Hey Guys-
I dont mean to burst anyone's bubble here but you are trying to make judgements about things you know very little about. The first thing you need to realize is that the PRICE of OIL, is set by the SUPPLY of OIL. When I say SUPPLY, I dont mean how much is in the ground, I mean how much they are producing. THis price is set by the WORLD supply, so it really doesnt matter where we sell the OIL we produce, if we sold it here, it doesnt change the supply/demand curve, and therefore...has NO IMPACT on the price.
Also, the OIL COMPANIES are mostly FORIEGN.....Prices are usually the result of decisions made by OPEC, which is a foreign CARTEL.... Please look up the word CARTEL, before you get any ideas about how to regulate them, YOU CANT. Any second year economics student already knows what OPEC is just beginning to learn....HOW TO MAXIMIZE PROFIT... THe countries that are members of OPEC, like SAUDI ARABIA, make MORE MONEY when they LIMIT PRODUCTION. The key to engaging in this behavior is COOPERATION. All countries must agree to cooperate, and all must actually do it, or it never works.
You see, if these oil producing nations pumped oil at their full capacity, we end up with an excess of oil on the market.....they would all be selling more barrells, but the effect that has on the supply/demand curve and subsequently the price, has a negative impact on their profits. So why not CUTBACK? Well, on the surface that seems easy, but their is always an incentive to break the deal, to produce more at a given price level and increase profit in the short term. In the past, this incentive has been to large for OPEC to overcome, and they have had almost no success at coordinating competition. However, in the past couple years, they have succeeded in limiting their production and we now see that in the price.....Believe, me once they have learned, they will not forget.
What is the solution. The only solution is for us to become a much larger supply of oil on the world market, enabling a shift in the supply balance which will allow us to have a greater impact on supply and subsequently production. Understand that currently, while those other nations are holding back production, and forcing up price, we are producting as much as we can, and benefiting from the HIGH PRICE set by the cartel, as you can SEE we have had little impact on the price. However, if we could PRODUCE MORE, by drilling more of our resources....we will have more leverage on the world market....and would likely have a greater impact on the actions of the OPEC CARTEL....
When you chastise companies for maximizing profits, you are acting like a fool or a communist or both. This is America not RUSSIA OR CHINA, our government does not tell our companies how to RUN THEMSELVES, and the DAY THEY DO, will be the DAY we ELECT our DICTATOR. Be careful what you wish for, freedom is far more important than a ten cent discount on you gas.
PS..Ive been to Alaska. I will say this. THE PEOPLE that LIVE THERE are in FAVOR OF DRILLING. The STATE IS VERY BIG. Contrary to the brainwash job that all our liberal media sources have tried when portraying the area in question by showing heards of CARIBOU, this is a rugged VAST AREA, in which this site will probably never be seen by anyone other than the people that work there. This drilling and site will be not much larger than a city block. And it WILL NOT RUIN the environment...Goll, give me a break..here. The people whining about this are the people that never go to Alaska.