Love that guy......its pulling to the left, have used that and the guy said thank you.
I hate that guy. Commercials today show us the lowest, most selfish behavior we can have.
The guy wants to tell the manager that Brian is doing a good job, and Rick the Dick pulls him away. What's wrong with telling someone they are doing a good job? We have no problem today trying to get people fired!
I hate that Lily commercial too, where she gives the two asshole kids lollipops, and neither one says, "thank you". The parents should correct them, but they were raised by idiots, too. Then, the one kid gets a bigger sucker than the other brat, and holy shit! "That's not fair!!!!"
You got a free sucker, you piece of shit! Shut your fucking mouth!!! You can't say "thank you", but you can bitch that you didn't get enough.
Fuck our world today.