Naked Truth:
Some Doses of reality:
1. Oddsmaker here doesnt care what any of you guys bet. Its pennies on the global scale that the books deal to.
2. There are 1000+ sportsbooks out there. 950+ you never even heard of. Mostly credit and per head shops. They copy paste many sporstbooks openers. They take $500 a rattle. I cripple them betting over the year beacuse they are asleep at wheel.
3. Graham. Much Respect. Your service and writing is wonderfull and insightfull. But. After the opening number is hit, the rest is donkey plays because the sportsbooks I dont do work with woukld be dumb not to subscribe to your service. (Theres a positive endorsement)
But the players will not and CANNOT and will NOT beat the adjusted numbers and the books will not lose long term unless they are asleep at the wheel and using low limit fights as a loss leader strategy.
Got few emails about this last week...and obviously need s no explanation....but I clearly stated last week that I was going to the Hanna fight on Thursday and was not gonna sit around babysitting the OTHER 1000+ players that never even heard of Mad Jacks from all over the world that have an opinion that is as accurate as anyone here.
For me to think I know more about a boxing bout in say Belgium than someone fron Belgium betting at 4am est..when I belong sleeping....would make me the biggest donkey and egomaniac on planet. So the lins ent OTB from 12am till morning.
I cant and wont speak for every book nor do I care to. But if I had to count on the volume Madjacks creates on fights and or any touts, my dog walker would be without a job.
You think everytime Lacierva went to pick and then back up it was air moving that money while my line sat steadily with him a s favorite. Was my only and biggest boxing wager last week...but not playing results, just trying to give a recent example.
I can say this. I am real person. So is Graham, and few others here. If people name drop, at least post under your real names.
Many offshore the bookies speak to one another. Thats why alotta the past psoters get booted from unaffiliated books.
To think GH's service is NOT subscribed or passed on is to think the sun wont come up 2mmrow. Ask NFL Tout PHIL Steele who is highly respected and a winner. I know it is 100% and where and I know his plays obviously.
I am about 56wins - 9losses on the Friday Night Morency Show weekly dating back to after 58 live TV episodes (I know Ghost Listens as should others if you like money).. giving out winners and opinions. Mostly dogs. I dont care who you bet.
Smart books dont zig and zag and try to reinvent the wheel. Smart books take the bet, and move the number.
I'm sorry for the doses of reality, but my opinion is in my number.
Get a hunch bet a bunch. Bring it. I'm not always right, but never in doubt....since 1988...
awaits the egos...or the people that have the wisdom to understand the honesty above.
Peace and may all your bets be winners.
I post at MJs only bc Major Wager has slowed down...bc I like a few guys here...and the rest of the sportsbetting forums are filled with shills and even
OWNED by thier advertisers...just like Don Best.