fawking idiots!


% MAN !!!!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2003
rochester ny
anybody watching "REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" ? bill, that azz clown micheal moore and kim campbell teaming up against rep,david dreier? with a total democratic crowd bashing dreier about how come it george bush 7 minutes to react to us getting hit :rolleyes: like our country wasnt reacting to what was going on.. :rolleyes: we got caught with our pants down ( PERIOD ) !! WE includes the demorcrats by the way! :moon: i myself believe bush reacted accordinaly. ok,had to vent! :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Oh, when I saw the title, I thought this thread was about people who are going to vote for Bush this November....

Anyways, I have to think that most thinking men (that does, of course, excuse Bush) would've gotten up right away upon hearing the news in that class room, but it wouldn't have made any difference. I will admit that Bush sitting there for those minutes did absolutely NOTHING negative.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2002
Little Rock,Ar.
The truth of the matter is it's the Secret Service responsibility to REMOVE the President out of any situation. It is not a Democrat/Republican Secret Service we have,it's sole responsibility is to protect the President regardless of who it is or his action's. No one know's how they would respond to one of the most horrific event's in our history,we were not there. The other thing is the Secret Service does not answer to anyone either. Especially Bill Maher. Has it ever occurred to anyone that they (Secret Service) felt until they KNEW what they were facing he may have been in the safest place possible. I'm sure they were assessing the situation and took the measure's they felt were best AT THAT TIME. The only way we could possibly know for sure what was going on would be if Sandy Berger would go stick some classified document inadvertently in his sock's then make an appearance on a Bill Maher live and tell us what's up.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Trossi3389 said:
i myself believe bush reacted accordinaly.


Still havnt seen the 911 movie.

My question is this.

When the aide came up to Bush and whispered in his ear, do we get to hear what was said to Bush ?

Did the aide say....Mr President....We are under attack. Or did he say..Mr President a airplane has hit the wtc ?



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
bjfinste said:
Scott- no, we don't hear what he says.

well then its stupid to say that Bush did not
act properly.

Why hasnt it been reported what was said to Bush ? Top Secret ?


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
What we know, at least what Bush says, is that he was told a plane hit the WTC while he was in the limo on the way to the school. While in the classroom an aid whispered in his ear that the country is under attack. It was then that he waited a full seven minutes to react. Make of it what you will.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Chalk me up as one of those who think that the President would have to sit and wait until Secret Service would be able to determine how secure the President was at that time. (totally agree with MJB) Of course he looked dumb founded, I did too. I have no problem with the way that the President handled himself on 9/11 . . it's the three years since that I have a problem with.

. . . and, yes, Bill Maher, his audience, and Michael Moore all seemed to overreact.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
StevieD said:
What we know, at least what Bush says, is that he was told a plane hit the WTC while he was in the limo on the way to the school.


I challenge you to show us something in print to verify your statement.

Thats a crock of hooly.

Don't make statements like that if its a bunch
of hooly.



Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
bjfinste said:
Oh, when I saw the title, I thought this thread was about people who are going to vote for Bush this November....

You live in Texas????


% MAN !!!!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2003
rochester ny
Scott-Atlanta said:


Still havnt seen the 911 movie.

My question is this.

When the aide came up to Bush and whispered in his ear, do we get to hear what was said to Bush ?

Did the aide say....Mr President....We are under attack. Or did he say..Mr President a airplane has hit the wtc ?


scotty,no i havent seen the 911 movie buddy,not really eager to se it to tell u the truth,but to answer your question what was said in his ear is not an issue here to me.. i think if it were either or he would of took the situation exactly the way, he knows if he was in any danger he would of been yanked out of that chair! all i know is my jaw was on the ground for 7 minutes in awwwww after hearing and seeing that. and i believe bush and all americans were in the same boat at that very minute!like i said WE GOT CAUGHT WITH OUR PANTS DOWN.i cant believe bill and micheal moore would make a huge ten minute thing about this issue.. talk about desprete :rolleyes:


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
This is the best I can do Scott after about 2 minutes searching on Google. Maybe you can find something that disputes the President was told while in the classroom. If you do please post it, if not don't accuse me of posting hooly or whatever. Hooly?........sounds like something they eat for breakfast in Texas!

>>> At 9:03 AM on 11 September 2001, the second airplane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center. President Bush was in Florida, at the Emma T. Booker Elementary School, listening to children read. Chief of Staff Andrew Card came over and whispered in Bush's ear, "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack."

What did the Commander in Chief do? Nothing. He sat there. He sat for well over 5 minutes, doing nothing while 3,000 people were dying and the attacks were still in progress.

Not only did the leader of the free world sit as his country was attacked, the Secret Service also did nothing. Bush was appearing in public at a previously announced photo-op. He was a sitting duck. The attacks were ongoing at that point (planes had yet to hit the Pentagon or the field in Pennsylvania), and nobody knew how much more destruction was going to happen. Were there two, three, four, eight more planes hijacked and on their way to crash into prominent buildings? Was one headed for the school, where anyone who checked the President's public itinerary would know he was located? Were other terrorists planning to detonate dirty nukes? Were they going to release anthrax or smallpox or sarin? Was an assassination squad going to burst into the school and get Bush? Was a suicide bomber going to ram a truck full of explosives into that classroom?

During the midst of the attacks, any of these things could've happened. Yet there sits Bush, seemingly unconcerned. His Chief of Staff likewise doesn't think that America in flames warrants the President's immediate attention. And the Secret Service utterly fails to do its job by grabbing the President of the United States and getting him to safety. It's truly inexplicable.

And it's something the administration isn't too eager to trumpet. They haven't released footage of the President's (non)actions during this historic moment of American history. Until now, the only available footage had been a little film put together by Booker Elementary. [See it here.] The problem is, there's a jump edit in the footage: From the time Card whispers to Bush until the end of the scene in the classroom, only 2 minutes and 10 seconds elapse.

But this new, fuller footage shows Bush sitting for a full five minutes after he'd been told that "America is under attack."

He declined to take action even longer than this, but unfortunately this footage ends before he leaves the classroom. Thanks to an amazing article by Allan Wood and Paul Thompson, we know what happened after the footage suddenly cuts off:

The only source to describe what happened next is Fighting Back by Bill Sammon. Publishers Weekly described Sammon's book as an "inside account of the Bush administration's reaction to 9-11 [and] a breathless, highly complimentary portrait of the president [showing] the great merit and unwavering moral vision of his inner circle." [Publisher's Weekly, 10/15/02] Sammon's conservative perspective makes his account of Bush's behavior at the end of the photo-op all the more surprising. Bush is described as smiling and chatting with the children "as if he didn't have a care in the world" and "in the most relaxed manner imaginable." White House aide Gordon Johndroe, then came in as he usually does at the end of press conferences, and said, "Thank you, press. If you could step out the door we came in, please." A reporter then asked, "Mr. President, are you aware of the reports of the plane crash in New York? Is there anything...", But Bush interrupted, and no doubt recalling his order, "DON'T SAY ANYTHING YET," Bush responded, "I'll talk about it later." But still the president did not leave. "He stepped forward and shook hands with [classroom teacher] Daniels, slipping his left hand behind her in another photo-op pose. He was taking his good old time. ... Bush lingered until the press was gone." [Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism - From Inside the Bush White House, by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 90]

For a detailed portrait of what Bush did and didn't do on 9/11, you can do no better than to read this article here. It is based completely on reports from mainstream media and statements from government officials.

Apologists claim that Bush didn't leave simply because he didn't want to interrupt and upset the children, but this falls apart for several reasons:

1) America is being attacked, thousands are dying, and Bush doesn't know if we're facing nuclear, biological, or chemical attacks, as well. Couldn't he just say, "Excuse me, kids, I need to take care of something. It's part of being President, y'understand. I'll be back as soon as I can."

2) At the moment Card told Bush about the second plane, the children weren't reading to Bush. They had finished reading words from an easel and were reaching under their chairs for a book when Card whispered to Bush. Another 30 seconds would elapse before they started reading again. This pause was a perfect time for Bush to politely excuse himself.

3) By staying, he not only endangered his own life, but the lives of all of those children. Wouldn't it be better to risk upsetting them than to risk letting them die in a terror attack?

4) Even if Bush was afraid of hurting the kiddies' feelings, what about the Secret Service? Have they been trained not to attempt to save the President's life if it might bother some schoolchildren?

5) What about Chief of Staff Andrew Card, White House Spokesperson Ari Fleischer, and other officials who were in that classroom? Didn't they feel that a 21st-century Pearl Harbor and a potential attack on the President himself were worth some sort of action?

6) Finally, and most damningly, this excuse doesn't explain why Bush continued to mill around the classroom for several minutes after the children had finished reading.


