Fan Misery


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Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
I'm sure there are a few that can come close to us miserable fans of Georgia teams, but what separates us imo is that we continually(relative to other miserable teams) get at the doorstep only to have the door slammed in our faces. Was thinking about it and decided to put a number to my misery. I "watched" the local teams as a child but did not become emotionally attached and begin to live and die with them until about 1990, 22 years. Couldn't give a shit less about Basketball or any type of shit played on Ice so they don't even count.

UGA 0-22
Falcons 0-22
Braves 1-22

1-66 or 1.5%

:facepalm: FML

Beat it if you can:sadwave:

An this thread was well before 28-3 and UGA's blown NC :mj07::mj07::mj07:

UGA 0-27
Falcons 0-28
Braves 1-28

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