Does the election of either candidate change your daily life as it is now


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Are you selling your house? What capital gains do you foresee having to pay taxes on.

You see hedge this is where I don't believe you. I don't believe that any of that bullshit is important to you because I don't believe you're going to have any capital gain to report or any of that shit. If you do, good for you, there still won't be any meaningful change to it regardless of who gets elected.
What I do believe is that you don't have any idea what would happen if Trump was elected or how anything would change because you don't know. Historically you have been wrong more than right at every turn when it comes to politics. You're an ideologue that prefers to be led. You'll parrot the party line no matter what, no matter the consequence. I don't think you think anything at all through when it comes to any of this, which is why you are so readily dismissed by everyone here.
At present there is no republican party, there is only anti- liberal. You have no leadership, no policy, no programs, nothing at all that would indicate to any sensible person that a conservative led government could provide for all the citizens of this county. You don't care about that though, and that is the problem. This country was never made great by hateful, selfish fanatics. It wasn't made great by capitalism or Ronald Reagan, quite the opposite, but again, you don't care about anyone else only yourself. You have young children but couldn't care less about education or the future of our country, so you toe the party line in the hopes that maybe someday you'll get to step on a less fortunate neck. The problem is, you're dependent on a social system that the Democrats designed. You're dependent upon the infrastructure that underpaid minorities built, your dependent on those you'd like to see oppressed. It's people like you that don't understand that they are the lowest common denominator. It is you that we need to "take back the country from to make it great again". I'm sorry you can't see that, but you better start trying. You are the true minority now. I know you'd like to make blacks go back to Africa and be able to shoot a Muslim on site, that's your nature, you've been a racist bigot your entire life. I can accept that, it's not like I'm ignorant enough to think that they don't exist and you're not one of them. If you're voting for Trump you're a fucking bigot, no doubt about it. So just know, sooner than you think, your type will be systematically eliminated through attrition. They don't teach racism in schools, they teach tolerance and diversity. They don't teach failed economic systems such as trickle down economics or cutting taxes to the rich enhances the economy. It's to easy to see how wrong that is. Just know hedge, you're either going to have to accept that you're just another lost stooge that's remained ignorant at the government's behest ames try to change, or be eliminated through attrition.

Hope this helps,

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Think what you want FDC, but I have reasons I am a conservative and most of them are I have money that needs to be protected. I agree the Republican party is in shambles, my vote is against Hillary, not for Trump. He is the lesser of two evils. About the only thing I agree with Trump on is building a wall to keep out the illegals. How can you even vote for a pathological liar like Hillary?


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Think what you want FDC, but I have reasons I am a conservative and most of them are I have money that needs to be protected. I agree the Republican party is in shambles, my vote is against Hillary, not for Trump. He is the lesser of two evils. About the only thing I agree with Trump on is building a wall to keep out the illegals. How can you even vote for a pathological liar like Hillary?
It's very easy to vote for her when she's far more honest than Trump and all the shit she's accused of lying about is just republican propaganda. You just think she's a pathological liar because that's what all the memes said, when in fact it isn't true. She didn't lie about Benghazi, that's already proven to be true, she didn't lie about her emails, that's already proven to be true. What exactly has she lied about hedge? I know your going to go straight to a right wing rag and look it up. Instead, why don't you try looking on an actual fact checking website that offers real life proof and support for their findings rather than manufactured hate. Honestly dude, that's my biggest problem with Republicans and conservatives, they refuse to check our accept facts. You guys hear it on Fox or from Beck or Limbaugh and its gospel. In truth, those are the top three moody incorrect and uninformed news sources in our country's history. Fox has led the way for having the most uninformed viewers and the largest number of incidences of false reporting for 17 yeasts in a fucking row. Do you know how fucked up you have to be too be the most untruthful entity in the nation for 2 decades? It's almost comparable to vote blindingly drunk and stupid you'd have to be to get a DUI in 1975 prior to the stricter laws, but G.W. Bush managed it, and lied about his military service, yet you voted for him twice?
Also Trump has already started reneging on his idea to build a wall. He knows he can't do it, he lied. He lies more than any candidate in history but you either ignore it or accept it, why? He's not worth the money he claims, he isn't self funded like he claimed, he isn't a self made man, he's just a dishonest buffoon that would ruin the country faster than he ruined 7 of his businesses including casinos.
You said before you'd never vote for Trump, now here we are.

