my guess is that y'all are gonna be surprised at fletchers lack of reaction here...he is smart enough to realize that BTJ is nothing but schtick
remember this post??
01-24-2005, 12:38 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: henderson,nv.
Posts: 13,398
Never would hit Jim with the 2 page rant, he knows it's all in fun. I have been very good last few years in going off my rocker over something, and it has took personal growth trust me on that.
If i thought something like that would hurt someone would never write it, I know Jim is not gay and if he was so what, makes no difference to me. He still would be a person I have friends female and male that chose that style of life and it is their business as long as they don't act like a flame around me or push it at me. I could really care less how other people chose to live their life as long as they don't push it on me, this goes for religion yes i have it but never speak about it. Feel it is not right unless if it is with others who want to talk about it. same as politics hate people pushing that down my throat, also raciest people don't care to hear their views no matter what color their skin is, sick of hearing about the war. Only thing that will really set me off and I will take up for them is people who make fun of people who are physically challenged ,mentally challenged, the elderly or some one who can't defend themselves do to some reason or another, That will really set me off. I care about my family and friends first me 2nd, and try as hard as I can to respect everyone and that is hard in this day and age with all that is going on in the world, not just the war but every things is a little off somethings more then otherthings, Hell i am off far from perfect.
But with Jim it was written in fun, if I knew or thought he was gay would never of wrote it, because then it becomes hurtful.
So now you know my whole view on life just summed it up in a truthful statement on how I look at life. I try to live it day by day sometimes that does not work but to be honest all we have is the now , also get angrey with people who drink and drive.
Hey I hope it helped lift the curse
if not, here is the thread it is from: