You might want to reread what I wrote and the incident report again there counselor.
The report which is the first post in this thread clearly states, witnesses reported seeing the toddler washing into the lagoon. Sheriff's retorted there are no swimming signs present and there is no swimming in the pool.
Furthermore, in my post I asked why those that went so far as to blame the parents in the gorilla incident are so strangely silent about this incident. So we do know those things after all don't we?
My personal feelings are that both incidents are tragedies and sad. If there was an unsafe condition inadequately managed by Disney then I'm sure they'll have to pay.
Maybe you want to slow your roll a little bit there Barretta and get back to me about who's all over the place after a little light reading?
Hope this helps,
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Calm down. :0003
Since when do you accept witness reports as facts? I'm just confused, Holmes.