You can’t be serious Wayne. I addressed your post and you ran and hid like usual.
Biden is STRATEGICALLY using the Strategic Petroleum Reserves for the benefit of the USA. If Trump did the same thing, we’d be hearing how the hero business man saved us.
You know what drained our assets and added $2T to our debt, the Trump tax cuts. But that’s just good ole Republican economics 101. Fuck up and tank the economy, let the Democrats clean it up, complain that it isn’t being cleaned up fast enough, then come back in power and fuck it up all over again.
If you want to compare who we walk with, let’s go. I’ve got Eric and Jack. You’ve got Cricket and Hedgehog. I’m on the right side and you’re not convincing me otherwise.
I see you have prob with tax cuts for U.S. but no prob draining our oil reserves and sending them to China?
I would expect nothing less. On who we walk people no longer communicate much here ... per you and your "comrades" direction you have taken site. ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES