
the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Warriors = unbeatable

Regardless how you feel about how they have gotten there, they are unreal and have 4 mvp caliber guys

Unreal their talent level

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the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Yes, comparing LeBron's road vs Durants I can see your point. You didn't really mention that in your original post. Comparing the two LeBron gets more respect IMO. He is still the BEST player in the NBA right now, BUT Curry is right on his heels like right there! He is making his own legacy as we speak

LeBrons years are winding down and I'm sure he'll get at least 1 more ring before exiting.....Cavs WILL make a move for an elite player after this season. Paul George? Harden? OKC would never give up Westbrook, but damn that would be amazing! I just don't know how the chemistry would be as this current Warriors team is VERY special and unselfish in the way they play together. Very unique with all the big names
Steph is amazing

That's gonna be interesting over time

Was this Durant team? Steph?

Mike and LeBron and kobe were clear lead horses in tgeir titles

Will be interesting to see how history remembers this squad

Still wish we didn't have Durant involved.....would rather see competitive series and similar 3rd edition then a overloaded all-star squad....but they are unbeatable no doubt about it

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Dec 2, 2005
I don't know what you're talking about..im not a cavs fan or a warriors hater

It's a discussion about if Durant made a soft choice or not....nothing about the warriors or Durant not being good....durants a stud...

Really not sure what your take was about but hope you cash that ticket guy

And dude both sides whined all game...i can go find clips of draymond and Steph complaining to refs...they all do it.....lebron cries so does steph...

I think the warriors are one of best teams ever assembled.....and Durant is a top 5 player without a question....how am I a warrior hater.??

I literally could care less who won now....

I just wish we were seeing a 3rd installment of things without durant....i think the prior 2 series were epic....durant set them over the top...a 73 win team adding durant....just not as fun for me to watch now...of course they are gonna kill everyone.....so how does that make me a hater....

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If you want to blame anyone for the advent of the "super" teams, look no further than Lebron. He started it, or at least got others to create some to compete with his. And realize that he didn't stay on one team. He went to Miami with two other superstars and he went to Cleveland with two superstars. Why is that overlooked?

Answer this for me. Is there a difference between a super 3some, or 4some? Is it OK to have 3 great guys, but not OK to have 4? And can you really call all 4 guys on the Warriors great? Or is it 2 great ones and two 2nd tier level great guys?

Reason I ask. Let's look at Cleveland. Super 3 franchise players. Love, Lebron and Kyrie. Miami when Lebron went there had a super 3. Bosh, Wade and Lebron. The spurs had Kawhi, Parker, Duncan and Ginobili, a super 4. The Celtics had a super 4, Pierce, Allen, Rondo and Garnett who all went there to win a championship together. I can even make a case for Detroit with Prince, Rip Hamilton, Ben Wallace, Rasheed Wallace and Chauncey Billups, an uneven amount of wealth for that team when they won. How about the Lakers? Shaq, Kobe, Fish and Horry. Is it Ok for these guys to all get a free pass but not Durant? How about Moses Malone going to the Sixers with Adrew Toney, Mo Cheeks and Doctor J and win by "Fo, Fo, Fo?"

My point is, it's been going on forever and just now everyone is gonna make Durant out to be the goat because he knew full well he wasn't winning a championship with OKC? He gave it 11 years. He even had Harden, Russ and Perkins and it still wasn't enough. Probably because the common denominator was that Russ is a ball hog and it obviously caused Durant to not want to stay there.

Durant went to the Warriors, fits amazingly into their "system." Has becomes 10x better at defense because of assistant coach and defensive wizard, Ron Adams teaching him how to be a defensive stopper. If you ask me, he is a far better player on this team because he fits in so well there.

But they still have to win 2 more games. Cleveland should not have won last year. Green suspended, Curry injured and Bogat injured were a recipe for a comeback. Had they won last year, you may not have seen Durant going to the Warriors.

And trust me. I know you're just throwing your opinion out there. I don't think any different about you for doing so.
Last edited:


Forum Member
Oct 15, 2015
"Green suspended" "Curry and Bogut injured" - Yet no mention of Kyrie and Love injured in the 1st matchup. People conveniently have burned that from their memory. On top of Green played in 6 of 7 games and 2 more games after being suspended. What is the excuse for game 6 and 7? Game 7 Green had a career game and the Warriors lost, so spare us.

"LeBron created or started this." - Yeah, because Shaq, Pippen, and Barkley didn't do this. But one should argue Barkley was def past his prime.

LeBron is the most scrutinized player ever, in any sport. So much so that it has caused people to have amnesia on FACTS.

