i've done a lot of reading and talked to a lot of people about this week. i'm still set on my positions, but there seems to be an opportunity present this week which should be able to double up if not more if everything is correct. this isn't inside info or anything stupid, but this guy has been right before and i trust him to at least post this.
ask yourself this. who is the most searched person on the web according to google and yahoo for the last two weeks......antonella barba thats who. shocking huh. her dialidol numbers are top 3 and she isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
the good news is that i heard she absolutely blew everyone away at dress rehearsal and that no joke she was the best singer by a mile this week. she seriously did a complete 180 degree with an attitude and is supposedly fantastic.
the better news is that she is selling at 2 on the wsex market right now. i still am not saying she can win, but anyone with any knowledge of AI and the markets has to know if what i heard is true she cannot not move up in the market. she will be a minimum of 8 6 meaning a 3 to 1 return on your investment if you dump right after the show.
again, i could be dead wrong, but this is just what i heard. she could royally suck. but what do i know. just thought i would pass it along.
i just bought 300 shares at 2 and hope to dump after the show if shes as good as what is being said about her. sorry if im wrong, but even if i am she isn't going home yet so there is time to rebound. all she needs to do is hit 2 4 and you break even and if shes as good as expected it will go much much higher.
ask yourself this. who is the most searched person on the web according to google and yahoo for the last two weeks......antonella barba thats who. shocking huh. her dialidol numbers are top 3 and she isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
the good news is that i heard she absolutely blew everyone away at dress rehearsal and that no joke she was the best singer by a mile this week. she seriously did a complete 180 degree with an attitude and is supposedly fantastic.
the better news is that she is selling at 2 on the wsex market right now. i still am not saying she can win, but anyone with any knowledge of AI and the markets has to know if what i heard is true she cannot not move up in the market. she will be a minimum of 8 6 meaning a 3 to 1 return on your investment if you dump right after the show.
again, i could be dead wrong, but this is just what i heard. she could royally suck. but what do i know. just thought i would pass it along.
i just bought 300 shares at 2 and hope to dump after the show if shes as good as what is being said about her. sorry if im wrong, but even if i am she isn't going home yet so there is time to rebound. all she needs to do is hit 2 4 and you break even and if shes as good as expected it will go much much higher.