El Paso Homeowner Kills Intruder


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
I frequent a dental messageboard and one of the guys there is friends with this homeowner.

Latest word is that the intruder apparently was in the house for a while, had some duct tape out, made nice with the dogs, watched them sleeping. Police still can't figure out how he got it. Homeowner woke up with intruder in the master bedroom. After a struggle he shot and killed the mofo.

Makes me think pretty hard about arming myself at home-


EL PASO, Texas -- A man in his 20's was shot and killed early Wednesday in Northeast El Paso during a burglary attempt in a home.

El Paso Police say the man broke into the home on the 8000 block of Tonto and was inside the master bedroom when a struggle ensued between him and the homeowner. The struggle resulted in the intruder being shot multiple times with a handgun.

Pete Alvarez, a neighbor of the man who shot the intruder, said his neighbor told him he had no choice but to shoot him.

"He said, 'I had to shoot him, Pete, I had to shoot him,'" Alvarez said. "And I said 'you did what you have to do to protect your children.' It's a sad situation but that's what you gotta do. we've got the right to bear arms and we will. we'll protect ourselves any way we can up here."

The burglar was transported to William Beaumont Army Medical Center where he died. Property belonging to the residence was located on the burglar's person. There were no other reported injuries from residents of the home. Crimes Against Persons (CAP) and Crime Scene Investigators continue to investigate.

"We were woken up by the screaming and we wondered what was going on," Alvarez said. "He tried to subdue him and sat him there on a chair and then the guy when he turned his back, he wacked him! He was pretty hurt from when I last talked to him before he went for questining. He said his back was killing him because the guy wacked him with the chair."

Neighbor Anita Hille had sympathy for the homeowner and the victim.

"I'm very sorry for both the victim and for my neighbor because I know he must feel very bad," Hille said.

Neighbor Anne Bechtel said, "isn't their something that says if you have an intruder, you have the right to shoot? I think he did the right thing."

All investigative findings will be turned over to the District Attorneys Office. The identity of the burglar has not been released pending his identification and notification of next of kin.

"It's gonna send a message out there to people, if you're gonna go and buglarize somebody, whether it's tough times or the economy, you better watch where you're going because we've got the right to bear arms."


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
Arlington, TX
I have recently been thinking about purchasing a handgun, but I know I don't have the temperament to at this time to keep one in the house.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows

Makes me think pretty hard about arming myself at home-

Think real hard, don't hesitate and do it.

I have these yard signs on order




Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
I've never even held a gun. I'm looking for classes now for me and my wife. They are actually harder to find than I thought.

I'll invest in a good safe that will allow me quick access to a loaded weapon but will keep kids and such out.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
I've never even held a gun. I'm looking for classes now for me and my wife. They are actually harder to find than I thought.

I'll invest in a good safe that will allow me quick access to a loaded weapon but will keep kids and such out.

Start with NRA and the NOCARO Pistol and Rifle Association.

Great Magazine to Start, Guns & Ammo digital signature gun safes, or the BIG MOFOS !

Get her a .380 and .22 you a 9mm or .40 and a .22 You will want the .22 for target shoot because of the cost of ammo

The Annual NRA Conference is in Charlotte this year, May 14-16 , kind of hard for me to stomache the speakers :scared


Forum Member
Feb 17, 2010
I've never even held a gun. I'm looking for classes now for me and my wife. They are actually harder to find than I thought.

I'll invest in a good safe that will allow me quick access to a loaded weapon but will keep kids and such out.