Yes, LeBron left Cleveland to go to Miami with Bosh to join Wade, but stop implying the circumstances are the same. But he left in most part because Cleveland never surrounded him with a 3rd tier player yet alone a Robin to his batman. Durant left a team who should've beat the Warriors but not only Russ, but Durant as well played hero ball in GM6+7. Re-watch the game. Let's quit blaming Russ entirely and blame KD for those ridiculous forced shots he was taking.

Lastly, LeBron going back to a Cleveland team who was so bad they had the 1st overall pick 3 out of 4 years. So quit acting like Kyrie was who he is today. The report on Kyrie then was he was a raw PG with elite potential but couldn't stay healthy. Lastly they had to trade for Love(and please quit calling him a superstar because he's not).

The only similarities of what KD + LeBron did were they both went somewhere hoping to win a title and LeBron certainly took an easier route in his Miami decision. But the circumstances are so far from similar. But again, it's LeBron so people will spin it anyway they want to justify their hate towards him. If you wanna compare KD joining the Warriors and what LeBron did, that would require LeBron joining the Celtics, not Miami. Can't beat 'em, join 'em.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 2, 2005
"Green suspended" "Curry and Bogut injured" - Yet no mention of Kyrie and Love injured in the 1st matchup. People conveniently have burned that from their memory. On top of Green played in 6 of 7 games and 2 more games after being suspended. What is the excuse for game 6 and 7? Game 7 Green had a career game and the Warriors lost, so spare us.

"LeBron created or started this." - Yeah, because Shaq, Pippen, and Barkley didn't do this. But one should argue Barkley was def past his prime.

LeBron is the most scrutinized player ever, in any sport. So much so that it has caused people to have amnesia on FACTS.

Yes, LeBron left Cleveland to go to Miami with Bosh to join Wade, but stop implying the circumstances are the same. But he left in most part because Cleveland never surrounded him with a 3rd tier player yet alone a Robin to his batman. Durant left a team who should've beat the Warriors but not only Russ, but Durant as well played hero ball in GM6+7. Re-watch the game. Let's quit blaming Russ entirely and blame KD for those ridiculous forced shots he was taking.

Lastly, LeBron going back to a Cleveland team who was so bad they had the 1st overall pick 3 out of 4 years. So quit acting like Kyrie was who he is today. The report on Kyrie then was he was a raw PG with elite potential but couldn't stay healthy. Lastly they had to trade for Love(and please quit calling him a superstar because he's not).

The only similarities of what KD + LeBron did were they both went somewhere hoping to win a title and LeBron certainly took an easier route in his Miami decision. But the circumstances are so far from similar. But again, it's LeBron so people will spin it anyway they want to justify their hate towards him. If you wanna compare KD joining the Warriors and what LeBron did, that would require LeBron joining the Celtics, not Miami. Can't beat 'em, join 'em.

That's just delusional talking. If you can't admit that Lebron went to the Heat and created a "super" team, going there with not one, but 2 franchise superstars, then we have no further debate. He has always made sure he had 2 superstars with him. And yes, Love is a superstar. To say he's not is just plain ignorant.

Saying that Lebron started it implies that he's been winning his championships with superstars in tow since he started creating these. Should everyone else just say, well, because it's Lebron creating these super teams, let's just let him win every year. But if someone else wants to do the same, they're looked poorly upon. Just Lebron BS bias.

And for Christ's sake, stop whining about him being the most scrutinized player ever......"Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6 championships." You reap the arrogance that you sow. People are tired of hearing that whine about him being scrutinized. It's deserved.....

And. If OKC was lucky enough to get by the sleeping Warriors last year, they would have been pounded by the Cavs. Period. And we go back to Durant not winning a championship with OKC.


Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
"Green suspended" "Curry and Bogut injured" - Yet no mention of Kyrie and Love injured in the 1st matchup. People conveniently have burned that from their memory. On top of Green played in 6 of 7 games and 2 more games after being suspended. What is the excuse for game 6 and 7? Game 7 Green had a career game and the Warriors lost, so spare us.

"LeBron created or started this." - Yeah, because Shaq, Pippen, and Barkley didn't do this. But one should argue Barkley was def past his prime.

LeBron is the most scrutinized player ever, in any sport. So much so that it has caused people to have amnesia on FACTS.

Yes, LeBron left Cleveland to go to Miami with Bosh to join Wade, but stop implying the circumstances are the same. But he left in most part because Cleveland never surrounded him with a 3rd tier player yet alone a Robin to his batman. Durant left a team who should've beat the Warriors xstop but not only Russ, but Durant as well played hero ball in GM6+7. Re-watch the game. Let's quit blaming Russ entirely and blame KD for those ridiculous forced shots he was taking.

