Are you selling your house? What capital gains do you foresee having to pay taxes on.
You see hedge this is where I don't believe you. I don't believe that any of that bullshit is important to you because I don't believe you're going to have any capital gain to report or any of that shit. If you do, good for you, there still won't be any meaningful change to it regardless of who gets elected.
What I do believe is that you don't have any idea what would happen if Trump was elected or how anything would change because you don't know. Historically you have been wrong more than right at every turn when it comes to politics. You're an ideologue that prefers to be led. You'll parrot the party line no matter what, no matter the consequence. I don't think you think anything at all through when it comes to any of this, which is why you are so readily dismissed by everyone here.
At present there is no republican party, there is only anti- liberal. You have no leadership, no policy, no programs, nothing at all that would indicate to any sensible person that a conservative led government could provide for all the citizens of this county. You don't care about that though, and that is the problem. This country was never made great by hateful, selfish fanatics. It wasn't made great by capitalism or Ronald Reagan, quite the opposite, but again, you don't care about anyone else only yourself. You have young children but couldn't care less about education or the future of our country, so you toe the party line in the hopes that maybe someday you'll get to step on a less fortunate neck. The problem is, you're dependent on a social system that the Democrats designed. You're dependent upon the infrastructure that underpaid minorities built, your dependent on those you'd like to see oppressed. It's people like you that don't understand that they are the lowest common denominator. It is you that we need to "take back the country from to make it great again". I'm sorry you can't see that, but you better start trying. You are the true minority now. I know you'd like to make blacks go back to Africa and be able to shoot a Muslim on site, that's your nature, you've been a racist bigot your entire life. I can accept that, it's not like I'm ignorant enough to think that they don't exist and you're not one of them. If you're voting for Trump you're a fucking bigot, no doubt about it. So just know, sooner than you think, your type will be systematically eliminated through attrition. They don't teach racism in schools, they teach tolerance and diversity. They don't teach failed economic systems such as trickle down economics or cutting taxes to the rich enhances the economy. It's to easy to see how wrong that is. Just know hedge, you're either going to have to accept that you're just another lost stooge that's remained ignorant at the government's behest ames try to change, or be eliminated through attrition.
Hope this helps,
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Think what you want FDC, but I have reasons I am a conservative and most of them are I have money that needs to be protected. I agree the Republican party is in shambles, my vote is against Hillary, not for Trump. He is the lesser of two evils. About the only thing I agree with Trump on is building a wall to keep out the illegals. How can you even vote for a pathological liar like Hillary?