I shot my brothers H&K 9mm bout 6 times. Im not a small guy but it is powerful and scary as fuck all at the same time.
I do find myself laying in bed more than once a week thinking about what would I do if my alarm went off in the middle of the night. I have small kids and know my baseball bat and beater bat are no match. I do know I could SHOOT someone if my family is threatened.
The more I read and see the more I realized it is inevitable I get one.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
I am a county hick.. I own guns.. Now I have 2 DOGS that will alert me if anyone is on the property.. They have done it many times at all times of the night, Always lost drunks but those dogs keep me informed. So if you are not really comfortable with a gun I suggest a dog with a shotgun.. A double barrell preferably.. You can easily accumated to it with practice.. A handgun IMO is not for the timid.. A handgun is for a guy who has total confidence in handling the weapon for accuracy and taking the target out. For those who are timid the shotgun and a good DOG are the way to go.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 28, 2007
on the water
Do yourself a favor and take a gun class from Randy Cain of Cumberland Tactics. I first took an NRA 2 hour class on handguns and did not learn squat. Wife and I took Randys handgun class, unreal. He is a Jeff Cooper/Louis Awerbuck protege and is one of the best in the USA. Also, he will tell you the 12 gage shotgun, a Remington 870 to be exact, is his preferred home protection gun. He offers classes on the shotgun as well. Visit guntactics.com and protect your family. Also, if you buy a handgun, go with a Glock 9mm or .45 Very reliable. Go with the full size models as they are easier to shoot and have less recoil. My wife carries a 9mm and I carry a 45:SIB
Last edited:


Staff member
Forum Admin
Super Moderators
Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
My hand gun is in my safe with a trigger lock on it and I lost the key. Don't even know why I bought the damn thing. I was always afraid to keep it near my bed and loaded because I might be dreaming and shoot my wife or myself or some crazy shit. Baseball bats work too.


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
My hand gun is in my safe with a trigger lock on it and I lost the key. Don't even know why I bought the damn thing. I was always afraid to keep it near my bed and loaded because I might be dreaming and shoot my wife or myself or some crazy shit. Baseball bats work too.


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials
In ages!!! It explains things better than all
The baloney you hear on TV.

Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place
Across the country protesting the fact that Congress
Is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that
The US might protect its own
Borders, might make it harder
To sneak into this country and,
Once here, to stay indefinitely.
Let me see if I correctly understand
The thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover
Me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, 'No! I like it here.

It's better than my house. I've made all
The beds and washed the
Dishes and did the laundry
And swept the floors. I've
Done all the things you don't
Like to do. I'm hard-working
And honest
(except for when I broke into your house).

According to the protesters:
You are Required to let me stay in your house

You are Required to feed me
You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family
(my husband will do all of your yard work because
He is also hard-working and honest, except for that
Breaking in part).

If you try to call the police or force me out,
I will call my friends who will picket your
House carrying signs that proclaim my
RIGHT to be there.

It's only fair, after all, because you have
A nicer house than I do, and I'm just
Trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working
And honest, person, except for well,
You know, I did break into your house
And what a deal it is for me!!!

I live in your house, contributing only a
Fraction of the cost of my keep, and
There is nothing you can do about it
Without being accused of cold,

Uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and
Bigoted behavior.

Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn
MY LANGUAGE!!! So you can
Communicate with me.

Why can't people see how ridiculous
This is? Only in America .
If you agree, pass it on ( in English )..
Share it if you see the value of it.

If not blow it off.........
Along with your future Social Security
Funds, and a lot of other things.



Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
That's the only thing stopping me from getting similar signage. Just something to keep in mind.

I can think of several more reasons to refrain from posting those outrageous signs.

You know that Lumi is obviously looked upon as a kook in his neighborhood:mj07:


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
The only problem with that is now you're announcing to the entire world that you have guns in your house, which may make your house a bigger target unless someone's there 24/7. That's the only thing stopping me from getting similar signage. Just something to keep in mind.



Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
I can think of several more reasons to refrain from posting those outrageous signs.

You know that Lumi is obviously looked upon as a kook in his neighborhood:mj07:

Not at all Cie,

Actually I am on one of the Directors of the Neighborhood Watch Program. Some have asked where to get the signs. I down shift quite a bit around here. My neighbors do ask for advice on survival training.
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