Lastly, LeBron going back to a Cleveland team who was so bad they had the 1st overall pick 3 out of 4 years. So quit acting like Kyrie was who he is today. The report on Kyrie then was he was a raw PG with elite potential but couldn't stay healthy. Lastly they had to trade for Love(and please quit calling him a superstar because he's not).

The only similarities of what KD + LeBron did were they both went somewhere hoping to win a title and LeBron certainly took an easier route in his Miami decision. But the circumstances are so far from similar. But again, it's LeBron so people will spin it anyway they want to justify their hate towards him. If you wanna compare KD joining the Warriors and what LeBron did, that would require LeBron joining the Celtics, not Miami. Can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Once I read that line I had read enough. :stfu: LOL


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 2, 2005
"Green suspended" "Curry and Bogut injured" - Yet no mention of Kyrie and Love injured in the 1st matchup. People conveniently have burned that from their memory. On top of Green played in 6 of 7 games and 2 more games after being suspended. What is the excuse for game 6 and 7? Game 7 Green had a career game and the Warriors lost, so spare us.

"LeBron created or started this." - Yeah, because Shaq, Pippen, and Barkley didn't do this. But one should argue Barkley was def past his prime.

LeBron is the most scrutinized player ever, in any sport. So much so that it has caused people to have amnesia on FACTS.

Yes, LeBron left Cleveland to go to Miami with Bosh to join Wade, but stop implying the circumstances are the same. But he left in most part because Cleveland never surrounded him with a 3rd tier player yet alone a Robin to his batman. Durant left a team who should've beat the Warriors but not only Russ, but Durant as well played hero ball in GM6+7. Re-watch the game. Let's quit blaming Russ entirely and blame KD for those ridiculous forced shots he was taking.

Lastly, LeBron going back to a Cleveland team who was so bad they had the 1st overall pick 3 out of 4 years. So quit acting like Kyrie was who he is today. The report on Kyrie then was he was a raw PG with elite potential but couldn't stay healthy. Lastly they had to trade for Love(and please quit calling him a superstar because he's not).

The only similarities of what KD + LeBron did were they both went somewhere hoping to win a title and LeBron certainly took an easier route in his Miami decision. But the circumstances are so far from similar. But again, it's LeBron so people will spin it anyway they want to justify their hate towards him. If you wanna compare KD joining the Warriors and what LeBron did, that would require LeBron joining the Celtics, not Miami. Can't beat 'em, join 'em.

DownTurn, I like what KD's mom had to say to Stephen A. Smith (and you!). I mean C'mon man, nobody came at you when you left working at Pizza Hut to go work at Papa John's pizza. Everybody knows that's a step towards WINNING!



Forum Member
Oct 15, 2015
DownTurn, I like what KD's mom had to say to Stephen A. Smith (and you!). I mean C'mon man, nobody came at you when you left working at Pizza Hut to go work at Papa John's pizza. Everybody knows that's a step towards WINNING!


So wait, should I have expected you to not side with her? Should I expect you to be against any pro-warriors piece? Should I expect you to be against any anti-LeBron piece? Nobody is arguing KD went somewhere to win easier. He just chose the easier path to winning. Comparing athletics to the every day working man is laughable so stop it.

You spend a lot of time insulting my finances and making jokes the last 2 years at a job field I don't even work. Where are these references coming from? Are you on your lunch break at Dominos?

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
If you want to blame anyone for the advent of the "super" teams, look no further than Lebron. He started it, or at least got others to create some to compete with his. And realize that he didn't stay on one team. He went to Miami with two other superstars and he went to Cleveland with two superstars. Why is that overlooked?

Answer this for me. Is there a difference between a super 3some, or 4some? Is it OK to have 3 great guys, but not OK to have 4? And can you really call all 4 guys on the Warriors great? Or is it 2 great ones and two 2nd tier level great guys?

Reason I ask. Let's look at Cleveland. Super 3 franchise players. Love, Lebron and Kyrie. Miami when Lebron went there had a super 3. Bosh, Wade and Lebron. The spurs had Kawhi, Parker, Duncan and Ginobili, a super 4. The Celtics had a super 4, Pierce, Allen, Rondo and Garnett who all went there to win a championship together. I can even make a case for Detroit with Prince, Rip Hamilton, Ben Wallace, Rasheed Wallace and Chauncey Billups, an uneven amount of wealth for that team when they won. How about the Lakers? Shaq, Kobe, Fish and Horry. Is it Ok for these guys to all get a free pass but not Durant? How about Moses Malone going to the Sixers with Adrew Toney, Mo Cheeks and Doctor J and win by "Fo, Fo, Fo?"

