
Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
AP like six-five said if you had a ** then you can't get a vop on that in the state of Florida. If not and you took 4-6 10/500 mg of lortab or hydrocodone,oxycodne and those are heavy duty pain killers anything else pill wise your fine and even if you took 2 40 mg oxycontin which you should only take those 1 every 12 hours time released and nothing to mess with like by breaking them in half you can die on first try for the buzz not worth the chance. I have been on them both along time almost 3 years now. with the 10/500 mg lortabs 2 every 4-6 hours and rotate to percocet every 3 months and oxycontin 40mg 1 every 12 hours.

If you only did that amount they will not be in hair sample did not get enough in blood to go in to hair follicles's and will be out of system in 18-20 hours (all but oxycontin that takes 24 hours after last 1 if you took 2 ) tops after last one was taken for piss test and around 36 for blood and hair test some drugs can last up to 6 to 12 month depending on strength and how much you used them but the shampoo will work, have never seen anyone not pass drug test out here and all the casinos do them for your upper jobs, and I had them done for every state coaching job I had and passed them, 1 i passed after being in the keys with some old friends back in early 90's and hit the pipe a few times over the weekend and got a call to be tested the next day was worried as could be and to be safe bought the shampoo and had no problem.

To clean off short term pills like i said above for get the golden seal tea people talk about 2 of the best ways to clean you out 1 is to drink water with 4 tbs spoons of lemon juice and 4 tbs of vinegar and drink it through out the day and next and this one hits with in the hour and make sure your on the can or have the time to be on or around the can for 2 hours off and on you mix 1 qt of warm water with 6 tbs of sea salt and drink it fast as you can sea salt will not effect blood pressure either and must be pure sea salt all food stores sell it, but you have to chug it in like 4-5 fast drinks it is not great tasting but have had worse then when done drink 16 ounces of cold water and with in 20 -30 mins tops you will feel insides of stomach start to grumble that is your key to hit the can, then look out this is the best internal cleaner you can use on your body , you will blow like a volcano at least 6-7 times in 1- to hours after each time drink 16 ounces of cold water and will be back on can with in 5 mins, you will know when your done sounds sick but what comes out when clean will be clear. this should be done by everyone 3-4 times a year it is called a sea salt cleansing and great for the body. Trust me you want to be alone because all the toxins come out of organs and the smell is unreal for the first 3-4 bombs but you can do a search it is the best way to cleanse the bodies organs much better then having colonic done for health reasons and it will work.


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Feb 26, 2001
Very descriptive Eric....but do we really have to do it 3-4 times a year????


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Jul 13, 1999
fletch, no offense, but i just could not make it all the way through that post and i really, really tried. :D


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Jul 13, 1999
christ! i just finished reading the rest of the post since i was here anyway.

is that called "blowing it out your ass"?


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
fletcher said:
Trust me you want to be alone because all the toxins come out of organs and the smell is unreal for the first 3-4 bombs.

Much like when giving birth.....

Wouldn't you want your better half there holding your hand through this?


Orgn Donor
Forum Member
Aug 30, 2005
If ALL you took was 4-6 pain pills, dont sweat it. You have to have a certain level in your system to actualluy show it. Protien signatures are altered due to most narcotics but it takes a regular usage and a significant amount (not too much) to actually register.

Example: When I told my wife I wanted a divorce she didnt get the fact that I just couldn't stand to live with her any more. She even told my mom (I was 26 at the time) that I was on all sorts of drugs including pot, steroids, and xanax, and that it was making me go crazy enough to leave her. Well, my mom is very close to my heart and she asked if it was true, and of course it wasnt EXCEPT for the Xanax for which I had a scrip and was taking on and off due to panic attacks caused by having to come home to my ex-wife! :scared

To sum up, my mom asked if I was, I said no, but living in the Bible belt, she asked if I wouldnt mind taking a test. I thought it would be a good idea to in case she tried to say so in court. So I paid for a follicle test, and even told them to specifically test for all the drugs she said I was on. Well I had taken a .25 Xanax everyday for at least the past month and it wasnt enough to even show up!! They said I would have to been abusing it to really trigger a difference.

I hope that makes you feel better!


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
some doctors say 2 times a year is good rrc after age 50 others say every 3 months i do it every 3 because of the extra toxins I have from the pain pills but 2 times a year is good and you really feel great after all the sludge comes out of your organs, and everyones bodies have bad toxins in them not just people who are on long term medications, and this unlike drinking a drink called magnesium citrate which is used as a laxative for people on long term medications that cause constipation or going through chemotherapy which also can cause constipation, it does not the sea salt will not drain your body of vital minerals . I know people will think this is crazy the sea salt but it is very good to cleans your body at least 2 times a year on the inside, the lemon juice drink is just for passing a drug test not a method used to cleanse organs and intestines like the sea salt internal cleanse does it really is very healthy to do, and the older people get they should really do it, like i said safe for all people sea salt does not effect body because has no sodium that is absorbed by body organs like table salt.

You need to start doing it Jack, trust me I have aways gave you good health info, and by the way did you buy the glucosamine chondroitin with the msm in it for the joint inflammation and pain, remember it will elp restore the lost fluids between the cartilage, the msm needs to be in it because it is a major part in the formation of collagen that helps keep the connective tissue and cartilage protected by the lost fluid of all the bodies joints.

ok health 101 is over or at least joint health and cleansing part of it.:D
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Mar 15, 2000


Believe this or not,I was in a car wreck while on probation,Fractured my spine,And was told i was lucky to eventually be able to walk,My prob worker informed me that is wasn't legal for me to be taking oxy or any other form of pain med with exception of the drug methadone :scared my doctor confirmed this,My 1st reaction was these fargin people are out of their minds,Come to find out because of heroine addicts their is a loophole in the law :mj14: if not for this i would of had to skip town for a while and pay my dues later or shoot myself the pain was incredible,For anyone caught in this situation,Inquire also my prob was not drug related and this is the law,Go figure.
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