

That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Good luck to you Josh.

For what it's worth, the best job search book I know of is "What Color is Your Parachute?". Great read with lots of info about how to go about your search and how to put yourself in a position to get hired.

As someone who has interviewed plenty of people, the one thing that always impresses me is when someone is prepared for the questions that are almost guaranteed to be asked in an's not hard to separate the prepared guy from the bullshitter. Bullshitters tell me what I want to hear, prepared people answer the question and reference examples from their previous experiences.

thanks gmroz

i'll give the book a try

working with my wife right now - she has an accounting consulting business she's run for the last 3 years. hate to put all of our eggs in one basket and truthfully i don't add enough revenue generating yet

we're going to start working on a marketing campaign and try to gain some new business. i also umpire youth baseball and the season starts pretty soon.

and if it doesn't work out... would you like to supersize your order


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
oh, military contractors. yeah, they have done really well under Bush.

it's not just military. there are plenty of federal/state agencies that are moving to this.

And there are many regular companies moving forward with ideas like this.

Right now, logistics and supply is one of the last big frontiers that hasn't been addressed by organizations looking to cut costs and boost profitability internally. If you are a sharp guy in logistics, this is your "IT Boom of 1998/99" going on right now.

SC&L is much more than some ape on a loading dock kicking empty or full boxes across the back of a truck. Companies are starting to realize that now too.

If you weren't such a douchebag, Jabberwocky, I'd discuss things at length. Unfortunately, you are. And I don't feel like typing up a bunch of stuff to have you ruin it with a response like "duuurrrr duhhhh poop on you"

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
it really doesn't bring that many tears to my eyes to see a two time Bush voter complaining about the lack of jobs or how the economy sucks. Maybe they can believe its the working man or unions that have caused all of this when their own ignorant self, votes over and over for a guy that doesn't give two shits about them or their family.
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Right now, logistics and supply is one of the last big frontiers that hasn't been addressed by organizations looking to cut costs and boost profitability internally. If you are a sharp guy in logistics, this is your "IT Boom of 1998/99" going on right now.

I don't want to get into an argument, but I think this post is ridiculous, Marine. While I can agree that there is a great opportunity to save money via supply chain management, I think calling this a "boom" is short-sighted.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
I don't want to get into an argument, but I think this post is ridiculous, Marine. While I can agree that there is a great opportunity to save money via supply chain management, I think calling this a "boom" is short-sighted.

perhaps not at the shipping/receiving level. But with the studies, modeling, and simulation being slowly brought over from the UK area, supply chain processes are being revamped big time and the people with the knowledge and drive to take on those challenges are in strong positions right now.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
The blame game will continue around here forever. Wayne will blame Clinton for everything and put up links that tell (at best and on a good day) 1/2 the story. The few leftists on this board will rightfully blame Bush/Cheney for the problems we face today and for the dire shape of our economy. I prefer to be objective.

Next week, for the first time since I joined this forum, I will try out the catchers position. I assume myself and other centrists will be forced to defend (and assume as our own) every position and action the Obama administration takes. This is not correct and before the inaugeration, I want to make my position very clear. I will remain independent and not adopt every single view of the Obama administration and the democratic congressional majority. I refuse to be labeled as a blind follower like the right wing sheep of this forum who were led to their slaughter by the Bush administration.

I was and remain against the bail out of the banks, financial institutions and auto industry. Let them fail. Especially the crooks of the financial industry. By the way, y'all, this is the corporate america I've been screaming about for years.


Big Daddy

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 30, 2000
Hey, Big Daddy, how's business at the bar these days? Hope all is well over there. I still have to stop by on one of my trips to Chicago some day.

Hey Chadman, stop by if you are passing thru. Bar biz is struggling too, just like everywhere else. Down probably 40% from just a few years ago.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
The blame game will continue around here forever. Wayne will blame Clinton for everything and put up links that tell (at best and on a good day) 1/2 the story. The few leftists on this board will rightfully blame Bush/Cheney for the problems we face today and for the dire shape of our economy. I prefer to be objective.

Next week, for the first time since I joined this forum, I will try out the catchers position. I assume myself and other centrists will be forced to defend (and assume as our own) every position and action the Obama administration takes. This is not correct and before the inaugeration, I want to make my position very clear. I will remain independent and not adopt every single view of the Obama administration and the democratic congressional majority. I refuse to be labeled as a blind follower like the right wing sheep of this forum who were led to their slaughter by the Bush administration.

I was and remain against the bail out of the banks, financial institutions and auto industry. Let them fail. Especially the crooks of the financial industry. By the way, y'all, this is the corporate america I've been screaming about for years.


Exactly, unlike Wayne I will not defend Obama for being for this cash grab that BUSH asked for. We will get nowhere until they bailout the Middle Class. And these banks have done nothing to make it easier. And I have no idea who they think are going to be buying the cars the Automakers make considering they can't even sell the ones they have now. Rememberr we saw Bush and Obama and McCain and Barney Frank all on the same page of this bailout. That in iteslf should tell ya to assume the position.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Exactly, unlike Wayne I will not defend Obama for being for this cash grab that BUSH asked for. We will get nowhere until they bailout the Middle Class. And these banks have done nothing to make it easier. And I have no idea who they think are going to be buying the cars the Automakers make considering they can't even sell the ones they have now. Rememberr we saw Bush and Obama and McCain and Barney Frank all on the same page of this bailout. That in iteslf should tell ya to assume the position.
Stevie i have been laying low with politics lately. Just dabbing around in it. Today i hear the Dems wnat to hold up the other 350 billion because they want some conditions with this chunk. Did i hear this correctly? They didn't fight for conditions on the first 350 but feel a need to do it on this 350? These two parties just make a person sick to their stomach. One party is nothing more then a collection of thieves and the other is like the weak prison guard who lets the criminals run the asylum. The big problem is that the one party with the collection of thieves have mastered the art of brainwashing jackasses. For four years now we are gonna see things about Obama be made from mole hills to mountains. While for eight years under Bush the Dems made mountains into mole hills.
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