Did Bush ever demand Kerry stop Michael Moore/George Soros attacks?


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
believe the guys on the boat with Kerry, the ones who served with him. The others can go to Hell."

Stevie, I agree with you on more things than not, however I feel strongly we should not disrespect anyone who has served this country. I think we all get a little overzealous in these political threads.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Bush is a draft dodger, a guy who could not handle alcohol and drugs, and chokes on pretzels and falls off his bike.

Clem had to laugh at the falling off bike especially when I found article.

"Mr. Bush, who is widely ridiculed by liberals and Democrats as dumb and incompetent, suffered "minor abrasions and scratches" in the accident, which came near the end of a 17-mile mountain bike ride on his Texas ranch Saturday."

However what struck me odd was, one mans folly is anothers gain.Kerry with same medical charts of "minor scratches and abrasions" + one contusion(bruise)on 3 purple hearts turns it into a ticket out of Nam and possible road to white house.Go figure


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
shamrock said:
1) I never said Bush was running on his past, I said if that is the type of campaign bushes people want to run (Rove & Co.), Kerry should start hammering away at Bushs skeletons.

Lastly I'm not saying Bush is running on his past. I'm saying he runs consistent negative dirty campaigns. So did his father, maybe its the CIA Black op background, I have no clue. But its obvious they will undercut anyone in their way. Even there own like McCain. The same McCain btw who has much more respect for Kerry than Bush. All I'm saying is fight fire with fire


Published: August 22, 2004

WASHINGTON ? It's easy for the Bushes to stay gallant. They delegate the gutter.

There are always third-party political assassins, ostensibly independent, to do the dynasty wet work.

W.'s old pal and running partner, Lee Atwater, set up the Bush modus operandi: Lay in the weeds while craftily planting plausibly deniable surrogates to slice up your rival.

The New Yorker editor David Remnick, writing in Esquire in 1986, limned the 1980 Congressional race in South Carolina's Second District "between Atwater's man, Republican Floyd Spence, and a Faulknerian figure named Tom Turnipseed At one press briefing, Atwater planted a reporter who rose and said, 'We understand Turnipseed has had psychotic treatment.' Atwater played it cool and refused to comment, but later told the reporters off the record, 'In college I understand he got hooked up to jumper cables.' "

Karl Rove is Atwater's prot?g? on jumper cable politics.

The weird thing is, given how transparently the Bushes play the game of staying above the fray even as their creepy-crawly surrogates do dishonorable and undignified things, their rivals always seem caught off guard when the third parties show up to rip their throats out.

The phlegmatic Michael Dukakis never knew what hit him with Mr. Atwater's Frankenstein monster Willie Horton coming at him in a third party scare ad and G.O.P. smear leaflets and letters.

John McCain should have known what was coming in South Carolina, but he acted stunned and hurt when he was hit with the Atwater/Rove mud treatment by shadowy Bush supporters.

Just as the Bush campaign dragged out fringe veteran surrogates in South Carolina to slime the former P.O.W. for being antiveteran, now the stomach-turning Swift boat attackers are sliming a war hero as a war criminal.

They started their vengeful and brazen campaign in May, after plotting since winter. But John Kerry is only now forcefully responding - though he should have had a response ready, since the Nixon tool John O'Neill has dogged him since '71.

Charging on Thursday that Mr. Bush wants the Swift boat sleazoids "to do his dirty work," Mr. Kerry reached for yet another Vietnam reference and water metaphor: "When you're under attack, the best thing to do is turn your boat into the attack."

The Skipper would do well to get a swifter boat. How pathetic is it that he's playing defense on Vietnam when W. didn't even serve?

Bill Clinton implied two weeks ago that Mr. Kerry was acting sluggish. "Whenever they hit me, I hit 'em back," he told Jon Stewart. "And whenever they came up with a charge I didn't believe was true, I answered back."

Reports in The New York Times and The Washington Post last week made it clear that the vile Swift boaters have told wildly varying accounts, sometimes supportive of Mr. Kerry.

