For Discussion: Would you put this animal down?


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
So, a friend had a very unfortunate event unfold over the last week while I was out vacationing.

So, while visiting his close friends, he laid down in the floor to play with their 18 month old. As he looked up from the baby, think laying/lying (grammar police HELP!) on his side propped up on an elbow, the family dog, a boxer, was meeting his gaze not three inches from his face in a full snarl growl.

Sadly, this story goes from a fun day of BBQing to absolute horror and the dog manages to place it bottom jaw INSIDE of the guys mouth and his upper incisors just below the eyes of the man.

He said his only thought was please don't begin shaking side to side. At which point the dog did. It wasn't a pretty sight but he didn't lose his eyes and they believe with plastic surgeries he should be ... better.

Now, I'm not squeamish but this put me in a fetal position.


Do you immediately request, they put the dog down to prevent this from happening to someone else or Heaven forbid the child at a later date?

I know my answer and was surprised by several individual's comments.

What would you do?



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Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
So, a friend had a very unfortunate event unfold over the last week while I was out vacationing.

So, while visiting his close friends, he laid down in the floor to play with their 18 month old. As he looked up from the baby, think laying/lying (grammar police HELP!) on his side propped up on an elbow, the family dog, a boxer, was meeting his gaze not three inches from his face in a full snarl growl.

Sadly, this story goes from a fun day of BBQing to absolute horror and the dog manages to place it bottom jaw INSIDE of the guys mouth and his upper incisors just below the eyes of the man.

He said his only thought was please don't begin shaking side to side. At which point the dog did. It wasn't a pretty sight but he didn't lose his eyes and they believe with plastic surgeries he should be ... better.

Now, I'm not squeamish but this put me in a fetal position.


Do you immediately request, they put the dog down to prevent this from happening to someone else or Heaven forbid the child at a later date?

I know my answer and was surprised by several individual's comments.

What would you do?


We had a dog when I was a child that for years had never bitten anyone. Then one day bam! Thinking it was an isolated event we didn?t think that mush of it, as it was nowhere close to what you described. Unfortunately the first biting incident seemed to encourage more biting and it happened several more times until we finally had to secure him (very well) away from people. Not sure what I would do if I was the one that got bitten, but if I was the owner of the dog I would either put it down, or put it somewhere that it would have no contact with others or my children. Just seems to me based on my experience that when it happens once, dogs seem to get the idea that it is okay/expected. Bad situation all around.

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
I would have to know more about the situation.

Is the dog abused?
WAS the dog ever abused?
Any idea on what the "trigger" was?

In my experience, dogs do not attack unless provoked - unless it is mentally unbalanced or an abusive trigger was instilled in it from an early age.

All that being said........I am of the opinion that Boxer's are one of the dumbest breeds. Now this statement usually is followed up by someone saying "I had a boxer for 15 years and was the greatest dog in the whole wide world!" that maybe, that was one dog. I am speaking about the breed as a whole.80% are dumber than a bag of hammers - JMO

Kill it? Maybe. Or at the very least, send it to the shelter and give it a second chance.:shrug:

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Sorry about ur friend but this is what boxers do. Protect the kid at all cost. The family should have told him this. I wonder if this boxer is an Alpha male cause these types are very difficult to handle. My girl had one of these Alpha males and it use to sit under the baby's rocker and nobody was allowed to go near the baby but her.
Shame for ur friend. Before i knew about boxers i would have probably got bitten too.


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Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Damn Woody, was this here in the ATL? Very sad indeed. Dog obviously was triggered by something, but with a baby around, and the fact the dog knows what flesh tastes like now, I would not take a chance. Dog may like what it experienced.

On another note, your projectile story from another thread was priceless. Remember kids, safety first!! :mj07:


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
I'm not sure of the dog's pedigree or past treatment. I know the guy is well tempered and definitely not the type to rough house a baby. That's silly.

Unfortunate to say the least. Personally, I would have to have it put down but in a very humane way.

I didn't even think of the boxer being bred to protect. That makes a lot of sense. Good thinking Sponge.

