events. She has a website at http://www.republicanandproud.com/. Barbara receives e-mail at dickens502003@yahoo.com.


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Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
I think Kerry should just start running ads with Bush totally shitt faced stumbling around trying to take a urine test. And say he was unable to pass a drug test to go to Vietnam.

Then have another with him driving one off his whores to the abortion clinic.

Maybe a final one with Mrs. Bush driving drunk committing a little vehicular homicide. Doesn't matter if its all 100% true, just throw the shitt out there. Bush wants to run a smear campaign as usual, I would bury his ass in embarrassing half truths.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
"""I guess part of it stems from the fact that alot of Fareheit was true. Not all of it by any stretch, but scenes like 7 minutes after the tower hit, or Bush in Texas for the whole summer leading up to 9/11 and ignoring briefings on bin laden. There is no truth to the swift boat vets, as each one gets rebuked one by one""""


fahrenheit has debunked ad nauseum in books and articles to numerous to mention....

it seems to some that if you say something enough times it becomes the truth....to some that don`t care to take the time to read...


keep trying...

as far as the swift boat mess,who cares?.....it`s political and it`s one side`s account vs another....kerry should have had the foresight to realize that if he pounded on the "my military service" door long enough,somebody was gonna call him on it...

who`s right?...

who cares?...

people should be talking about issues...you say bush ignored briefings on bin laden....that should be an issue....

as should kerry`s congressional record....or lack thereof due to chronic and habitual absenteeism...

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
dr. freeze said:
your blind partisanship allows you to say that there is no truth to the swift boat vets.....

looking at it objectively, i think much of what they say is true although i think it may be a little embellished....

a "negative campaign" is ESSENTIAL in America.....we MUST know the character of our politicians and since most of them are very dishonest people, this is especially paramount

My blind partisanship? You are a funny kid. I have searched your threads at nauseum, and am yet to find any that are not pro conservative. I have voted for Republicans before. Reagan and the Bush with honor. So looking at it objectively you can't see how the ring leaders of this all have ties to bush? There has not been anyone of them that has appeared on Tv that have not been discredited.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
kerry is a bitch :142lmao:

Your ability to debate is amazing. How do you back up that Kerry is a bitch?

Bush is a draft dodger, a guy who could not handle alcohol and drugs, and chokes on pretzels and falls off his bike. He also can't speak in full sentences.

See I can back all of those up. Maybe you identify with all of those above mentioned characteristics?
I'll wait while you get someone to translate this for you.


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
as should kerry`s congressional record....or lack thereof due to chronic and habitual absenteeism" That's exactly what I was speaking of 6 months ago, when I said there was plenty of valid reasons to take Kerry to task. V

and freeze seriously my credibility to you is of no matter, the truth is Bush can't run on anything except smear dirty negative politics. He did it to McCain & his father did it to Dukakis with the tank & Willie Horton thing. All I'm saying is Bush has more skeletons in his closet than anyone, Kerry should start hammering away with them.

Do you refute Bush used cocaine? Was a drunk? Couldn't pass a physical in national guard? Flynt said he had a doctor & 5 friends of some woman who Bush drove to a abortion clinic. Who knows if its true, just throw them on television. Bush s people would.

Its become sad pathetic and embarrassing, the whole Florida debacle last election and all this negative campaigning. But obviously to the American public it works.

Bush s campaign manager wouldn't even answer Russet as he asked 3 straight times will the president debate Kerry 3 times. Its not about issues, its about smear and negativity, so I would hammer away at Bush, the skeletons are certainly there.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Clem D said:
My blind partisanship? You are a funny kid. I have searched your threads at nauseum, and am yet to find any that are not pro conservative. I have voted for Republicans before. Reagan and the Bush with honor. So looking at it objectively you can't see how the ring leaders of this all have ties to bush? There has not been anyone of them that has appeared on Tv that have not been discredited.

i have a conservative worldview...and you dont find any thread which contradicts that? amazing....

you blindly believe whatever fits your political opinion.....thats a real thinker

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001

Kerry disgraced every Vietnam veteran DURING the Vietnam War; hampered the US war effort by demoralizing the troops/fueling anti-American sentiment and also disgraced the same troops he served with....

then he disgraced the battlefield at the DNC

now he is paying the piper after this pissed a lot of vets....


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
1) I never said Bush was running on his past, I said if that is the type of campaign bushes people want to run (Rove & Co.), Kerry should start hammering away at Bushs skeletons.

2) Virtually every unbiased national poll says Veterans are 60/40 in favor of Bush, so quiet obviously not every veteran feels disgraced. Contrary 100% of those that served WITH HIM SUPPORT HIM. also those are national numbers & most don't know sh it about Kerry besides rhetoric. In Massachusetts where veterans know him and witnessed what he did for POW & MIAS during the 80' s he has much greater percentage of support.

3) He hampered the Vietnam War efforts? I can't believe you can actually State this! If he did, thank Christ! I would say 60 thousand Americans dead for absolutely no reason was enough ,would you? get real freeze, virtually every human being alive now recognizes Vietnam was a complete disaster and mistake.

4) disgrace the battlefield at dnc?? Not even sure exactly what this means, but I was at Charlestown Navy yard & fleet Center during the convention, thousands and thousands of veterans were there supporting Kerry. Additionally all union fire & police were also.

5) paying the Piper. Only if you listened to guys like George Elliott, that has changed his mind 5 or 6 separate times. The guy has been in Boston supporting Kerry during his Senate campaigns since the 80s. Read the original Navy records. Obviously Bush pays well to get people to contradict their own writings, what a joke.

Lastly I'm not saying Bush is running on his past. I'm saying he runs consistent negative dirty campaigns. So did his father, maybe its the CIA Black op background, I have no clue. But its obvious they will undercut anyone in their way. Even there own like McCain. The same McCain btw who has much more respect for Kerry than Bush. All I'm saying is fight fire with fire, Bush has more skeletons than anyone Hart, Nixon, Clinton, certainly Kerry. I'm just saying utilize them. I'd like to see some commercials with Bush excepting Saudi Arabia bag money and such, having some dark blend Arabian Coffee with Bin Ladins. Little back yard barbecue with Kenneth Lay commercials. It would be good for him. Unless you don't believe turn about is fair play?


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Jun 18, 2002
Freeze once again you make no sense at all. You say we should know about the past of our candidates because it shows their character. But all Murdochs Bitch Bush has to do is say he is not running on his past you jump on his band wagon. Murdoch cannot run Bush on his record so he runs a smear campaign against his opponent. Not too hard to see thru seeing as how he did the same to McCain. I will believe the guys on the boat with Kerry, the ones who served with him. The others can go to Hell.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"I will believe the guys on the boat with Kerry, the ones who served with him. The others can go to Hell."

You believe Kerry was shot 3 times---- Sandusky

You believe Kerry could have pulled Rassman on board from netting from bough of boat and dove in water at same time.--Rassman/Langhofer

You believe 2 boats for sure mayby 3 with quad 50's M-60's and many m-16s can miss hitting a VC that was reported 15 yards (per Rood)from shore, yet this VC who miraculously escape such firepower runs behind hooch and simply waits for Kerry to dock boat,jump out of boat and cap him with a pistol----Rood

If they told you they saw Santa Claus and Reindeer while they were in Cambodia on Christmas would you beieve it ;)
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