Edwards VP for Kerry

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
I hope your right Wareagle, that is, about it being "it" for Bushco. As strong as Edwards may be its still two senators (Washington establishment) running against the cowboy and the criminal (Washington outsiders). Tough go for the good guys.

Edward for Edwards.


World Traveler
Forum Member
Feb 27, 2001
The way i see it if the roles were reversed and Edwards was the Pres cand and kerry the vp, this election would be over before the votes are cast. Bush has made tons of bad decisions, but i still think he has done better than the fool Gore. The dems have all the chances in the world to return to power the last two elections, but the best pres cands they can come up with is Gore and kerry... I would hate to be a dem and have to back one or both of these clowns(gore and kerry), they belong in the circus, not pres of the USA


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2001
Per NBC.com it's Edwards alright. Only bad thing is the better candidate is the vice-presidential candidate in the Kerry-Edwards ticket. One thing that had to be considered in the decision is the upcoming debate with Chenney. Edwards has a chance of tearing him a new one. He's super-smart and talented at thinking on his feet. Being a trial lawyer is just a perfect background for heading into the debate. Chenney will be spitting blood when this one is over. Wonder how much of a 'bounce' this will cause in the polls if any....5% ??


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Not many care about VP. They vote for President. That was very evident last election. Man did many folks have to look the other way with Cheney. Bush wins easy if he drops Cheney. Folks now know to much about the crook. And that can hurt Bush. I'm thinking Bush will make up with Mc Cain and get him involved so he can hide Cheney a little.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
i don't think that this was such a great choice by kerry.

edwards has only been in public off ice for about 4 years, it is said that he was going to lose the re-election as senator of n. carolina.

during the primary campaign, kerry criticized edwards lack of experience by saying this is not a place for on the job training.

so now he wants edwards as a vice pres.

isn't this another example of kerry flip-flopping ?
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
As suggested prior Kery would be shoe in considering what he brought to the table---money from Kerrys largest campaign contributers to date, Personal Injury Lawyers (who preferred to be referred to as "Trial Lawyers.Despite Edwards saying previously he was not interested--truth is he was out of a job. and Kerry was running out of choices as best choices declined.

While I think Edwards is very personable and would prefer him to Kerry as pres I don't think it will help Kerry much as DJV stated VP makes little diff and to have the legal proffesion at 1 and 2 will be turnoff to many middle of road--It does present one benefit--If Kerry would keep mouth shut from here on out and let Edwards do the speaking it would greatly enhance their chances.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2001
One thing that seems certain is that the tone of the campaign will now change. Usually the vice-presidential candidiate does a lot of the campagin 'smearing' concerning the opposing party. Edwards will focus on Bush/Chenney&Halliburton rest assured. He'll be hammering ASAP and it's going to be the most negative election every run by both parties. The Bush presidency can't run on it's own record so it has to use a tactical smear campaign approach and Kerry has to use the Bush record which will also be negative. It's going to be so ugly, we're all going to be glad it's over come November, one way or the other.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
actually think it was as good a choice as could have been expected..he`s a trial lawyer.....pretty much blows any tort reform out of the water....

but,on the positive side,he`s not howard dean or wesley clark......gore is a memory....and hillary`s political star has taken a huge hit now that edwards has been selected.....

he`s young..he`s obviously a bright guy.....came from basicallly nowhere to finish second in the primary..... ...and the fact that he`s relatively new to the national political scene isn`t necessarily a negative....

the kennedy comparisons will be coming shortly...and bill clinton....he`s not the sexual "bon vivant" these two guys were....but politicallly,that`s a good thing...

he`s a little more moderate than kerry.....

the trial lawyer thing will be a huge albatross around the ticket`s neck...with good reason...

personally....objectively.....i like the ticket....i think they have a really excellent chance to pull this thing off...

btw....i think it`s a damned shame that some radicals have hijacked a portion of the democratic party(disclaimer...yes,this is also true in the republican party).....but for those of us that lean too the right,but aren`t adverse to a change if they think it`s time....if we think it`s good for the country..... there`s the ridiculous fringe that hamstrings us....

i mean the g.i. joe thing.....the michael moore stuff(yes,another disclaimer,he`s rush limbaugh gone hollywood).he`s sean hannity on steroids...... he`s ridiculously radical and not even remotely objective.......these democratic morons asking the u.n. to come and monitor the election(that`s about as stupid a thing as i`ve ever heard in life)..that one sticks in my craw,bigtime...

i had a friend that worked in washington..and this is one thing that i read that moore had in his movie that i absolutely believe... ..he told me that he came across elected officials that couldn`t or wouldn`t even read legislation.....their staffers did everything...the only thing they took part in were any and all social events and getting more money for their next campaign..... . amazes me that some of these people can get elected...

yes,on both sides....

i like the edwards choice...can i get by some of this ridiculous extreme leftwing stuf and pull the trigger?.....i don`t know......
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Where have you been? Tort reform is here and most likely (cause I don't know your state) will only get worse (that is unless your the insurance industry, doctors or manufacturers). Nice try on spreading more lies and right wing propoganda. All at the expense of personal freedoms. You are one smart guy.

Besides that, if your boys want to take away the entire tort system, you still gots congress. I don't think a personal rights advocate like Edwards is going to prevent your money machine from further attacking the Consititution. You got the money, you will win. Everyone else looses.



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
wareagle said:
I would hate to be a dem and have to back one or both of these clowns(gore and kerry), they belong in the circus, not pres of the USA


This should make Haskell feel better when he votes for Kerry to solve all
of the worlds problems. I wonder if Eddie will complain if Kerry does get
in there ?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
one more thing....this thing with 11 democrats writing the u.n. to monitor free elections is reallly driving me nuts....

if anyone wasn`t aware,that means that around 25,000 u.n. jokers running around on election day in their little blue hats ....guys from syria,possibly iran and other freedom loving countries known for their equality and human rights records supervising our elections......

this one is beyond the pale....i saw eddie bernice johnson`s name on there....then i saw elijah cummings name on it(from my home state of maryland) and that made a little more sense....cummings is a moron....

don`t they realize how polarizing stunts like this are....how foolish thiese games are?

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Of course I will complain. Disposing of (and hopefully jailing) Bush is only the first step. We still have to clean up Congress and the Courts. Too many people who think like Dr. Freeze in office and in the judiciary. Americans need to take America back from the bankers, insurance companies and medical lobby. (Now imagine Eddie breaking into song) "This land is your land, this land is my land, from California to the New York island, from the redwood forests to the gulf stream waters, this land was made for you and me."




Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Eddie Haskell said:

Of course I will complain. Disposing of (and hopefully jailing) Bush is only the first step. We still have to clean up Congress and the Courts. Too many people who think like Dr. Freeze in office and in the judiciary. Americans need to take America back from the bankers, insurance companies and medical lobby. Ed


Ok now I understand that it makes it easier for me to get a read on you and your
beliefs. And I must say I honestly try to take your side occasionally. But you make
it almost impossible.

From the redwood forests to the gulf stream waters......this land was made for
you and me
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