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
stevied quote:"What did the Commander in Chief do? Nothing. He sat there. He sat for well over 5 minutes, doing nothing while 3,000 people were dying and the attacks were still in progress. "

this issue of bush just sitting in the class room doing nothing while 3000 people died is utterly retarted.

he was sitting with young children. what was he suppose to do ? the children would have panicked if he just left the room.

people shouldn't question how the president acted.

it makes the accusers look like they are "grasping at straws" & am surprised you are doing this, stevie.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
AR, all I was doing was posting a piece that showed the time line he sat in the classroom. I did this because I was challenged by Scott, the useless poll king, in a previous post when I told him when Bush was told about the attacks. Scott chose to simply call me a liar rather than post any proof of what I said in the post was incorrect. My post said that "you can make of it what you want." I do not know why Bush sat their looking at kids read. He could have very easily told the kids he had some Presidential business to take care of.
AR, I know you will always give the President the benefit of the doubt and I expect you will always give Kerry the benefit of the doubt if he should win.
The post you are quoting me in is simply a post that has the time line. Not a post regarding my thoughts on the subject. I feel, like another poster here that Bush has done next to nothing to stop terror in the last three years.
It is not comforting to know that now that the Dem's are leaving town we can go back to our unchecked subways. But I guess we can't afford that security year round we are too busy rebuilding Iraq.


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
I don't think the President s demeanor cost anybody their life that day. Was to late, that opportunity was lost previously and the FBI is to blame with that. And I say that with knowing one of my brothers was in the wtc, I'm also not the biggest Bush Fan.

Although I don't think the President cost anybody their life, and could not have possibly saved anybody either, I would have liked to see him act a little more urgently. It was a awful moment, and no doubt surprised everyone, there is no shame in looking or acting shocked, but 7 minutes is a long time to sit. I'm tired of this reasoning that if he was more urgent he would have scared the children. That is a bogus excuse. I'm quiet sure he could have exited the room more quickly without making the children hysterical. And actually if exiting the room scared 20 kids tough shitt, would hit have been any worse than crawling under your desk like they used to do in schools?

Bottom line as President Bush didn't cost anybody their life. But remember, if New York City Fireman, police, Mayor or many other public officials, (Port Authority etc.) had taken 7 minutes to move additional lives would have been lost.


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
stevied quote:"AR, I know you will always give the President the benefit of the doubt and I expect you will always give Kerry the benefit of the doubt if he should win. "

i was around during the "60's when we questioned even when the president "took a piss".(lol)

now in my "old age" i think that we should give the president the benefit of the doubt, no matter the party.

i figure that they have earned it.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
He never moved for 7 minutes. And why has the liberal press hid this from the public. He's lucky it was not a nuke attack. He new when he sat down a plane hit a tower thought to be a accident. He was told several minutes later a second tower was hit. And we were under attack. He sat there and did nothing. I do believe he could have got up said to the kids I'll be back in a minute. I have a important call or anything close to that. You look at the film he just sits and stares off into space. Thats some scary chit. He looks like he ate another pretzel the wrong way and fell off the couch.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
StevieD said:
What we know, at least what Bush says, is that he was told a plane hit the WTC while he was in the limo on the way to the school.


Here is what he says happened.

So the story you told about the President hearing it in the limo on the way to school, was a total fabrication on your part. You lieing rat bastid !
I think we know who your voting for. Your a joke. And maybe more of a liar than you accuse Bush of being.

Russ, from Cookeville TN writes: Please step us through how you learned about the second plane hitting the World Trade Center on 911, your informing the President of this, and the seconds and minutes immediately following. Thanks.

Secretary Card:
I was with the President in Sarasota, FL on 9/11. Just as The President was entering a room with elementary students, we were informed about a single plane hitting one of the World Trade Center Towers. The President and I thought it was a horrible accident--- a pilot heart attack or something. Once the President was in the room with the students, I received a call from the Situation Room that another plane had hit the second tower. I gathered my thoughts, deciding that the President should know, and succinctly -- two facts one editorial comment. I walked into the room, trying not to be disruptive to the young students and whispered in the President's right ear, "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack!" I then stepped back so as not to invite a discussion. The President waited for an appropriate moment to excuse himself from the room. We then gathered in an adjoining room to learn more about the situation. It was an unbelievable day.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
djv said:
He never moved for 7 minutes. And why has the liberal press hid this from the public. He's lucky it was not a nuke attack. You look at the film he just sits and stares off into space. Thats some scary chit. He looks like he ate another pretzel the wrong way and fell off the couch.


what did you want him to do get the guy with the suitcase to come into the room with the children and begin to set up Def Com 5 ?

At that point the situation was being monitored at the highest levels.

The nation was clearly not at risk. This was a act of terror that should have been stopped long before Bush arrived.

Seven minutes is a reasonable amount of time to get over the shock for any caring human being.
I think his first instinct would be to not get flustered and show emotion.
Dont tell me he wasnt thinking like a President because you do not know what he was thinking. You only worry about seven minutes.

Oh OK.
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