Extremely important!!!


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Feb 12, 2000
Question for you Average Joe,Are you a parent or uncle to any little ones? I'm a father of two and I fear the thought of anything happening to my kids...Really think about it... dropping off your kids to play with there friends,draw with crayons,swinging on swing sets,and the most traggic moment in your life happens....you can't tell me that the parents of little ones or infact anyone connected should really see what pissed this animal off....I don't buy that...Average Joe with all due respect and nothing against you, Tim Mc veigh is a person that MUST be terminated ASAP.If you are a parent you know where I'm comming from....I'm off to kiss my kids ....


Forum Member
Apr 14, 2001
Webmaster if you want to delete this topic then delete it but if you do you are doing a major injustice to every citizen in the world. There is no slandering going on, no lies have been told. All that this is about is facing facts of life and that is it.NATURAL very well put.IRONLOCK war is terrorism, there in most case is no difference. Please dont ever try and justify what American soldiers have been forced to do. Iron I liked what you wrote about Mcveigh by the eway, very well put.BEAR I liked what you wrote.SUPERMAN yes I am a parent and I agree that the average parent thinks like this but that doesnt mean it is the best way to think. The US and lots of other countries need to start learning why these tragedys are happening alot more today than evre. And finally JT you wrote loke a damn genius, I was very impressed with what you wrote. Guys I hope this topic can drag on for as long as Madjacks is here... I really believe some good can come of a few good men discussing topics like these. Im sorry that I have focused on the US but I truly couldnt think of another country that has changed so much and gotten worse year by year. Im sorry if I have offende anyone...I still love the US and have lots of friends there but I want to see it get better. Trust me Canada is black and white to the US...mind you there are alot less people here, maybe that would help the US who knows. Shot an 84 today on the links it was my best first round I have ever shot in any any year.


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hey Bear !

I had to laugh when you said, "I have not seen NY better in a quarter century. Crime/Violent is way down...."

Last year, in the Bronx, four NY cops were acquitted for killing a poor,unarmed man, with no criminal record, who was unfortunate enough to be standing in the dimly lit vestibule of his apartment building.

If I remember correctly, they ONLY FIRED 41 times and HIT HIM WITH 19 bullets. His name was Amadou Diallo.

Just based on that alone, a NY resident, for whatever reason, would have to be out of his friggin' mind to leave his house after sundown.

And from dawn to dusk, you'd be takin' a mighty big gamble.

I sure can understand now how Crime/Violence statistics would show a decrease.


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Jul 13, 1999
C'mon Web.....this is tame, and stirs the intellect a wee bit.

she panics when i'm not around to make a decision, and, because of his other post, she thought it was going to turn racial. we can't have that chit. know what i mean?


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Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
I wish I could take credit for the following piece because, although I don't necessarily agree with it's entirity, I identify with it's premise (not to be confused with apathy)....

I'm happy to tell you there is very little in this country that I believe in. Listening to the individuals who comment on political, social, and cultural issues, I notice most of their material reflects an underlying belief that somehow things were better once and that with just a little effort we could set them right again. They're looking for solutions, and rooting for particular results, and I think that necessarily limits the tone and substance of their message.

I don't feel so confined. I frankly don't give a damn how it all turns out in this country - or anywhere else, for that matter. The human game was up a long time ago (when the high priests and traders took over), and now we, as a country, are just playing out the string. And that is, of course, what I find so amusing; the slow circling of the drain by a once promising species, and the sappy, ever-more-deperate belief in this country that there is actually some sort of "American Dream," which has merely been misplaced.

The decay and disintrigation of this culture is astonishingly amusing if you are emotionally detatched from it. I have always viewed it from a safe distance, knowing I don't belong; it doesn't include me, and it never has. No matter how you care to define it, I do not identify with the local group. Planet, species, race, nation, state, religion, party, union, club, association, neighborhood improvement committee; I have no interest in any of it. I absolutly love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to.

So, if this sounds like advocacy of a particular political point of view, please reject the notion. My interest in "issues" is merely to point out how badly we're doing, not to suggest a way we might do better. Don't confuse me with those that cling to hope. I enjoy describing things how they ARE, I have no interest in how they OUGHT TO BE. And I certainly have no interest in mending them. If you think there's a solution, you're part of the problem.

Lest you wonder, personally, I am a joyful individual with a long, happy marriage and a close and loving family. My life and career have turned out better than I ever dreamed. I am a personal optimist but a skeptic about all else. What may sound like anger is really nothing more than sympathetic contempt. I view my species with a combination of wonder and pity, and I root for it's destruction. And please don't confuse my point of view with cynicism; the REAL cynics are the ones who tell you everything is gonna be all right.

