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Say Parlay
Forum Member
There is just way too much in this world to cause paranoia, especially with parents. There's a book out there for everything. A website out there for everything.

from our Lord Chesterfield on "broadside" pamphlets published for popular consumption and outrage a few centuries ago:

"...these refined pieces of casuistry and sophistry, being very convenient and welcome to people's passions and appetites, they gladly accept the indulgence, without desiring to detect the fallacy or the reasoning: and indeed many, I might say most people, are not able to do it; which makes the publication of such quibblings and refinements the more pernicious..."


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
You can't avoid it that way either!

For example, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has listed the carcinogen allyl isothiocyanate you will find in cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Also listed is 8-methoxypsoralen you find in celery. Celery (along with parsley) also has Psoralens-known human mutagens and carcinogens. I could go on and on and on....I posted link to article by toxicologists discussing all this a few times here.

Exactly....we're all screwed :mj07:
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Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
First of all, I am not sure how you can classify the dangers of vaccines as ?media-driven?. When I was pregnant with our first child, I had to go out of my way to read books on the subject (which included pros and cons). All of these books were written by doctors and based on factual information. Our pediatricians ask us at least twice every visit if we want vaccines, and the way they ask is quite manipulative in wanting us to get them. Just like prescription medicine, vaccines make a lot of money for pharmaceutical companies, and doctors and the media are their spokes people. I am not sure where you get the idea that the media is behind this ?scare?.

Obviously we are surrounded by known carcinogens everyday, and we can only protect ourselves to a certain extent. However, please don?t belittle my knowledge by trying to compare eating brussel sprouts to injecting a one-month-old infant with an undeveloped immune system with formaldehyde and aluminum. It is like you are positing that we are all going to be exposed to toxic substances anyway, so we might as well just go sit under an x-ray machine for 24 hours. We can limit our exposure as much as we can, and for me the importance of limiting the exposure for children who develop at an alarming rate is even more important.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Here's all I care to know:

When "they" offer 4-5 variations of the "same" vaccine...........I don't want nuthin' ta do wiff it!
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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2010
Michigan, just south of Det
I love hearing people talk about not wanting medications or vaccines. There is one interesting fact no one seems to care about, what was the life expectancy before modern medicine and what is the life expectancy now. I have worked with multiple doctors and nurses and not one has ever even thought about refusing their children the suggested vaccines. I have also seen multiple children in the e.r. frequently that have not received any immunizations.
It is sad when a child becomes ill either way. Every parent has to make a decision, but when I have a child there is no doubt in my mind that he/she will receive all immunizations and vaccines. How many of you have received these same shots as a child? just curious


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
First of all, I am not sure how you can classify the dangers of vaccines as ?media-driven?. When I was pregnant with our first child, I had to go out of my way to read books on the subject (which included pros and cons). All of these books were written by doctors and based on factual information. Our pediatricians ask us at least twice every visit if we want vaccines, and the way they ask is quite manipulative in wanting us to get them. Just like prescription medicine, vaccines make a lot of money for pharmaceutical companies, and doctors and the media are their spokes people. I am not sure where you get the idea that the media is behind this ?scare?.

Obviously we are surrounded by known carcinogens everyday, and we can only protect ourselves to a certain extent. However, please don?t belittle my knowledge by trying to compare eating brussel sprouts to injecting a one-month-old infant with an undeveloped immune system with formaldehyde and aluminum. It is like you are positing that we are all going to be exposed to toxic substances anyway, so we might as well just go sit under an x-ray machine for 24 hours. We can limit our exposure as much as we can, and for me the importance of limiting the exposure for children who develop at an alarming rate is even more important.

Not media driven? That is so absurd it's not even worth arguing. You have Jenny Mcarthy telling people that they need to choose if they want their kids to have measles or autism plastered all over the news and you tell me it's not media driven.

So now that it's pretty much been shown that vaccines do not increase the prevalence of autism you have to fall back on the "pharma companies and doctors are greedy and vaccinate to make money" argument. Talk about a reach.

Why do you think 99% of pediatricians give their kids vaccines? There's no profit there yet almost all of them still do it. ust because your books are written by doctors doesn't scientifically validate them. Having an MD after your name doesn't take the moron out of some people.

The brussel sprouts comparison is spot on. Your child gets trace amounts of known carcinogens in vegetables yet their "undeveloped" immune systems seem to hold up all right. But, somehow, all these nasty ingredients in vaccines are going to cause them to immunologically shut down. The immune system argument absolutely cannot be substantiated by fact. The number of adverse effects are so minimal the CDC can't even classify them.

Coo-coo, coo-coo
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Not media driven? That is so absurd it's not even worth arguing. You have Jenny Mcarthy telling people that they need to choose if they want their kids to have measles or autism plastered all over the news and you tell me it's not media driven.

Coo-coo, coo-coo

did somebody basically say,"f-ck jenny mccarthy"?...

i would:sadwave: (but only after i got all my shots).....:rimshot
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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
Aluminum can cause neurologic harm? - American Academy of Pediatrics

There is 1000x more aluminum in antacids than in vaccines. Do you know how many infants are taking antacids for reflux? How about ever take an antacid in your lifetime?

Water can can death. Should we stop drinking water?

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
I don't watch any news and I certainly don't hold the opinion of Jenny Mcarthy or any other celebrity as truth, so I may be lacking in my media-awareness. From your own statement "it's pretty much been shown that vaccines do not increase the prevalence of autism" it is obvious that even you know that there is no conclusive evidence, as I stated before. A lot more research needs to be done, but I will ere on the side of caution. I am not falling back on anything, as my original argument had absolutely nothing to do with autism, but with other questionable ingredients. And I certainly only highlighted a few - I would continue with my fact finding, but I wouldn't want to challenge your psyche.

"Having an MD after your name doesn't take the moron out of some people." - then I guess that is why 99% of them vaccinate their kids??

You can stop drinking water and eating brussel sprouts and vaccinate yourself and your kids - I really don't care. Good luck with all that...
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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
You skirted my questions since you couldn't answer them.

You say vaccines have aluminum and that is bad.

You then quote the AAP saying that aluminum is bad.

I counter with the fact that even though aluminum is known to be bad in very high levels, it is safe when used in acceptable levels. This statement can be said with just about anything on our planet.

You use deodorant? Has aluminum. You write anything down on a piece of paper today? It was made with aluminum at one point. You ever drink bottled water or city that was cleansed by your city at some point? They used aluminum.

So how again is aluminum so deadly in vaccines? I can predict your answer..."because a baby's immature immune system can't handle it". When in doubt, that's the slogan! Completely untrue and unfounded scientifically, but hey, it's an answer.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
FYI, ironic you quote Sears on this. I mean, gee golly, he is doing this out of altruism. Surely he doesn't seek financial gain selling books (same argument you used for doctors wanting to give vaccinations).

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat


Forum Member
Feb 9, 2010
New Jersey
When a child is diagnosed with autism it is devastating to the parents. You want to blame something or someone. If they want to blame vaccines then let them.