Your money is fast more protected under Hillary than any republican, just look at history bro. That's all you have to do, is just a tiny bit of research. Look how good you've had it under Obama? I dare you to try and say he's fucked yoy financially line his predecessor bush did, and Bush definitely fucked you because I have investments too. I know what happened to them when he or his dumbass dad were in office. So if that's your only reason for voting Trump, I highly suggest you check your facts and stats and make a real life, EDUCATED decision.

Hope this helps,

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Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
I highly suggest you check your facts and stats and make a real life, EDUCATED decision.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

It's hopeless, FDC. Look at what this dolt thinks is possible, his own words -

Hell will freeze over before I support a candidate that is a communist

zero tax on cap gains and dividends would be my type candidate, 10 percent on income across the board with a balanced budget, file my taxes on a postcard

There are, of course, no communists running for office.

And his recipe for a balanced budget? It is so far from reality, it's not even laughable.

He's obliviously never even bothered to look at the financial facts of government. Hell's Bells, I doubt he can balance his checkbook.


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Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country
Hell will freeze over before I support a candidate that is a communist

Sanders is anything but a communist. A communist would attempt to dismantle the entire system, while Sanders is attempting to work within it. This is just one fundamental difference between the two.

Peace! :)


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
It's very easy to vote for her when she's far more honest than Trump and all the shit she's accused of lying about is just republican propaganda. You just think she's a pathological liar because that's what all the memes said, when in fact it isn't true. She didn't lie about Benghazi, that's already proven to be true, she didn't lie about her emails, that's already proven to be true. What exactly has she lied about hedge? I know your going to go straight to a right wing rag and look it up. Instead, why don't you try looking on an actual fact checking website that offers real life proof and support for their findings rather than manufactured hate. Honestly dude, that's my biggest problem with Republicans and conservatives, they refuse to check our accept facts. You guys hear it on Fox or from Beck or Limbaugh and its gospel. In truth, those are the top three moody incorrect and uninformed news sources in our country's history. Fox has led the way for having the most uninformed viewers and the largest number of incidences of false reporting for 17 yeasts in a fucking row. Do you know how fucked up you have to be too be the most untruthful entity in the nation for 2 decades? It's almost comparable to vote blindingly drunk and stupid you'd have to be to get a DUI in 1975 prior to the stricter laws, but G.W. Bush managed it, and lied about his military service, yet you voted for him twice?
Also Trump has already started reneging on his idea to build a wall. He knows he can't do it, he lied. He lies more than any candidate in history but you either ignore it or accept it, why? He's not worth the money he claims, he isn't self funded like he claimed, he isn't a self made man, he's just a dishonest buffoon that would ruin the country faster than he ruined 7 of his businesses including casinos.
You said before you'd never vote for Trump, now here we are.

Your money is fast more protected under Hillary than any republican, just look at history bro. That's all you have to do, is just a tiny bit of research. Look how good you've had it under Obama? I dare you to try and say he's fucked yoy financially line his predecessor bush did, and Bush definitely fucked you because I have investments too. I know what happened to them when he or his dumbass dad were in office. So if that's your only reason for voting Trump, I highly suggest you check your facts and stats and make a real life, EDUCATED decision.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

She stood in front of caskets draped with American Flags With Obama and Lied to the American people on video that the attack was caused by a youtube video. ?Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.? She said it was a mob. She knew at the time that this was not true. It was a planned attack by a "Al Queda like group" She also Lied about being ?under sniper fire? during a landing on a trip to Bosnia. She is a Documented Liar pure and simple.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
She stood in front of caskets draped with American Flags With Obama and Lied to the American people on video that the attack was caused by a youtube video. ?Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.? She said it was a mob. She knew at the time that this was not true. It was a planned attack by a "Al Queda like group" She also Lied about being ?under sniper fire? during a landing on a trip to Bosnia. She is a Documented Liar pure and simple.
The Benghazi thing is a stretch at best. I'll tell you what, if that's a lie than you obviously feel Bush and Cheney lied about the wmds? Correct? So you're admitting to that straight away of course and his denial of having intelligence prior to 9/11 you readily admit to that lie? She said she misspoke about the other, much like Bill O'Reilly did?

