For Saint:

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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
<font face="Verdana" size="1" color="#999999"><br/><a style="font: Verdana" href="">Vaccine Nation - Director's Cut (Gary Null)</a><br/><object width="425px" height="360px" ><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="movie" value=",t=1,mt=video"/><embed src=",t=1,mt=video" width="425" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><br/><a style="font: Verdana" href="">Garry A. Meyer</a>*|*<a style="font: Verdana" href="">MySpace Video</a></font>
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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
100 cases of mumps in NJ and NY because misinformed parents aren't vaccinating their children- Or they are agent and have been informed but lack the mental acuity to process it.

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
100 cases of mumps in NJ and NY because misinformed parents aren't vaccinating their children- Or they are agent and have been informed but lack the mental acuity to process it.

Or maybe it is you who lacks the proper information. Did you actually read anything about this recent mumps outbreak? Try google - it's a wonderful tool called a search engine which can actually lead you to factual information. Here is the first article that pops up:

A couple lines I found quite informative:

"He was completely vaccinated," Pirutinsky said. "So it was a surprise to us he came down with mumps."

Anyone fully vaccinated from mumps receives two doses of the vaccine, according to the CDC. Of the New Jersey cases, 77 percent were vaccinated, Terjesen said.

And how many have died from this outbreak? I'll take my chances vs. multiple shots with extremely questionable ingredients. I think it is a fact we could all agree on that the body of an infant is very fragile and more susceptible to environmental toxins. I am not interested in injecting my children with aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate, beta-propiolactone, etc etc etc... but it is an individual choice for each family, and one that we definitely weighed long and hard against the inherent risks of each disease.
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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Or maybe it is you who lacks the proper information. Did you actually read anything about this recent mumps outbreak? Try google - it's a wonderful tool called a search engine which can actually lead you to factual information. Here is the first article that pops up:

A couple lines I found quite informative:

"He was completely vaccinated," Pirutinsky said. "So it was a surprise to us he came down with mumps."

Anyone fully vaccinated from mumps receives two doses of the vaccine, according to the CDC. Of the New Jersey cases, 77 percent were vaccinated, Terjesen said.

And how many have died from this outbreak? I'll take my chances vs. multiple shots with extremely questionable ingredients. I think it is a fact we could all agree on that the body of an infant is very fragile and more susceptible to environmental toxins. I am not interested in injecting my children with aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate, beta-propiolactone, etc etc etc... but it is an individual choice for each family, and one that we definitely weighed long and hard against the inherent risks of each disease.

and? those choosing not to vaccinate are increasing the risk to those who previously vaccinated. thanks for pointing out the obvious. How come you didn't storm in and respond to the thread regarding the 'holy grail' research linking autism to vaccines in the first place being bebunked as utter bullshit that led to this whole media-driven mess?

please let agent out of his cage to play again soon :sadwave:
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
and? those choosing not to vaccinate are increasing the risk to those who previously vaccinated. thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Wait, your precious vaccine doesn't save you?

How come you didn't storm in and respond to the thread regarding the 'holy grail' research linking autism to vaccines in the first place being bebunked as utter bullshit that led to this whole media-driven mess?

She was kinda busy having a child:shrug:

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Sorry I did not respond immediately to your autism thread - like Agent said, I was somewhat preoccupied by other things at the time being. The fact remains that there are many other studies that link vaccines and other environmental hazards to the rise in autism. Just because one rogue doctor is debunked does not mean that all of the other studies are invalid. There is no conclusive evidence yet, but there are certainly a lot of coincidental findings that should make any discerning parent think twice about vaccinations.

However, I did not even mention autism in this thread, so I don?t know why you are bringing it up. Although autism is a HUGE growing problem, there are so many ingredients in vaccines that are harmful in other ways. Here are just a few:

Formaldehyde has been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. - National Cancer Institute

Aluminum can cause neurologic harm? - American Academy of Pediatrics

At two months, a baby gets its first big round of shots, the total dose of aluminum could vary from 295 mcg to a whopping 1225 mcg . These doses are repeated at four and six months. With most subsequent rounds of shots, a child would continue to get some aluminum throughout the first two years. - Dr. Sears

Colic, rickets, gastrointestinal problems, interference with the metabolism of calcium, extreme nervousness, anemia, headaches, decreased liver and kidney function, memory loss, speech problems, softening of the bones, and aching muscles can all be caused by aluminum toxicity. - Victoria Abrea, ?The Dangers of Aluminum Toxicity?

