Eric- Hopefully It is ok to call you by name)
We have never talked, nor communicated even through our threads, but I thought I would leave you with these words that may help in the healing process. (We can never take the pain away with our words, but hopefully they do provide some solace or comfort.)
Where does a Mother?s love go
when she is no longer there to give it?
Where does her warmth and kindness end up
when she leaves the ground to
soar through the clouds
on a rendezvous with God?
What happens to her strength
her passion, her elegance, her grace
when her body is planted in the ground
like a marigold in the spring?
What becomes of those she left behind
weak and still in need of nurturing
when she can no longer be there to nurture them?
Shattered pieces of them go with her.
Hearts shrivel and dry
from unrequited emotion.
Where does a Mother?s love go
when she can no longer be there to give it?
Perhaps she?ll tell me
when I see her
on the other side.
by Felicia C. Hodges