Friday, 5/10/2024


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 26, 1999
New Orleans

I'm starting to get 'harassed' again, messing with my computer, etc, making it where I can't comment on a Facebook post; last year it was doing that and/or messing with the spreadsheets themselves. I can't really understand it either cause this sheet is way more wrong than it is right, and baseball is hard enough to beat anyway, I rarely if ever win in the long run. Besides that the books only need volume anyway, they are going to get their share and then some. I wish I knew who/what was doing it and I would know more how to proceed. It wouldn't be any big loss to the forum but I like to do it anyway. I've got an anti-virus program, or whatever they are, but it doesn't seem to be able to help. So if I end up quit doing this you'll know why.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 26, 1999
New Orleans
Oh, forgot to mention.

Added a new predicted score. First of all, the original 2, PS10 and PS5 are computed the same way, just different time frames (10 days & 5 days). PSW is computed (on 10 days also) but starting pitching (among other things) is 100% of the formula, where PS10 starting pitching is (among other things) 50% of the formula and the other 50% is prior pitching, both starting and relief. Damn, I've about confused myself, oh well.
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