The Times revealed that Swift Boat Veterans for Truth - is that like the administration's Clear Skies Act for spewing pollution? - has a trellis of ties to Karl Rove, the Bush family and Bush supporters. "A Texas publicist who once helped prepare Mr. Bush's father for his debate when he was running for vice president provided them with strategic advice," Kate Zernike and Jim Rutenberg wrote. Indeed, it was the same woman who worked for a third party group that slimed Mr. McCain on the environment in the 2000 primaries.

And the group's ad was produced by the Dukakis tank ad wizards.

The Kerry camp knows the Swift boat snipers are hurting the Democrat and fears the Bush oppo campaign will soon move from tarnishing Mr. Kerry's war record to dwell on his days as a shaggy-haired antiwar spokesman. The White House must tear down his heroism before it can tear down his patriotism.

Meanwhile, the Bush crew is shamelessly doing to Mr. Kerry what it once did to Mr. McCain: suggesting that the decorated Vietnam vet has snakes in his head and a temperament problem. "Senator Kerry appears to have lost his cool," Scott McClellan told reporters in Crawford on Friday. And the Bush campaign chairman, Marc Racicot, said on CNN that Mr. Kerry looked "wild-eyed" responding to Swift boat muck.

It makes sense for W. to use surrogates to do his fighting, just as he did when he slid out of Vietnam and just as he did when he sent our troops to fight his administration's misbegotten vanity war in Iraq.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Put 9/11 on as a TV movie of the week. Rerun it at least 3 more times. Let the American people deside as they have to with these adds.
There is a difference. These adds are in your face all the time. It's like no escape now for 12 months already. At least the movie you had to get up off your ass and go buy a ticket. So even it up alittle. Make it free.
Last edited:


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Kerry hires online chief from MoveOn

Kerry hires online chief from MoveOn

From John Mercurio
CNN Political Unit
Wednesday, April 7, 2004 Posted: 3:53 PM EDT (1953 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- John Kerry has hired an Internet-savvy Democrat to run his presidential campaign's online communications, a move that raises new questions about the link between his campaign and the independent groups that run TV ads on his behalf.

Zach Exley, the director of special projects for the MoveOn PAC, is going to the Kerry campaign to become its director of online communications and organization.

Exley also worked during the Democratic presidential primary for Howard Dean, helping Dean set up his web-based organization.

Since Kerry became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in early March, the MoveOn PAC has spent more than $2.5 million on TV ads that attack President Bush.

But under the new campaign-finance law, those efforts cannot be coordinated with the Kerry campaign.

A MoveOn statement said Exley and the staff of all MoveOn entities have agreed that they will not be in contact through the election period to avoid the appearance of coordination, "even though federal election rules permit some forms of communication."

MoveOn has spent roughly $17 million on ads since it started running its "misleader" campaign against Bush last year.

Republicans said Exley's move reinforces their accusations that Kerry and his Democratic allies are circumventing the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law they fought so hard to enact. (GOP challenges anti-Bush ads)

"It's another example of the coordination between MoveOn.org and the Kerry campaign that is illegal under campaign finance law," a Bush campaign official said.

"The Media Fund and MoveOn are functioning as Kerry's slush fund, a shadow Democratic Party that's illegally using soft dollars."

MoveOn became the subject of controversy early this year when it posted two ads on its Web site that compared Bush to Adolf Hitler. The ads were submitted to the group as part of a contest to produce anti-Bush commercials, and Republican Chairman Ed Gillespie said Exley dismissed Republican complaints about them with a barnyard expletive.

"In addition to the obvious questions his hiring raises about further illegal coordination between the Kerry campaign and MoveOn.org, you have to wonder what hiring someone who considers Hitler comparisons to be legitimate political discourse says about the Kerry campaign," Gillespie said in a statement issued Wednesday


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Nov 4, 2000
What part of Hiltler did they think Bush was most like?


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Not only That...

Not only That...

Democrats weigh fallout from Hollowell's solicitation charge
August 20, 2004, 5:48 PM

LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- Allegations that former Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Melvin "Butch" Hollowell solicited a prostitute are unlikely to hurt either his close friend, Gov. Jennifer Granholm, or the campaign of presidential candidate John Kerry even if proved true, two political observers said Friday.