You know what Jaxx, if that's what you're hanging your hat on to justify voting for Trump because he's the lesser of two evils, you go right ahead bro. I have nothing more to say about it or your bullshit characterization of her lying over the caskets of dead marines while yoy said shit nor piss while Bush led and committed war crimes over the dead body of every victim of 9-11 and every soldier he murdered in Iraq. He should be put on trial, yet your worried about whether she said it was a fucking video. Holy shit. You know what a lie looks like Jaxx, when you told me several times you weren't a Republican. That's what a lie looks like.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
The Benghazi thing is a stretch at best. I'll tell you what, if that's a lie than you obviously feel Bush and Cheney lied about the wmds? Correct? So you're admitting to that straight away of course and his denial of having intelligence prior to 9/11 you readily admit to that lie? She said she misspoke about the other, much like Bill O'Reilly did?

You know what Jaxx, if that's what you're hanging your hat on to justify voting for Trump because he's the lesser of two evils, you go right ahead bro. I have nothing more to say about it or your bullshit characterization of her lying over the caskets of dead marines while yoy said shit nor piss while Bush led and committed war crimes over the dead body of every victim of 9-11 and every soldier he murdered in Iraq. He should be put on trial, yet your worried about whether she said it was a fucking video. Holy shit. You know what a lie looks like Jaxx, when you told me several times you weren't a Republican. That's what a lie looks like.

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someone once said:

"We already know that the majority of our population chooses to remain ignorant as to the factual side of their "opinions" and would much rather just agree with whatever they saw or heard on their favorite news program or show. It's much easier to insist you're right when you've heard someone else do it first."

pretty ironic

i'm anxiously awaiting your 1200 word "response" that includes 200+ f-bombs that illustrate your intelligence.


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Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
someone once said:

"We already know that the majority of our population chooses to remain ignorant as to the factual side of their "opinions" and would much rather just agree with whatever they saw or heard on their favorite news program or show. It's much easier to insist you're right when you've heard someone else do it first."

pretty ironic

i'm anxiously awaiting your 1200 word "response" that includes 200+ f-bombs that illustrate your intelligence.



Wow! Whatta post.

Is there something, anything you'd like to say? Anything based on facts or logical thinking?

Any original thought? Anything at all?

No? Nothing in your head other than dogshit? LMFAO!



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
Wow! Whatta post.

Is there something, anything you'd like to say? Anything based on facts or logical thinking?

Any original thought? Anything at all?

No? Nothing in your head other than dogshit? LMFAO!


Just this drivel

If you want to pay lower taxes, then use fewer tax paid services. Send your kids to private school, drive only on toll roads, disavow police and fire protection, drink water from roof runoff, use an outhouse, support your elderly parents and grandparents out of your pocket, etc, etc.

Please let me know how/where i can pay lower taxes if i opt of of most or all of these...please also let me know where i can claim my half mil + and interest for the 40 years of ss that i pay into as id prefer my own investment payouts vs the govts. when im 65+

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Just this drivel

If you want to pay lower taxes, then use fewer tax paid services. Send your kids to private school, drive only on toll roads, disavow police and fire protection, drink water from roof runoff, use an outhouse, support your elderly parents and grandparents out of your pocket, etc, etc.

Please let me know how/where i can pay lower taxes if i opt of of most or all of these...please also let me know where i can claim my half mil + and interest for the 40 years of ss that i pay into as id prefer my own investment payouts vs the govts. when im 65+

You have lots of choises. Uganda, Botswana, Lesotho, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, and probably 50 others.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
You have lots of choises. Uganda, Botswana, Lesotho, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, and probably 50 others.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Pretry sure the left is the party of threating to leave if they dont get their way
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