Within a thirty-nine month period ending in November of 1993, the F. D. A. Vaccine Adverse Reporting System collected nearly 32,000 reports of adverse reactions following vaccination, with more than 700 deaths. DPT vaccine was associated with more than 12,000 of these reports, including 471 of the related deaths. ?The F. D. A. acknowledges that this voluntary reporting underestimates the actual number of reactions.? The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) was passed in 1986, establishing the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). As of July 5, 1994, the program has paid $452.5 million for vaccine injury or death, and is back-logged with more than 2,600 claim cases--all of which will not be settled for several years. ?A Pharmacist Questions Vaccines?, from the journal The American Chiropractor

I could go on and on, but I will try to keep it brief. The point is, it is not only autism that I am worried about, but numerous other problems. Saint - do you have children? I am just wondering if you do, and if so, did they receive all their vaccines? I will do whatever I can to keep my children healthy, and I feel that I have done the adequate research necessary by reading numerous books with all different perspectives on vaccinations to reach the conclusion that my children will not receive any more vaccines. The risks outweigh the rewards.

The CDC has all the ingredients in vaccines listed on their website if you are interested in reading them. Do you really think that all these ingredients are safe for children, or anyone for that matter?

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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
One of the better posts that I've read HH. I will discuss with my wife as we prepare for our first little one.

Thanks for taking the time.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Saint - do you have children? I am just wondering if you do, and if so, did they receive all their vaccines? I will do whatever I can to keep my children healthy, and I feel that I have done the adequate research necessary by reading numerous books with all different perspectives on vaccinations to reach the conclusion that my children will not receive any more vaccines. The risks outweigh the rewards.

Yes, I have an 8 month old son. To date, he has gotten all vaccinations and influenza vaccines, including H1N1.

We considered the possibility of spacing them out or not doing them at all. There is a fear there as a parent when you feel such a desire to love and take care of your child. However, scientific evidence, which is in abundance due to the media-driven vaccination scare, completely validates the safety of vaccinations. I realized I was buying into the hype instead of looking at the facts. You can read all of the books you want and put up lists of ingredients in vaccines but the overwhelming evidence of their safety trumps any of that (to us). Your kids, your decisions...nothing wrong with that.

FYI...just because something is a known carcinogen in higher levels does not mean it can't and shouldn't be used. I use formocresol on a daily basis doing a certain dental procedure on children's teeth. I don't really need to get into the specifics of it, but there is a ton of literature studying blood levels post-operatively in children who have this procedure done on multiple teeth, and time and time again there has been absolutely no formo showing up in the blood stream. Just because it is used in trace amounts does not mean it is going to cause carcinogenic effects.

There is just way too much in this world to cause paranoia, especially with parents. There's a book out there for everything. A website out there for everything. Almost every single item in your house can be linked to this or that. We try to live healthy and organic but at some point a line has to be drawn. We make all of his baby food ourselves, etc. I'm not talking about you guys, you are obviously free to live how you choose. This is nothing but my personal opinion. Unless you move out in the plains, grow your own food, sew your own clothing, you are surrounded by 'contaminants' and 'carcinogens' all day long.
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Say Parlay
Forum Member
Unless you move out in the plains, grow your own food, sew your own clothing, you are surrounded by 'contaminants' and 'carcinogens' all day long.

You can't avoid it that way either!

For example, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has listed the carcinogen allyl isothiocyanate you will find in cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Also listed is 8-methoxypsoralen you find in celery. Celery (along with parsley) also has Psoralens-known human mutagens and carcinogens. I could go on and on and on....I posted link to article by toxicologists discussing all this a few times here.
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Aug 18, 2002
TerryRay.. you've missed your calling: Encyclopedia Brittanica is missing their most productive employee:sadwave:


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TerryRay.. you've missed your calling: Encyclopedia Brittanica is missing their most productive employee:sadwave:


Great guy to have around if you need to know something. :mj06: