Do you love it where you live?

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Mar 14, 2001
Chanman- you mention Octoberfest from LaCrosse being the Mardi Gras of the north. Is that the same thing as the famous Blatz vs. Old Style thing they have up there??? Talk about a good time...


Forum Member
bjfinste- Never heard about Blatz vs Old Style. Blatz- thats like Hamms or Big D. Lots o good times on the Mississippi, especially on the Wisconsin side. OMFG-This could end up like that wrestling thread w/ all the input from remember buying the cheapest brand w/ your fake I.D. to what beer was best@ keggers.
P.S. I couldn't figure out the song lyrics in the other thread. Only thing that comes to my mind is: Gimmee an "F", Gimmee a "U", Gimmee a "C", etc.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country

We made a few roadies to La Crosse back when they where still brewing the nectar of the Gods there...OLD STYLE......;)
Mid 80's is when I was in school in Iowa older or younger than that?
Hadn't been up there in years until the summer of '00 when the wife and I stopped thru on our way to Bayfield and hooked up with DJV. Got a tour of town....I'd only been downtown, where all the bars are....nice town.....just imagine plenty of chicas there during the school year with UW-La Crosse and the community college.....maybe DJV can tell you if they are still as cute as they were in the 80's.......:D
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redsfann- spent lots of summers on the mighty miss from north of Davenport though. Sabula to LaCrosse. FWIW- I graduated form High School in '72: "Just cause theres snow on the roof don't mean there ain't no fire in the furnace. " Lots of GOOD TIMES.;)


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country


Dubuque is home, right?

Ugh, is it just me, or was Dubuque Star beer undrinkable?????

'72 for high school graduation? That means yer still a young 'en in my book.......;)

I was '83 from high school.....20th class reunion this summer.......:( :eek:
probably go just to see who got fat and bald and see if any of the girls I went out with back then have forgiven me by now.....that's doubtful, however......:p


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:eek: DBQ Star! Give that man a Seegar! We use to garage hunt in High school and most of what we pilfered was DBQ Star. "If it was any better it wouldn't be in the garage and if it was any worse we wouldn't have drank it."
Yup home is the Tri-State area.
High School reunions are freaky too. A couple mos ago I posted that old joke- What's the difference between a High School Reunion and a Hockey Game?
At a Hockey Game you get a chance to see a lot of fast Pucks
Good talkin to ya Quad Cities:)
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ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
LMAO, chanman!

If you ever make it back this way, let me know and we'll see if we can find us some Dubuque Star beer and go roll the bones on the riverboats.....:toast:


Forum Member
redsfann- Sounds good & It's on me. Hopefully in about 6 mos.:toast:
Loved growing up in that area, but can't take the cold weather. Out here, north of L.A., in the High desert, I am near enough to the mountains, the coast and L.V. Tomorrow forecast for Los Angeles is 80 degrees:cool:


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Oct 14, 2001
Hamilton, Ontario
Hamilton is nice - a short drive to Toronto or Niagara Falls yet still a lot to do in the area. I would advise living on the mountain rather than in Hamilton proper though since you can get the stench of burning steel down there.

Cities I've lived in include Hamilton, Toronto and Gander Newfoundland. Toronto is a great city but taxes are very high (although Canadians in general are taxed to death - about 55 cents of every dollar earned goes to some sort of taxation). You also get some pretty cold weather here. Today the temp was zero fahrenheit with a wind chill of minus 25 fahrenheit.

Gander is an absolute shithole. I wouldn't advise visiting there, let alone living there. Personally I'd rather live in Cincinnati or South Dakota than Gander again. Other places in Canada which are really nice are Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria and Ottawa. I would advise against Montreal, St. John's, Winnipeg or anywhere in Saskatchewan or the other Martime provinces. Halifax is ok I guess.
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Oct 14, 2001
Hamilton, Ontario
Mickey I'll tell you a place that you can get land for dirt cheap now and the city is really struggling but my hunch is that in 10-15 years will become booming again is Niagara Falls, NY. There is no doubt the recession hit them hard and the casino in Ontario hasn't helped them, but they are slated to get their own casino this year and they seem to have a pretty progressive mayor there now.

My hunch is that New York will be the next place to allow full range casinos again and without a doubt if they do so you'll see Niagara Falls, NY become a Las Vegas of the north. And it will attract northerners and of course honeymooners.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
If'n I'zz cood afford me sum new wheels i'd move me and my trailer up to the r.v. park in paradise. Yup, Paradise, texas. Has its own licker store right nex to it


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Nov 9, 2000

I can tell you that there has been a building boom since I moved out here about 10 years ago. It seems that when someone needs to paint their house, they buy a new one instead.The boom has reach as far west as Surprise, as north as New River, & south of Phoenix(sorry forgot the name of the city). From what I understand there is still plenty of land that needs developing, not familar where though. My suggestion is if you are interested you should tour all the areas.
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