

Registered User
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Mar 4, 2001
Summerville, SC
Nice to see there are other "friends of Bill W" here on this forum.

Fletcher, even though we?ve never met or spoken and I?m just a ?newbie? name to you, you know that those of us in the program NEVER have to go through anything alone. We can always draw on the experience strength and hope from one another.

When I first read of you being put on the Oxycotin, and you had indicated you were a recovering soul, my heart caught in my throat. That is some dangerous stuff for folks like us. But never the less, you were validly treating a medical condition under a physician?s order and therefore did NOT beak your sobriety. Don?t let the crazy thought that you did get started in your head, because that can be more dangerous than the Oxycotin. You know what I?m talking about.

Please?surround yourself with others in recovery. You know what to do. The other guys have mentioned meetings, but I?d like to add that you call your sponsor. If you don?t have one or he is otherwise not available, you could even use one of the guys you know here at MJ?s as a temporary sponsor via email. Then?use him!

Hope you won?t take offense at my suggestions. I know for myself, even with all my time in the program (and I have more than a few 24 hours), I still need others to remind me of what I already know to do to take care of myself.

I wish you well with what you?re dealing with. Who knows, maybe the next time I?m out in Las Vegas, I may get introduced to you at a meeting instead of a casino. I?d like to think so. You take care of yourself.


[This message has been edited by dc (edited 07-09-2001).]


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May 21, 2001
Fletch, We exchanged e-mails about a month ago and I told you I was going to be in vegas and would like to meet you. I will be there Friday - Monday. I also am a AA brother and if you need someone to go to a meeting with, I would be glad to. I will send you an E-mail with more info. It sounds like things are getting better day by day. Good luck and stay with it.


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Jun 8, 2000
fletch to read your note made my day and i was not having a good one/1 minute,1hr.,1 day at a time/ you see the support you have/ this has been a good meeting!!


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Nov 4, 2000
As said above any plan but more of that chit they were giving you. I am happy you stopped taking it. Watch that dam Valium to. It will sneek up on you. It did my son.

Take Two ?

Registered User
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Jun 5, 2001
Fletcher - I understand you injured your back in a fall, maybe? If you e-mail me, I may be able to get you in touch with a Doctor here in Virginia who is a specialist in back injuries. He is NOT a surgeon, although he is a neuroligist. He is an expert is the spine, and it may be worth a phone call to him to see if he may be able to assist you. Just so you know, I am an attorney who practices injury law, and I am familiar with back problems. Hope you are feeling better...



Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
thanks to all did what i havenot done in about 3months went to a meeting and it was a great fit got a new temp sponsoar will be going everyday at 5pm.
thank you all and my brothers and sisters who knew my self guilt and what it would do,the easy thing was to say hi i'm eric and i'm an alcoholic . and from there the heeling started
start pt wed going to be on 800mg ibprouffon that will work and should be clean by tues or wen,but with my groupe this will be nothing.
glad to see some of the new brothers of bill w and madjacks write this was very up lifting and pointed me where i sould of been already but if i knew that i wouldnot of been like this,got away from living day at a time and the itty bittie shitty committe in my head was starting to run away with me,its easy to forget or skipp such as i did or for me at least and think i am fine dont need a meeting but you know what?i'm not fine i'm a drunk but thats ok with me,live 1 day at a time with my brothers and sisters ,and have my higherpower have the worry which i choose to call mine god,an i will enjoy each and everyday to the fullest and if something happens deal with it then and not worry about what might happen. and if i did my best then i am ok with it.
thanks to all.
good luck in 2nd half and lets win some money and enjoy life along the way.
i was making good money but had no life,so money doesnot bring happiness it helps out short term but there is more to life then money and winning something. if anything is learned out of this thread ,no matter if you are winning or not a drunk or not,take time each day if only for a few to be thankful for what we have and that is life ,look at a flower hear a bird and think thats nice and enjoy,because i forgot to enjoy an fell into the money trap and i'm sure it could happen to others not just an addict.
good luck and be blessed my friends thanks to all


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Dec 16, 2000
Surprise, AZ, USA

I'm so glad to see that you are turning it around. I've been worried for you but have felt very helpless in that I wanted to help but didn't know how.

When I first heard that you had injured your back I was not aware of the seriousness. I made a number of calls to Las Vegas trying to see if I could set something up to help if you were receptive to it. Then found out how serious a fall you really took and that your injuries were totally out of my league.

I do hope that you start feeling better soon.
Most importantly it sounds like you have a plan, are implementing it and are on your way!

You are a friend to all of us. Friends help friends. If there is ever anything that I can do to help I will be there for you.

Look forward to meeting you in the near future.

What a relief to KNOW that you are going to be OK!

With love and respect.




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Jul 13, 1999
glad to hear from you, fletch!! and, great to hear things are moving in the right direction for you.


Registered User
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Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
Fletch, thanks for the post. I hope you will keep us informed on your progress. Prayer is strong medicine. I will continue to pray for you brother.

Keep the Faith,


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 8, 2000
jack thanks for having this part of the forum/it allowed us to have a thread to help give support to a good man that was facing a serious situation/fletch you are going to be fine/the program works/meetings meetings meetings/this thread was more important than any wager we make because this was life or death situation/program of AA asks to reach out and be there/fletch i will see you one day & this one we will remember/i will close with that knowing higher power is beside you
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