Do any of you wear this


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2004
Monument, CO
By the way when is the next golf outing.... I would like to go

Salty, Joker usually is the one to set this up..... It's been a couple years without one. The interest faded or the commitments did. Kinda like the Super bowl parties we used to have in Vegas. Things seem to fade away , unfortunately.
You have BBC BS excuses, like I have to wait till my kids grow up, or my wife can not live without me for a fucking weekend........ :facepalm:

It's kind of like celebrating the 10 year Madjack sports bar thread drinking a fucking white Zinfandel .....:mj07:
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Forum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Halal Pork Delicatessen
Salty, Joker usually is the one to set this up..... It's been a couple years without one. The interest faded or the commitments did. Kinda like the Super bowl parties we used to have in Vegas. Things seem to fade away , unfortunately.
You have BBC BS excuses, like I have to wait till my kids grow up, or my wife can not live without me for a fucking weekend........ :facepalm:

It's kind of like celebrating the 10 year Madjack sports bar thread drinking a fucking white Zinfandel .....:mj07:

I see


How about a super bowl/ golf outing week. 8 months to prepare

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