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Forum Member
Sep 2, 2004
Chanman said:
Read his opinions on bombing Jewish women & children[/I]

You know, I`d love to see where I posted that...please find the thread for me

unless of course your making that up (which u are)


Forum Member
kosar said:
His view on the war is accurate. His accusations that the US and Israel were directly responsible for 9/11 are ignorant at best. He's a weekend warrior who has no problem taking the paycheck every month for going camping, and then when he got called the first time, wouldn't stop whining that now he actually had to earn that money. Sorry Haskell, that's no hero.

And remember the oath he took when he enlisted...guess that doesn't mean much either.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
I didn't mean a retirement check, I meant a check for training. Are you saying that you were the only person in the entire army not to get paid during your year in the reserves?

Do you still believe that Jewish civilians deserve to get blown up?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
hellah10again said:
You know, I`d love to see where I posted that...please find the thread for me

unless of course your making that up (which u are)

You definitely posted that. Then you got banned.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 2, 2004
kosar said:
You definitely posted that. Then you got banned.

then show me the thread

i dont understand whats so hard about proving it?!

I wanna see where I said "jewish women and children deserve to get bombed"


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 2, 2004
kosar said:
I didn't mean a retirement check, I meant a check for training. Are you saying that you were the only person in the entire army not to get paid during your year in the reserves?

I got paid for going "camping" in while serving my year

Im inactive right now, I dont get a check

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I am not commenting on Hellah's views on the the cause for 9-11. I have not read those views. If that is true, I do not agree with that position. I am commenting on a soldier who has served in Iraq posting his viewpoints. I agree with what he has said concerning the US involvement in Iraq.

You state his reason for going there is to grab a paycheck. I cannot comment on this as he can only give his reasons for going. However, what about all of the other soldiers in Iraq. Sure you have some Yankee doodle guys but, I'll bet most are there cause they have to be there. I'm real interested in the morale and what most of those guys think. Are they Bush backers or are they wondering what the hell there doing there.

From what I know, Hellah is the only guy who has posted here who has served a tour or two in Iraq. I for one, am very interested in his perspective. You can impeach if you care too but, I would like to hear his perspective. You know this thread is shaping up similar to the Swift Boat veterans campaign.

Like anyone else on this board, you will not get anyone to totally agree with anyone else. Matt, you and I have had differences in the past although I believe in general your perspectives on the war and this administration are right on point. I'm still interested in a soldiers perspective.



Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
hellah10again said:
then show me the thread

i dont understand whats so hard about proving it?!

I wanna see where I said "jewish women and children deserve to get bombed"

I don't feel like doing a search of all your moronic posts, but it was something close to that.

Do you still think that our government, in cahoots with Israel, were directly responsible for 9/11?


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 2, 2004
I go to Iraq for 2 reasons:

1) my friends are there who took care of me and its only fair that I take care of them. I earned my 101st combat patch and we all took care of eachother.

2) your god damn right I want that paycheck. you honestly think Im going for "your freedom" lmfao...oh man thats a laugher


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 2, 2004
kosar said:
I don't feel like doing a search of all your moronic posts, but it was something close to that.

Do you still think that our government, in cahoots with Israel, were directly responsible for 9/11?

ohhhh how funny....wont prove it

yup, I still think govt was behind 9/11...

i`d still love to see the plane parts that hit the pentagon


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Eddie Haskell said:
You state his reason for going there is to grab a paycheck. I cannot comment on this as he can only give his reasons for going. However, what about all of the other soldiers in Iraq. Sure you have some Yankee doodle guys but, I'll bet most are there cause they have to be there. I'm real interested in the morale and what most of those guys think. Are they Bush backers or are they wondering what the hell there doing there.

No, I meant his reason for being in the *military* is for the paycheck and education benefits. He's said that before and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. Obviously he has little choice but to go, but he seems excited about the prospect of a third tour, some extra bucks and a more impressive oak leaf cluster. He also has stated that the first chance he gets he's moving to Jordan, or somewhere over there. A lotta talk.

But on your overall point, i'd have to believe that most of the soldiers over there are wondering wtf is going on and what exactly is the point. Shit, when I was in Korea in the Army, half the guys bitched nonstop about being there, and that was peacetime with plenty of creature comforts of all sorts. Rotations are being canceled, etc. The morale there has to be terrible, the touching chain emails from guys like Sergeant Dolittle of Des Moines, Iowa notwithstanding.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX

You are a freaking idiot. You aren't getting paid my @ss. Dont sit there on your high little horse and say you are going over there for your second tour, and possibly even a third, and you are not getting paid. STFU! Yup, you may be in the IRR, but as soon as you put on the uniform and get your ID Card again you are right back on the payroll.
Obviously you don't seem to have a problem with it either.. getting paid good money because you have a skill at understanding another language. If you truly felt this strongly against the war, put in your objector package and go the f*ck home so you are not a detriment to your chain of command.

If you like, I can post the pay rates that you are going to be receiving while you are over there.
I assume you are E-5? haven't gotten busted down or anything yet have you?
so let's see, base pay, hazard duty pay, tax free zone, language pay, last I heard IRR folks being called up into active reserve status were getting BAS/per diem during their time there.... yea... its a good chunk of change folks.

you did what.. 4 or 5 yrs active in the army.... so you would have 3-4 left in IRR... that should be real close to ending one of these days shouldnt it?
or did you sign on for another reserve tour to be a mercenary?


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 2, 2004
marine said:
If you truly felt this strongly against the war, put in your objector package and go the f*ck home so you are not a detriment to your chain of command.

you cant claim CO if you allready have gone overseas...u know that
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