

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 12, 2001
Wow, it's bad out here. A lot of my friends have been laid off recently. Also, some of the companies they work for have went bankrupt or folded altogether. I heard it was bad out in Vegas when I recently visited too. Talked to one of my buddies that works for a major well known company and had his company stock holdings (like 401k) get cut in less than half and he might lose his job to downsizing. Hopefully things start to get better for everyone.

In the meantime, I started looking for a new job in January. To say the least it's a bad time to be looking for a job now. Took a few months off for recovery after surgery. Very few good sales jobs out here right now. However, I did get one interview for Friday and am hoping to hear from a few more places soon.

In spite of it all, I have confidence I'll find something very soon. However, it's not comforting talking to a friend each week who is "newly" unemployed.



Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
North Florida Economy sucks. My employer laid off over twenty people today. Cut the work force
40%. Scary times.:scared


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
just wait until January 20th and Obama will fix it:shrug: he is going to grow the economy from the bottom up, isn't that what he was elected to do?


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I work in collections and we are seeing good customers for the last 10 years struggling to pay their bills. I hope the recession is over soon and things get back to normal, it is only a matter of time. I also hope that Obama does not push for tax increases when the economy comes back, god only knows what he will do


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
I work in collections and we are seeing good customers for the last 10 years struggling to pay their bills. I hope the recession is over soon and things get back to normal, it is only a matter of time. I also hope that Obama does not push for tax increases when the economy comes back, god only knows what he will do

"I work in collections."

"god only knows what he [OBama] will do"

We know what Bush has done. Bankrupt us.
The global economic crisis is not just a "Bush did it" problem, obviously. But we are now 12 trillion down with a 1 trillion dollar deficit on the horizon.

GW Jr. has brutalized the American economy along with the republican controlled congress (from 2000 to 06). The latest republican bailout of the banking industry to the tune of 700 Billion is the last slap in the face.

But collection agents across the country will worry about what OBama is going to do to the US.

Back on point, it is scary times out there.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 12, 2001
North Florida Economy sucks. My employer laid off over twenty people today. Cut the work force
40%. Scary times.:scared

One of my good friends is from Orlando. He owned his own business for a number of years building canvases and storage facilities for boats, sometimes big boats like yachts. Very profitable for a number of years. This January his business went into bankruptcy. He lost his house late last year, has a 2 year old and is now divorced. He is struggling to make ends meet and looking for a job now.

Tough times.



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
"I work in collections."

"god only knows what he [OBama] will do"

We know what Bush has done. Bankrupt us.
The global economic crisis is not just a "Bush did it" problem, obviously. But we are now 12 trillion down with a 1 trillion dollar deficit on the horizon.

GW Jr. has brutalized the American economy along with the republican controlled congress (from 2000 to 06). The latest republican bailout of the banking industry to the tune of 700 Billion is the last slap in the face.

But collection agents across the country will worry about what OBama is going to do to the US.

Back on point, it is scary times out there.

Did I ever mention Bush in my post?:rolleyes: Obama the President select is Superman according to his voters, lets see what he can do with the old Clintonistas. The economy is not as bad as the media reports, calm down. People are not at soup kitchens and 20% unemployment, the cream will rise back to the top.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
"The economy is not as bad as the media reports, calm down"

Yeah, it is just a liberal media concoction.

I happen to work in logistics. I can tell you first hand that the "real" economy, where businesses ship actual products, is not doing well. We are down globally by about 30 to 40% and people are losing their jobs.

Again, I am not saying this is all about Bush being a dipshit. But our deficit spending the last 8 years is not helping our position.

As for the OBama is a superman saviour shit, that is just right wing nonsense.


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
Did I ever mention Bush in my post?:rolleyes: Obama the President select is Superman according to his voters, lets see what he can do with the old Clintonistas. The economy is not as bad as the media reports, calm down. People are not at soup kitchens and 20% unemployment, the cream will rise back to the top.

NO SOUP FOR ME ! :shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 12, 2004

I don't care if your Rep or Dem or any other choice; bottom line is our economy is in the can....poor spending habits, borrow, borrow, borrow ....moving jobs overseas then giving them a tax break in the US....selling our land and blds to foreign investors...where does it all end? I don't know but I wish there was more ideas being looked at than "stimulous pkg" that keep causing the debt to rise and pork barrel spending gone wild...who knows JMHO


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2003
Wifes work layed off 20% permanently a few weeks ago. She didnt get cut..this time.. but we were worried about it. Company then shut down for 7 weeks. Hourly workers dont go back till Feb. Management (which she is) went back Jan 2.

Was looking thru the Sun paper a few weeks ago and usually there is a whole page in the help wanted section for semi drivers. This time there were 4 ads total. Hell..Schnieder even stopped training drivers with no experience because they have so many experienced drivers looking for a job. Talked to a guy from a place I used to work at (driving) and they had there wages froze, no more company match to 401k, and overtime payed only after 45 hours instead of 40 (which there is hardly any of). Figures next step will be layoffs. Less freight to haul means less workers needed in factories.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"I work in collections."

"god only knows what he [OBama] will do"

We know what Bush has done. Bankrupt us.
The global economic crisis is not just a "Bush did it" problem, obviously. But we are now 12 trillion down with a 1 trillion dollar deficit on the horizon.

GW Jr. has brutalized the American economy along with the republican controlled congress (from 2000 to 06). The latest republican bailout of the banking industry to the tune of 700 Billion is the last slap in the face.

But collection agents across the country will worry about what OBama is going to do to the US.

Back on point, it is scary times out there.

Got to love the liberal logic :)
Market was at all time highs /employment low at end of 06.
Somehow Jabbers ommitted 06-to 08 after Dem promised "to improve things" drain the swamp of political corruption (my how things have changed.) :)

Lets take a look at some #'s vs opinion.

Who was responsible for passing law that allowed banking to collapse by recinding prior safegaurds? Answer BillyBob

Who did Dems put in charge of of Banking Commitee in 06--Dodds

--and speaking of Dodds lets follow the money--

2 highest Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008
(note this is 8 year period and O was only in there 4 of 8 years)
Name Office State Party Grand Total Total from
PACs Total from
Dodd, Christopher J S CT D $165,400 $48,500 $116,900
Obama, Barack S IL D $126,349 $6,000 $120,349

Now Jabbers-- give us your opinion on Dem controled congress.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
"The economy is not as bad as the media reports, calm down"

Yeah, it is just a liberal media concoction.

I happen to work in logistics. I can tell you first hand that the "real" economy, where businesses ship actual products, is not doing well. We are down globally by about 30 to 40% and people are losing their jobs.

Again, I am not saying this is all about Bush being a dipshit. But our deficit spending the last 8 years is not helping our position.

As for the OBama is a superman saviour shit, that is just right wing nonsense.

Hope things are well for you, JW.

Blaming all economic woes on the right is outrageous, even for a myopic leftist such as yourself.

Your comments are just as off base as Hedgehog's. You're both 'brainwashed' by your party of choice, thus discussing anything with either of you is simply a waste of time.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
"The economy is not as bad as the media reports, calm down"

Yeah, it is just a liberal media concoction.

I happen to work in logistics. I can tell you first hand that the "real" economy, where businesses ship actual products, is not doing well. We are down globally by about 30 to 40% and people are losing their jobs.

Again, I am not saying this is all about Bush being a dipshit. But our deficit spending the last 8 years is not helping our position.

As for the OBama is a superman saviour shit, that is just right wing nonsense.

Odd, I happen to be a recruiter in the logistics and supply chain industry. Never been busier hiring people.

Big Daddy

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 30, 2000
Wifes work layed off 20% permanently a few weeks ago. She didnt get cut..this time.. but we were worried about it. Company then shut down for 7 weeks. Hourly workers dont go back till Feb. Management (which she is) went back Jan 2.

Was looking thru the Sun paper a few weeks ago and usually there is a whole page in the help wanted section for semi drivers. This time there were 4 ads total. Hell..Schnieder even stopped training drivers with no experience because they have so many experienced drivers looking for a job. Talked to a guy from a place I used to work at (driving) and they had there wages froze, no more company match to 401k, and overtime payed only after 45 hours instead of 40 (which there is hardly any of). Figures next step will be layoffs. Less freight to haul means less workers needed in factories.

Was this Anderson Windows ?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I don't care if your Rep or Dem or any other choice; bottom line is our economy is in the can....poor spending habits, borrow, borrow, borrow ....moving jobs overseas then giving them a tax break in the US....selling our land and blds to foreign investors...where does it all end? I don't know but I wish there was more ideas being looked at than "stimulous pkg" that keep causing the debt to rise and pork barrel spending gone wild...who knows JMHO

:thumb: ..from your mouth to god`s ear...

excellent post...


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Got to love the liberal logic :)
Market was at all time highs /employment low at end of 06.
Somehow Jabbers ommitted 06-to 08 after Dem promised "to improve things" drain the swamp of political corruption (my how things have changed.) :)

Lets take a look at some #'s vs opinion.

Who was responsible for passing law that allowed banking to collapse by recinding prior safegaurds? Answer BillyBob

Who did Dems put in charge of of Banking Commitee in 06--Dodds

--and speaking of Dodds lets follow the money--

2 highest Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008
(note this is 8 year period and O was only in there 4 of 8 years)
Name Office State Party Grand Total Total from
PACs Total from
Dodd, Christopher J S CT D $165,400 $48,500 $116,900
Obama, Barack S IL D $126,349 $6,000 $120,349

Now Jabbers-- give us your opinion on Dem controled congress.

I don't know a sane person that can defend the demS or rebS, the last 8 yrs.... I don't know a sane person that can defend the bush administration on anything..... there has been ZERO LEADERSHIP, EVERYWHERE IN WASHINGTON.... TIME TO TURN THE PAGE...obama & dodd took , 165 K & 126 K... that explains the mess we are in....
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