February MMA News


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Nov 6, 2007
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Crazy Fingers

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Dec 15, 2000
Gulf Breeze, Florida

Bit of a double standard? I'm sure Dana is pretty pissed by having Riddle fail another pot test.....and what an idiot Riddle is for failing it in the first place, but there have been guys who have popped multiple times for real PED's and have not been cut. Thiago Silva comes to mind....and he has lost what 5 out of the last 6? Riddle has been winning. I don't get some of recent moves the UFC has been making. They are the big leagues of MMA, yet they are acting like the WWE in some aspects.


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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Crazy, I'm not defending the UFC because some of the things they do are absolute crap but we don't know what all is going on with these guys and their training. For all we know Riddle could be smoking dope everyday and not training. Silva on the other hand could be training like a mad man. I know I probably think differently than most when it comes to PEDs but for training I don't see them as being bad. Being on them come fight time and I can see the problem. Of course, I don't see the problem with smoking herb either. I know plenty of guys who smoke before they go to the gym to workout or play ball.

Crazy Fingers

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Dec 15, 2000
Gulf Breeze, Florida
I doubt that Riddle was not training. I know a number of guys that fight in the UFC and what they do to train for their fights. They are in crazy shape and still at times get gassed during fights. If Riddle wasn't training, he could probably barely get out of the 1st round. He probably does smoke every day. If I had access to that type of herb, I would too.

I don't know that I would agree that taking PED's while training is ok but being at "acceptable" levels for the fight. Isn't that pretty much the definition of cycling?

Why would it matter how hard a guy trains when factoring in why they get cut or not? Isn't what really matters is whether or not they win? That's really what the barometer should be. Understandably the UFC wants exciting fights too, but the fighters need to be smart about the match ups too. Now, I didn't see Riddle's fight against Mills, but from what I have read it wasn't his most exciting fight. If you're going against a more polished striker and you can tell from the beginning that if I stand with him, its not going to end well, you go to what is going to win the fight correct? That's what Schaub did against Johnson.


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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
I would say that if PEDs were to be ok that during training it would be ok just because of how much they help you recover. It allows guys to train harder and longer, which in turn makes them more skilled.

Cycling isn't for any other reason than your endocrine system can't handle constant levels of PEDs. You can do it but once you get off you're endocrine system is going to be shot and basically so are you. They also start losing their effectiveness the longer you're on them. You have to let your receptors re charge so to speak.

I don't know for a fact but I'm sure most of the guys do cycle on while training and then off for fight time. Basically unless you've been busted(ie Reem) and have to take constant test then there's no way they would bust you. You could just take short life help and it would clear your system by fight time.(we're talking about getting off a few weeks before your fight)

How much a guy trains might not matter as much as how they perform but if you have a guy that had a lame ass fight, you know he wasn't training his hardest and then he also fails a weed test then it makes you wonder where his priorities are at the time.

I smoke and have smoked for a long time. I have no problem with smoking but I do have a problem with people that smoke enough that it messes with their lives. Riddle had a sweet gig, if he couldn't stop smoking then he cares more about the smoke than he does his fighting life. He knew he would be tested and everyone that smokes know how long it takes. He didn't care enough to be clean for that time.

Again, we know don't know the whole story.
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