They have agreed to stop ads Cman if Kerry will come clean on accounts and appoligizes to veterns for comments he made about them in 71.
If he does hope he just comes up with one account of each incident--unlike the following----
Those two issues and a third have fueled the SBVT campaign as well as sales of the book "Unfit for Command" by SBVT founder and longtime Kerry critic John O'Neill. In the book, O'Neill brings up the Cambodia claims and questions whether the March 13, 1969, incident in which Kerry earned the Bronze Star and a third Purple Heart in four months, which qualified him to be removed from combat, really happened the way Kerry has described.
"You have now described three different versions of this incident. In the first version of this incident presented during the Democrat National Convention, you stated: 'No man left behind,' suggesting to the American people that you alone stayed on the river to rescue Mr. Rassmann.
"Later, when forced to acknowledge conflicting eyewitness testimony from fellow Swift Boat Veterans, you said that your boat left the scene to return moments later to retrieve Jim Rassmann from the water. Yet, in another version of the same incident discovered in the Congressional Record, you reported that your boat struck a mine and Rassmann fell off the boat.
reminds me of the old adage--you tell one lie you end end having to tell several others to cover it up.