My point is, it's been going on forever and just now everyone is gonna make Durant out to be the goat because he knew full well he wasn't winning a championship with OKC? He gave it 11 years. He even had Harden, Russ and Perkins and it still wasn't enough. Probably because the common denominator was that Russ is a ball hog and it obviously caused Durant to not want to stay there.

Durant went to the Warriors, fits amazingly into their "system." Has becomes 10x better at defense because of assistant coach and defensive wizard, Ron Adams teaching him how to be a defensive stopper. If you ask me, he is a far better player on this team because he fits in so well there.

But they still have to win 2 more games. Cleveland should not have won last year. Green suspended, Curry injured and Bogat injured were a recipe for a comeback. Had they won last year, you may not have seen Durant going to the Warriors.

And trust me. I know you're just throwing your opinion out there. I don't think any different about you for doing so.
I'm not a fan of how LeBron did it either really..

I understand what you are saying as well....and I agree super teams have been assembled before....this was different for me personally with how it went down ...

I think its because Lebron went from the start

Cleveland was a terrible non playoff team- LeBron and love came and rebuilt together

Miami was not winning a playoff series - LeBron and bosh show up and rebuilt themselves

Warriors were already a 73 win team and world champ-
- Durant shows up to win an easy one after the rebuilding is done and guys like Harrison Barnes have helped cement the basement but get kicked out for Durant after the works done....i know it's business and guys and teams need to only worry about themselves but it just doesn't feel authentic to me ....

And yes, Thanks for understanding that I'm not trying to say Durant sucks or warriors suck or anything else to that extent....durant could be the nicest guy or worst guy....i don't know him...Overall, the warriors are amazing to watch and Durant is a superstar....

To your point about clay and draymond- I dunno how it will be remembered but I think they are in the superstar stratosphere- look at their production past 3 years while they were deferring & sharing the ball constantly....imagine what their #s would be if they were the lead horse....I love klay Thompson.... most underrated defender in basketball and a beautiful stroke....most will say I'm crazy but I think hes a top 15 player in the league

The fact that they started recruiting him last year plays a part for me too....maybe it's the warriors who I feel a certain way for....They were a 73 win team who had the world title already and just had to go compete, but instead solicited another superstar to join them all while knowing it would cost some of their teammates roster spots who had put in the original groundwork

I know it's business but something just doesn't sit right with me how it went down....only my opinion....That won't nor should it change the fact that the warriors are going to win another title, and are possibly the best team we've ever seen......

For me it just doesn't seem organic...

Sports are an amazing outlet for people....
The only time sports become unwatchable is when they become predictable....when a team is engineered like this, it is no longer a unknown.....of course they will win it....

maybe I'm just mad I didn't get to see a "fair" 3rd chapter....either way, congrats KD...you got your ring in dominant fashion

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Forum Member
Dec 2, 2005
I'm not a fan of how LeBron did it either really..

I understand what you are saying as well....and I agree super teams have been assembled before....this was different for me personally with how it went down ...

I think its because Lebron went from the start

Cleveland was a terrible non playoff team- LeBron and love came and rebuilt together

Miami was not winning a playoff series - LeBron and bosh show up and rebuilt themselves

Warriors were already a 73 win team and world champ-
- Durant shows up to win an easy one after the rebuilding is done and guys like Harrison Barnes have helped cement the basement but get kicked out for Durant after the works done....i know it's business and guys and teams need to only worry about themselves but it just doesn't feel authentic to me ....

And yes, Thanks for understanding that I'm not trying to say Durant sucks or warriors suck or anything else to that extent....durant could be the nicest guy or worst guy....i don't know him...Overall, the warriors are amazing to watch and Durant is a superstar....

To your point about clay and draymond- I dunno how it will be remembered but I think they are in the superstar stratosphere- look at their production past 3 years while they were deferring & sharing the ball constantly....imagine what their #s would be if they were the lead horse....I love klay Thompson.... most underrated defender in basketball and a beautiful stroke....most will say I'm crazy but I think hes a top 15 player in the league

The fact that they started recruiting him last year plays a part for me too....maybe it's the warriors who I feel a certain way for....They were a 73 win team who had the world title already and just had to go compete, but instead solicited another superstar to join them all while knowing it would cost some of their teammates roster spots who had put in the original groundwork

I know it's business but something just doesn't sit right with me how it went down....only my opinion....That won't nor should it change the fact that the warriors are going to win another title, and are possibly the best team we've ever seen......

