Double Your Money.....hopefully American Idol


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
She and Sanjaye need to leave...and I think they will tonight.

no chance they both go.

little chance either one of them go.

again, we know they suck but that doesn't equate to votes. i think the two of them should do a porno and bring back sanjays sister. she was hot.



Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Doesnt dialidol have stephanie in trouble?

Dial idol has basically all the girls in trouble except melinda and lakisha. there just isn't enough data yet for that to be super reliable. they are much better indicator as there are less contestants.

haley and jared are in major trouble.

i changed my mind and think stephanie is gone and so is phil as well.....could be sundance. he absolutely butchered the pearl jam song.

i read that they producers are going to edit it like season one in that kelly came from nowhere to win as far as air time before the top 12. i heard and this is way second knowledge that they want sabrina of all people to win. they think she could sell the most albums. she might not be the best singer, but i kind of agree that she is attractive and way more marketable than lakisha or melinda and she does have a pretty good voice.

last year the judges pimped chris from the beginning and rightfully so, but the public always thought he was safe and didn't bother voting for him. blessing in disguise for him finishing fourth with the number one song and album in the country right now. he's blowing the winner taylor out of the water as far as sales. and we have to remember this is about finding who will sell the most albums.

but i also heard they are even worried she might not have gotten through last night. if she does, i heard she will have the most camera time to win.

but who knows. again this is all second and third hand. i do know that production was at an all time high lockdown as they wouldn't even let the camera guys or crew in until minutes before taping as they want nothing leaking.

their "special" or "big" announcement is nothing earth shattering if you read the ap wire. they are doing something with bono from U2 and some big relief deal with africa or something like that. NOT a twist to the show per se.

just bought 60 of sabrina at 6 so hopefully she gets through tonight. we'll see and go from there
anyway, who

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
So let me get this straight BDB, you guys are talking about this at the 40-80 game?


Otherwise, where do you "hear" all this?

You have to love it...handicapping Idol:142smilie

I never watch this crap but have this time so far, and man that Lakisha girl can fawking sing!


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
So let me get this straight BDB, you guys are talking about this at the 40-80 game?


Otherwise, where do you "hear" all this?

You have to love it...handicapping Idol:142smilie

I never watch this crap but have this time so far, and man that Lakisha girl can fawking sing!

cannot hear over my bose. i don't talk much period. and more than half there don't speak english or care to acknowldege that they do.

and sponge american idol is bigger than the superbowl for american viewers. its 40 episodes throughout the season with many more viewers.
i'm not sure why you thought the superbowl was fixed. if you are looking for fixes, watch meaningless regular season nba games. theres plenty for your conspiracy theory there.



la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
I think that black guy that just got voted off was :142hump: that Antonella bitch :scared

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
cannot hear over my bose. i don't talk much period. and more than half there don't speak english or care to acknowldege that they do.

and sponge american idol is bigger than the superbowl for american viewers. its 40 episodes throughout the season with many more viewers.
i'm not sure why you thought the superbowl was fixed. if you are looking for fixes, watch meaningless regular season nba games. theres plenty for your conspiracy theory there.


You can look in all the sports not just the nba. There is a reason Dungy didn't kick that fieldgoal and if you calculate the points you can figure out why. Also why me and everyone in my house had a major play on the under and as i stood up in the house and told everyone there was no way he was gonna kick that fgoal and make the game go over everyone said i was nuts. Sure enough instead of making it a two score game he kept it under and then of course lovie did his job calling all short passes in the middle of the field which runs the clock right out. some people can't see this, some refuse to and some can. Just my opinion of course.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
by the way what is the bombshell cause im bored to tears right now watching this.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Well at least she was consistent. she was bad again. Now this other piece of ass who i said was cutter just got a huge gift. This other girl got robbed

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Let this be a lesson to these girls. You give a few pictures a day in advance. Not the whole bundle all in one shot.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
the show is stupid. but i love it nonetheless. obviously didn't watch.

lost 360 on sabrina.

lost 600 on the porn star.

won 748 on brandon.

futures still alive....not down much and don't care. just used to winning at this. i'll still end up making money i think with lakisha futures.

not really shocked at sundance or jared. sabrina surprises me. should have gone with gut, but made an impulse by.

i am very shocked the porn star is coming home to me tomorrow. not surprised at all the indian stays for a while.

can't wait to watch. any good criers?


Sun Tzu

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
porn queen balled when Jared kicked off...must have been doing him...then she broke up while butchering her own song....
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