Hollowell joined the Kerry campaign's national legal team earlier this month after stepping down as party chairman. On Friday, the Kerry campaign issued a statement saying Hollowell has resigned from the unpaid position and the campaign has accepted his resignation.

Michigan State University political science professor David Rohde sees no reason for Kerry to be affected by the allegations against Hollowell.

"If Hollowell was running for re-election right now, this would not be a good thing," because such an allegation reflects on a candidate's judgment and character, Rohde said. "But if it's a person who knows the candidate, it's not the same thing."

Hollowell has issued a statement saying the incident was "all a gross misunderstanding" and that he's confident that he will be completely cleared. He said he had noticed a woman a few blocks from his home who appeared to be in distress, waving her arms, and that he stopped and asked if she needed help.

He offered to take her to the 12th Precinct police station a few blocks away, but she declined and asked him to drop her off at a house around the corner. Moments later, he said, he was pull over by law enforcement officers.

"I am grateful that the police are working to try to clean up soliciting, since this is my neighborhood. I want it cleaned up, too," said Hollowell, who lives in the affluent Palmer Woods neighborhood of Detroit with his wife and two children.

Contacted Friday by The Associated Press, he declined to say anything further.

"The statement says it all," he said.

Wayne County Sheriff's Department deputies stopped Hollowell's vehicle around 8 p.m. Tuesday east of Woodward Avenue on Grixdale Street in Detroit, near Palmer Woods. He and the woman with him each were issued citations, and Hollowell's vehicle was towed and impounded, department spokesman John Roach said.

Hollowell, a 44-year-old attorney with the Butzel Long law firm, will appear in court Tuesday. His attorney, Gerald Evelyn, said Hollowell may have more to say Monday afternoon.

Hollowell told the governor's office Thursday that he'll step down from an unpaid position Granholm appointed him to last week on the Michigan Civil Rights Commission. His appointment was subject to consent of the state Senate, which is controlled by Republicans.

The governor and her family are close friends and political allies of Hollowell's. Granholm's backing got him the Democratic nomination for secretary of state in 2002 and, when he lost that race, the party chairmanship in 2003.

He stepped down as party chairman on Aug. 3 to join the Kerry campaign. His departure ended an awkward, 18-month-old shared-power arrangement under which he handled the chairman's traditional duties and acted as the party's chief spokesman while Executive Chairman Mark Brewer set up the presidential caucuses and ran the party's day-to-day operations.

Asked Friday if the governor expects any repercussions from the charge Hollowell faces, Granholm spokeswoman Liz Boyd had a one-word answer: "No."

Tom Shields of Lansing-based Marketing Resource Group, which often works with GOP candidates, said those who know Hollowell find what's happening unbelievable.

"Butch was the governor's person in the party. That potentially leaves a real void," he said.

Brewer declined to comment, other than to say that "our thoughts and prayers are with Butch, (wife) Desiree and his family during this difficult time."

Craig Ruff of Lansing-based Public Sector Consultants said he doesn't see any political fallout for Kerry or Granholm even if Hollowell is found guilty of solicitation -- which Ruff points out hasn't happened.

"Butch Hollowell has a formal role (in the Kerry campaign), but ... not at the chief of staff or campaign manager or running mate level," Ruff said. "History is loaded with these kind of family scandals. ... I just don't see a repercussion for Democratic fortunes."


Forum Member
Heh, heh, heh. looks like the Demoncats can never keep their zippers up around boys or girls. And this after the the McGeevey scandal I*wait a minute I just got an E-Mail, chortles to himself and starts to hum.* OOOPS! Oh Well boys will be boys

Bush Advisor Quits, Past Sexual Harassment Charge Resurfaces

Deal Hudson, the Bush campaign?s Catholic advisor and publisher of the conservative Catholic journal ?Crisis?, has quit after what he says are ?personal attacks? over a past sexual harassment charge from a former female student. Hudson was an associate professor of philosophy at Fordham University.