As for the drive home, I figured out what happened to me over the last 5 days of revelry.

It's a scene from Pinnochio where they run off to the Land of Toys or otherwise known as Pleasure Island. Pleasure Island serves as a haven for wayward boys, allowing them to act as they please without recrimination. However, the truer and more sinister purpose of Pleasure Island is eventually revealed as it begins to physically transform the boys into donkeys. By yesterday, I had all the markings of an ass.

Hee Haw.



Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
I am the first to admit I am not a dog person. I wouldn't say I am terrified of them, just very cautious. I have probably just read too many stories like this, and even though I know this type of stuff is 0.000001% of dogs, it still freaks me out.

Not to hijack the thread, but it got me thinking of my concern over my office's recent idea to allow people to bring dogs to work with them. Most of the people in the office are total dog-people and I feel uncomfortable expressing that I wouldn't be thrilled with dogs in the office. They look at me like I'm nuts for thinking this. :shrug:

Does anyone work in a place that allows this? How has it worked out?


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
I am the first to admit I am not a dog person. I wouldn't say I am terrified of them, just very cautious. I have probably just read too many stories like this, and even though I know this type of stuff is 0.000001% of dogs, it still freaks me out.

Not to hijack the thread, but it got me thinking of my concern over my office's recent idea to allow people to bring dogs to work with them. Most of the people in the office are total dog-people and I feel uncomfortable expressing that I wouldn't be thrilled with dogs in the office. They look at me like I'm nuts for thinking this. :shrug:

Does anyone work in a place that allows this? How has it worked out?

Are they going to allow large breeds to come into the office as well?

I love dogs, but I have had past peers that i wouldn't trust watering a catcus, much less caring for a large animal capable of having me for lunch.

I'd keep a ziplock bag full of bacon... Those dogs will know who is boss right away, lol. :lol:


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I would say put it down too even though it was probably just trying to protect the child. Ultimately, as hard as it is sometimes, human life is to be valued over a dog.

Dogs have a pretty good built-in 'sixth sense' I think, and are able to detect harmful intent/danger in people. Not suggesting that here, but it always comes to my mind when I hear of an attack like this.


Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
I have 2 rather large dogs in pure bred german shepherds, and altough very protective couldnt imagine them ever doing this, but if it were one of mine most likely I would put it down. Once shame on the dog, twice twice shame on whoever as next time it could be a life. Scary situation to say the least, and would like to hear how the dog stopped....


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
You know Brian, I wondered that as well. I have a lunch w the guys Thursday and will circle back. At the time and shocked that such a horrible thing could happen to such a great guy I didnt ask.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
I am the first to admit I am not a dog person. I wouldn't say I am terrified of them, just very cautious. I have probably just read too many stories like this, and even though I know this type of stuff is 0.000001% of dogs, it still freaks me out.

Not to hijack the thread, but it got me thinking of my concern over my office's recent idea to allow people to bring dogs to work with them. Most of the people in the office are total dog-people and I feel uncomfortable expressing that I wouldn't be thrilled with dogs in the office. They look at me like I'm nuts for thinking this. :shrug:

Does anyone work in a place that allows this? How has it worked out?

Where the hell u work the dog pound? The zoo?

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
This probably won't merit any green boxes but....
If that were my dog, I'd be less one 357 mag round. End of story. Take it or leave it.

Andd if that was a child predator u would be high fiving that boxer. Parents need to take some responsibility here.


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Forum Member
Jan 2, 2007
Central PA
Andd if that was a child predator u would be high fiving that boxer. Parents need to take some responsibility here.

Are you comparing apples to oranges Spongy? A 357 to the head would be quick and painless. "Humane" if you will. The child predator guy would just kill it with his bare hands and torture it to death.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Are you comparing apples to oranges Spongy? A 357 to the head would be quick and painless. "Humane" if you will. The child predator guy would just kill it with his bare hands and torture it to death.

His ass he would. My girls Alpha male Boxer woop a pit bulls ass. The dog in question sounds like an Alpha Male. It is sad what happen to the guy but somebody should have said something to him. These dogs protect. They don't know if u are messing around.
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