DSS Update


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Dec 17, 2000
Here's the latest, as previously stated by ex67, and copied directly from another site (which I can't name according to MJ's rules, just don't get the wrong idea and think I figured this s**t out myself - hell I can't figure out who's gonna cover a basketball game).

Preliminary analysis is in. Here is a copy and paste of RAM9999's post:

"Preliminary findings:
The location of C9 Dynamic code was moved from 893C to 8924 (USW64)

The allowable length of a C9 was increased from 17 bytes to 21 allowing for longer, more complex C9 packets (USW65)

A bug in CmdEF which allowed for packets longer than the card could handle was fixed by USW66.

USW67 added a new hash routine at the old C9 location which accepts a starting address and a # of bytes and then stores the result of the XOR hash back in RAM.. This routine is presumably to be called by some new, upcoming C9's and can be used to implement easy, rotating, dynamic hashing of DPBB's and range-comparison ECMs"

From what RAM9999 is saying, this could potentially be the end of hacking with Bootloaders. In the past, it was possible to work around ECM's with the bootloaders by loading special 3Ms. Now, however, it is highly likely that DTV/NDS will use these new changes to randomly hash different bootloader areas and various other parts of the card.

In English, this means that if you are currently running a card inside a bootloader with some sort of code/hack on it, it will probably lose video in the days to come. These latest updates are just more "tools" for DTV/NDS to use against that particular type of hack, and they will undoubtedly pull them out of the shed in time.

Before a flood of people start to ask...YES: emulation setup's with AUX cards inside bootloaders should not be affected by this. This is not necessarily a "bootloader attack" but more properly a "bootloader outside of emulation attack."

Please note: all references to any sort of hashing, attacks, etc. are speculation on the part of several people (myself included). For the record, no harmful action has physically taken place yet, although the stage has been set.

Many people have been claiming to have received emails / warnings about a CMD78 in the stream. These "warnings" were in fact just false rumors intended to stir things up I guess, making newbies think there was some kind of ECM coming soon.

Here is a direct quote from RAM9999 as posted in ????????????.com:

"Man, this B.S. is everywhere... I suppose you heard something about "Cmd78's"??
First - there are no Cmd78's in the stream..
Second - even if there were, Cmd78's are NOP's on both the H and HU (as in they don't do anything)

Whomever started this rumor has no clue how to read a packet"

Who would start such a rumor? Well, it's really anyone's guess. If you see a web page that advertises blocker boards that protect against CMD78's, though, you might want to think twice before buying it

RAM9999 is one of the leading edge guys in DSS hacking. Whoever he is, he is an absolute genius in this area.



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Sep 16, 1999
thanks ex67 and Skinar for taking the time to answer my questions.
I guess what I really want to know is, in your opinion, how much longer will I be watching DTV before I have to upgrade to an HU.
I have a 6th gen. RCA that's running on an emulator.
I know that you guys are not psychic, but you're obviously more knowledgeable on the subject than most people I have spoken with.
I have heard anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

Thanks for helping me understand this a little better.


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Dec 17, 2000

Who knows about H cards. ex67 makes the best point in that there are millions of subscribed H cards, so if they want to kill ALL H cards they have to replace all those existing cards. I have a valid, subscribed H card myself. Once again though, the bottom line is that as long as DAVE wants $250 or so for his NFL package and $4 per movie and $250 for the NBA and $30 per month just to hook up, well it doesn't take long to cost justify using other means of getting the programming.


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Dec 15, 2000
thata boy ex67, nice to see you made it in here! excellent site here! if i don't get a chance tonite i'll e-mail ya tomorrow



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May 14, 2001
yes the preliminary findings were a cut and paste of ram9999,i can not nor will not take any credit of his words his knowledge is far past mine.

i do fully understand ins routines and kill packets thanx to guy's like him,aol,pgm and without a dout need2know,and alot of reading and trail and error over the past 4 year's.

juice-as for emu's at this point not to sure how this will affect the core file but it is a setup for a kill on bootloaders,update's a.k.a.usw's are used to place info on the card,think of them as footprint's,if there not followed step by step a error will occur.
o'ya,there is no way of know'n how long the h stream will last unless you work for dtv's sid team,it's not a bad idea to pick up a hu while the price is still low.

skinar-you teach me how to handicap and i'll teach you how to read the datastream and map a eeprom!!!

waass up jmizeus!!!



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Dec 17, 2000

I'll refer that on to Nolan, IE, MJ, Fletcher, lots of great guys here. I'm absolutely the world's worst 'capper. I got some e-mail this morning from some guys thinking that DAVE will hit HU cards shortly. They said they would try to notify me before the ECM. You heard anything about that?



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May 14, 2001
skinar-sorry it took so long to answer,it's been a long day,as to your ? i here everyday about e-mail's of ecm's,unless it's from a very well known soure,don't bet the farm on it.

from the changes i've seen ,h's are a big target in the day's to come,in my opinion hu's still have a little breathing room,remember,the last hit on hu's was not a true ecm it was a update,any non valid cam id # was looped,i wont say how many i have,but i only lost 2 on 3-25 and those 2 were people i had been trying to get a hold of for week's to update the s/w on them.

i dont post links on others site's(and i'm sure it's in mj's rules n/l's,and i belive it's protocal to have jack send a e-mail addy,it's o.k. to give it to skinar)drop me a line and i'll hook you up with a good site were i hang out(ALOT)if not i'll try and pop in atleast once a night to answer your ?'s(if i can).



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May 14, 2001
thanx millcraft,the battle gear is alway's on,you should know how much time i spend on my other job(grin).

theres two thing's that keep me at it,the rush of crack'n someone's new code and helping other's(got your's free,sssss dont say the f word out load)learn how to program,it is 100 %,not the free tv(although it is a nice bonus somtime's).



Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2000
hey there, mine is working just fine! kudo's to you and thank's very much

you did a fine job. hopefully it will long.especially during football season. like to watch the bill's for free,already have season tix for the 10th straight year. my old lady doesn't get it,i tell her not to send in the re-newal but what does she do?? she send's it in. i just get sick and tired of going and they don't show shit on the scoreboard.we have one of the best boards around but apparently wrong person opperates it. talked to jerry foran last year,director of operations and he told me that they would definitely do a better job. yeah sure , it lasted half the season and the same ol shit happened again, i get more enjoyment watching them at home this way i know what else is going on


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Forum Member
May 14, 2001
and with up to 13 game's on your own tv every sunday,why leave the lazyboy accept for more beer(if the wife is being stuburn about getting up again)or for relife(aah,the halftime drain)(grin)!!

skinar,you have mail !!

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