"It is now being dug up, I believe, for political reasons," wrote Hudson in an online edition of National Review magazine. The sexual harassment charge according to The New York Times entailed Hudson making sexual advances toward a student while she was intoxicated at a local bar (which resulted in Hudson?s resignation from his teaching post). Hudson commented on the accusation saying, ?The matter was satisfactorily resolved long ago.?

?While I have no intention of being dissuaded by personal attacks, I will not allow lowbrow tactics to distract from the critically important issues in this election," Hudson wrote. "While I remain fervently committed to supporting President Bush's re-election, I think it best that I no longer play a role as an adviser in this year's campaign."


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I like your editorial from MAUREEN DOWD of the NEW York times.
--a truely unbiased opinion :)

"The Kerry camp knows the Swift boat snipers are hurting the Democrat and fears the Bush oppo campaign will soon move from tarnishing Mr. Kerry's war record to dwell on his days as a shaggy-haired antiwar spokesman. The White House must tear down his heroism before it can tear down his patriotism."

--and what heroism---Maybe somehow it wasn't him speaking in the latest adds.Did they pull a Micheal Moore and cut and paste and splice para phrase's.The NY Times raved on Micheal Moore doc and reprint Moveon.org articles and then whine like little bitches when vets have their say on issue. Whats killing them is this low cost ad has had more impact than the millions Soros-Moveon ect have spent. However they are not on such short shoe strings now and will air them in many more states as their donations from veterns and others has increased over 100 fold since adds were released--excuse me while I go make a contribution myself--just wish it was tax deductible :)
P.S. Read where Bush people are putting their money on adds on Kerry's past voting records--or lack there of.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl

Why do you conveniently ignore the fact that Maureen Dowd was absolutely relentless in bashing Clinton when he was in office? Or maybe you just don't care to remember *that*. Give me a break.

Maybe you two guys are mixing her up with Molly Ivins. Honest mistake.

But even beyond that, it wasn't really that much of an 'opinion' piece. Do you two guys have any rebuttal at all about the FACTS that she presents about how the Bush's/Rove etal have carried on during campaigns? These are well-known FACTS that she cites. Any comments?

I suppose it's a lot easier to just wink and chuckle and say 'heh-heh, NY Times'.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
The New Yorker editor David Remnick, writing in Esquire in 1986, limned the 1980 Congressional race in South Carolina's Second District "between Atwater's man, Republican Floyd Spence, and a Faulknerian figure named Tom Turnipseed At one press briefing, Atwater planted a reporter who rose and said, 'We understand Turnipseed has had psychotic treatment.' Atwater played it cool and refused to comment, but later told the reporters off the record, 'In college I understand he got hooked up to jumper cables.' "

Karl Rove is Atwater's prot?g? on jumper cable politics.

The phlegmatic Michael Dukakis never knew what hit him with Mr. Atwater's Frankenstein monster Willie Horton coming at him in a third party scare ad and G.O.P. smear leaflets and letters.

John McCain should have known what was coming in South Carolina, but he acted stunned and hurt when he was hit with the Atwater/Rove mud treatment by shadowy Bush supporters.

Just as the Bush campaign dragged out fringe veteran surrogates in South Carolina to slime the former P.O.W. for being antiveteran, now the stomach-turning Swift boat attackers are sliming a war hero as a war criminal.

How pathetic is it that he's playing defense on Vietnam when W. didn't even serve?

The Times revealed that Swift Boat Veterans for Truth - is that like the administration's Clear Skies Act for spewing pollution? - has a trellis of ties to Karl Rove, the Bush family and Bush supporters. "A Texas publicist who once helped prepare Mr. Bush's father for his debate when he was running for vice president provided them with strategic advice," Kate Zernike and Jim Rutenberg wrote. Indeed, it was the same woman who worked for a third party group that slimed Mr. McCain on the environment in the 2000 primaries.

And the group's ad was produced by the Dukakis tank ad wizards.

(I realize that you were only 2 or 3 years old in 1988, Freeze, but surely you've heard about the tank incident. How about Willie Horton?)