And if, by some chance, you folks do manage to straighten things out and make everything all better, I still don't wish to be included......

-George Carlin

Joe - You mentioned two key points that I'd like to address. Maybe it was never the good ole USA. Ya think?...I think we can all agree the US needs help and needs to clean up the country, nuclear weapons help protect the land and its people but it doesnt make kids or adults good caring people. As mentioned above, I truly, honestly believe this country is beyond repair. I wish I didn't, but I cannot fool myself. If you take the hypocritical atrocity that is the US goverment, corporate swine and greed, the decay of our educational system and family unit, and factor in the disgusting multiplicity of our population growth, you have an incredibly powerful (and lethal) potion......IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN FOLKS....Oh and yyz, yeah....over choice of what ficticious being to worship, and a 20 mile piece of land.lol.....now that's some funny chit. Classic.

[This message has been edited by Junior44 (edited 05-18-2001).]


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Junior 44 !

I just knew you'd come up with some'pin BRILLIANT and mercifully bring this thread to a close.

Thanks, buddy


Forum Member
Apr 14, 2001
Madjack is the webmaster your wife? Buddy and junior very well put. I know they say the numbers in NY are getting better but are they really. I know from going there that it is definately safer and cleaner but are the black folk being treated ant better than pre-Guilliani I doubt it. I didnt realize that this forum had so many very intelligant men in it and for what its worth I am impressed..not that that means anything. Webmaster I apologize again for pushing the Black Entertainment channel thing a little too far but I dont think it sends young children the right message. I dont think its right to have a racially oriented only channel... I would hate to see the response a Whites only channel would receive...its just not right. Maybe Im wrong. Lets keep this stimulating talk going guys. Jack whats your view on all this. And dont play it cool..I would love to hear what you really think of all this. I am a golfing god.


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Nov 4, 2000
Hey Joe ever watch the fox news network. All they talk about is right wingers and how good everything will be when they fix it. The far right has some great ideas. Just watch see if they ever say anything good about any budy but the right hand. They think the 30 percent of this here country has all the answers. That is why I changed to the middle and went indepentent. Bastards want in your pockets all the time to. Hell most reporters on Fox still think Clinton is President. It all they still talk about. They cant seem to get a live. Of course Bush is so darn boring what's there to say.


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Nov 29, 2000
You were just soooo accustomed to the daily liberal brainwash job that CNN,ABC,CBS, and NBC does daily.

Finally, we have a news channel that reports OBJECTIVELLY..."WE Report, YOu decide."...

We can think for ourselves, and fortunately, at least one channel realizes this.

Have you ever wondered why 4 news channels had the exact same stories every night for the last decade?

Foxnews is a GOD SEND! You have 4 liberal dominated news programs. We can have one objective one without botherin you cant we???



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Jul 13, 1999
Madjack is the webmaster your wife?

nope...a nice young gal that helps her uncle out every now and then

Jack whats your view on all this.

i've been a salesman my whole life and i learned a long time ago to just hang out in the middle and don't discuss these things. i just 'argue' about them with family members and close friends.


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Nov 4, 2000
Iron I will not say your all wrong. But maybe I see it this way. I give you ABC/CBS left all the way. NBC 60/40 left. For me CNN at least on most shows 50/50. And with there network around the world stories right now not 1/2 hours later. Fox sorry here I say 80/20 right. They got one show O' Rilley I think thats right. He say's little good about much. But for sure no lefty is any good. And Clinton he can't get past him. He's more concern about old shit then our problems today. Seems to just like to rattle on. Likes him self alot. Reminds me of a guy I kicked the shit out of twice years back. Was just a ass hole. There news it's said is watch closley by the big dude himself. And Murdy-tick-tock is the majority stock holder. Far Right all the way. He don't like anything left. Right is God Left is the Devil. I wish all networks would just give us a report. Don't share what they think we should think. We can deside. I mean that for all of them.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
We have a "it's not my fault" society. A bunch of whiners who's efforts are directed at excuses why they are failures rather than trying to correct problem.
Juniors point on organizations was a good one.Can think of 4 or 5 off hand that whine in groups collectively.
In addition if they would abolish all credit cards except debit and ones paid in full monthly and quit taxing savings it would go a long way to shore up economy.IMHO


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Great point, DTB! I was going to add a bit about my disdain for credit, but I was running long and didn't. Whatever happened to saving up for somthing that u want? It's too easy to just put it on the plastic. If folks saved up for what they wanted, 6 months later when they had the money, they would find more often than not they don't want it any longer. I also agree that Mr. Clinton set us back by trying to rationalize everything and never taking credit for his mistakes. BTW, good job on the Colonial

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