For me it just doesn't seem organic...

Sports are an amazing outlet for people....
The only time sports become unwatchable is when they become predictable....when a team is engineered like this, it is no longer a unknown.....of course they will win it....

maybe I'm just mad I didn't get to see a "fair" 3rd chapter....either way, congrats KD...you got your ring in dominant fashion

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This was well written bro. Thanks for the respectful reply. I want to just address two more things in my response.

First. I know it's easy to look now and say, wow, they are a super team because they look so awesome. They do still have to win two more. But here's a point I want to make. When Durant came to the Warriors last summer, people were saying then, they lost Bogut, they lost Festus, they lost Harrison Barnes and only gained Durant. How are they going to win after losing all those pieces. Some guys have been elevated because the system and players make other guys better. Look no further than Magee. He was the laughing stock. He comes to the Warriors and now he's a presence. So just because Durant came, it didn't automatically mean they were going to win a championship. This was a work in progress, esp after Durant got injured. Give them some credit.

And lastly. You really have to get on more than just these Warriors for creating super teams. The Cavs were created to be a super team. Durant trumped that super team by going to the Warriors and becoming one in the west.

All you have to do is look at what the Cavs did in the East through the playoffs. Was that fair? No one in the East had a chance and to top it off, not only did they win the championship last year, but they add Bogut, yes he got injured right away, but still, they add possibly one of the best big men in the league to an already loaded super team. They add Deron Williams, a 3 time all star to an already loaded team. They add Kyle Korver, another all star and 3 point sharp shooter to their super team. Was that fair?

So I have no sympathy for anyone trying to feel sorry for these Cavs. Just because those 3 guys aren't working out or meshing with the team, doesn't mean they weren't trying to create a super, super team. They most certainly were and it's being overlooked. Durant was one man going to one team. Because it worked out the way it did so far, is just the way the dice rolls....

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
I think LeBron going to shitty teams and bringing 1 guy with him in an attempt to try and build a super team is different by a lot

If Durant would have went to Milwaukee with CP3 to team up with Giannis, I wouldn't care...hed be putting in the hours on a team who was bad for a long time.......just junping on a already super team, to just make them unbeatable, is much different to me

Imagine this

Durant drives to the hoop, dunks hard, and puts his team up 30 points, while they cruise to their championship and crush everyone...the best team in the world just became unbeatable...
Now.....imagine him in a Cavalier's uniform doing it

People would have crushed LeBron for "needing" KD to win...and even more so for recruiting him while they were competing the year prior...i mean he would have gotten destroyed....

I just think this series was awesome...epic....and now it's not....thats not KDS problem or concern, but it's still due to him joining the already best team in the league

Go look at reactions when LeBron went to a shitty miami team....they crushed him because bosh came with him, but regardless it was still a bad Heat team they were going to with wade there.. ..and they crushed him for taking the "easy route".....which is why I'm somewhat surprised so many ate saying it's no big deal that KD joined a world champ team

And fyi....not a person who feels bad for the Cavs here...just really wanted to see an even rd #3 between these 2 teams...now we cannot

I suppose it's irrelevant either way what I think, so im just rooting for Ayesha Curry to start claiming the NBA Title is rigged like she did last year

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Dec 2, 2005
People would have crushed LeBron for "needing" KD to win...and even more so for recruiting him while they were competing the year prior...i mean he would have gotten destroyed....

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Here's the point I think you are missing. Lebron "needed" Love, a superstar. Lebron "needed" Kyrie, a superstar. Then he wins a championship last year, and now Lebron "needed" Bogut. Lebron "needed" Korver. Lebron "needed" Deron Williams. This was after winning a championship. Just because they are adding those to an already loaded team, doesn't make it any better. In my eyes, it's worse. Durant, one man, went to the Warriors. The Warriors lost Bogut, Barnes, Festus Ezeli, Leandro Barbosa and Mo Speights. They really didn't add any players during the year or even in the offseason. Guys like Magee have picked up the slack. The Warriors bench has been very good.

Don't fault the Warriors or Durant because ALL those players I listed are not playing well right now or didn't gel at the right time. That IS a SUPER team, loaded with TOP level players. I'm not even adding Thompson, who some called the best young talent in the league, J.R. Smith, Shumpert and where in the Hell has Channing Frye been? The guy couldn't miss in the prior playoff games.

It's NOT Durant's fault these guys have been a no show. Nor is it the Warrior's fault. Although their defense has been quite impressive to say the least.

I think the Cavs win tonight and the series gets a little tighter.
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