It makes sense for W. to use surrogates to do his fighting, just as he did when he slid out of Vietnam and just as he did when he sent our troops to fight his administration's misbegotten vanity war in Iraq.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
these are all opinionated left wing garbage

Karl Rove is _______ great fact....nothign more than name-calling we hear nightly from any dem. pundit

the "planted" reporter who asked a legitmate question...lmao....what made the rest of the media not ask this question????

what exactly was the "mud" treatment thrown at John McCain? and how is it worse then inflammatory things said in this article about the Iraq war?

how pathetic is it that he is playing defense _______ are you kidding me? the way this guy slandered thousands of vets while they were still over there fighting? what was more of a hindrance...Bush not going to Vietnam or Kerry coming back and disgracing everyone still over there?

and Maureen Dowd and the rest of you ignore this whole issue when Clinton ran, when it was Gore vs. Bush, but now it is an issue because you have a vet? do i sense a little bit of hypocrisy?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Karl Rove is _______ great fact....nothign more than name-calling we hear nightly from any dem. pundit

See below.

what exactly was the "mud" treatment thrown at John McCain? and how is it worse then inflammatory things said in this article about the Iraq war?

Karl Rove orchestrated a 'forced poll' during the 2000 primaries in South Carolina where pollsters asked citizens, ' if John McCain fathered an illegitimate black child, would it make it you less likely to vote for him'. This finished McCains presidential hopes just 4 years ago. Look it up.

how pathetic is it that he is playing defense _______ are you kidding me? the way this guy slandered thousands of vets while they were still over there fighting? what was more of a hindrance...Bush not going to Vietnam or Kerry coming back and disgracing everyone still over there?

As has been mentioned many times here, he was against the war, yet he still went and fought. Clinton was against the war and he ducked. Bush and Cheney were FOR the war as long as it wasn't them that had to go. The ultimate f*cking chickenhawks.

And if there weren't 'hindrances' like Kerry xmillions, we might still be over there.

and Maureen Dowd and the rest of you ignore this whole issue when Clinton ran, when it was Gore vs. Bush, but now it is an issue because you have a vet? do i sense a little bit of hypocrisy?

Wrong. This has only to do with very dirty politics. I see you didn't comment on my 1988 references. It's systemic within the Bush machine. That was the point of Dowd's article and she's right.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Lets see.. Who is more biased Maureen Dowd, or Anne Coulder or Michelle Malkin. Call me crazy but at least Dowd ahs been been critical of both libs and Cons. The other two have never ciricized Acting President Bush and his bosses Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.


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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Clem I would agree they are equally biased.

Something I have found interesting is the bias in supposedly unbiased source such asFactcheck.org
Was reading its article
and was amazed how they leave out every proven contradiction and print only what suits their cause.
Nothing in here about Sanduskies proven lies-they report on Washington Post article and quote reporter from Chicago Tribune but "just happen" to omit part of quote that was blantant lie of Kerry diving in water. Maybe they should rename it facts we want you to know.org

The longer this issue stays afloat the more stuffwill pop up.Recently discovered was while Kerry got 1st scratch (purple heart) after only few days in country they now discover in his journel that he writes 9 days after reported injury the he had yet to see enemy fire.When one of his spokesman was question on this last night he stated it was possible wound could have come from unintentional self inflicted injury.
and why does Kerry keep referring to shrapnel in the thigh when reports say buttocks confirmed by Rasmaan and Kerry in report on fraging rice bin and Kerry catching one in the ass.
---and why are these contradictions not be reported on media??????


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Its funny that you bring up Maureen Dowd. When Clinton was president, she attacked him ad nauseum much to the delight of the ultra conservative residents of this hell hole I live in called Cincinnati. However, since Bush regime has been in power, she has attacked him (not as bad mind you, but has attacked) and his policies.

You oughta see Cincinnati now. They want Maureen quarted and shot. Letters to the editor in the propoganda rag called the Cincinnati Enquirer have demanded that that fish rap stop printing her editorials. Nice open communty I live in huh. They really like discourse.

Instead of looking at both sides of an issue, the dumb, and I mean dumb, idiots of my town merely look for confirmation of there less than informed belief system. Quite scary here in hell town. Back to the issue, if you really think Dowd is liberal, go back into the archives of the Times and see what she wrote during Clintons tenure. You might be surprised.

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