Gas Prices Take a Look


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Nov 29, 2000
Commission Finds No Evidence Oil Companies Broke Law

Tuesday, May 08, 2001

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WASHINGTON ? There is no evidence that major oil refiners violated antitrust laws in marketing West Coast gasoline, the Federal Trade Commission concluded Monday, closing a three-year investigation.

The FTC findings came as the nation faced a new round of price shocks at gasoline pumps, including talk of possible $3-a-gallon gasoline in California and parts of the Midwest this summer.

A spokesman for President Bush said Monday there is little the president can do to keep gasoline prices from going up. Bush is staunchly opposed to interfering in energy markets. There is no "magic wand that (a politician) can wave over gas prices to lower them," said White House press secretary Ari Fleischer.

The FTC investigation began three years ago after complaints about widely varying gasoline prices in different parts of California even though the region is essentially a single market producing similar blend gasoline.

The investigation covered wholesale gasoline markets in California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.

While the FTC acknowledged the existence of "zone pricing" in some limited areas, it said it "found no evidence of collusion between oil companies" nor any evidence of agreement on pricing "at any level of supply."

Zone pricing is the practice where refiners set uniform wholesale prices when they supply branded gasoline directly to their company-operated and leased service stations within a small, but distinct geographic area.

Despite these practices, the FTC said it found that no refiner "had the ability profitably to raise prices market-wide or reduce output at the wholesale level" so as to raise gasoline prices.

It also found no evidence, as had been alleged, of "redlining" in a particular metropolitan area in an attempt to increase market-wide prices.

The findings were approved unanimously in a 4-0 vote.

Nevertheless, one commissioner, Mozelle W. Thompson, said in a statement that he remained "somewhat troubled" by the "practice of site-specific redlining" used by some refiners in their distribution strategies.

Even this activity would only be illegal, acknowledged Thompson, if it produced higher than otherwise justified wholesale prices, and no such finding could be shown.

"Just because something is not illegal doesn't mean that it does not cause harm to the consumer," responded Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who had pressed for an FTC investigation several years ago into West Cost gasoline pricing practices.

The FTC investigation confirms "that there are anticompetitive practices taking place," Wyden insisted.

He said the industry "will try to exploit this opinion" and justify the high gasoline prices this summer. It gives them "a green light to raise prices even higher," said Wyden.

The nation's average price of gas, including all grades and taxes, was $1.76 per gallon at the end of last week, up 5 percent from April 20, according to the Lundberg Survey, which tracks prices at 8,000 service stations across the country.

The FTC report on its investigation of West Coast refiners followed release of another FTC report in March into the run-up of gasoline prices in the Midwest last summer. Prices soared beyond $2 a gallon in the Chicago and Milwaukee areas because of tight supplies last summer.

The FTC in that report also found no evidence of market collusion or violation of antitrust laws, but warned with another year of tight supplies similar price spikes could occur this summer.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Ironlock a interesting report. It does show these folks are not fools. Price fixing not at all. Close but not illegal. That one saying says it all. Not illegal doesn't mean it does not cause harm. One thing about Calf and im not sticking up for them. The harm it can cause all of us. They Calf are the 7th largest economy in the world. They get hurt bad enough. You and I will feel the pain. And it won't just be about $3.00 gas prices.
Whats that old saying about America. We stick together when times are tuff. We maybe very close to one of those times.


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Nov 4, 2000
Redsfann your state has that corn oil added to your gas. Is that helping with the price?


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
If adding 10 % ethanol to our gas and paying 1.78 a gallon is helping.......LOL.

EVERYONE in the country is getting it in the shorts right now, and its only going to go higher.

At least I don't live in Chicago, where they expect the price to hit 3 dollars a gallon this summer.


Registered User
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Nov 4, 2000
Redsfann, believe YYZ may have said it all in the other thread same subject. Its Bullshit.


Registered User
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Dec 17, 2000

When we had the embargo back in the 70's all of a sudden people got interested in alternative energy. The Carter years produced tax incentives towards that goal. Which must have scared OPEC because they began pumping crude like crazy. The cost of gas went down, the lines at the pump disappeared and we all had the warm and fuzzies until now. I will agree with you wholeheartedly that a great opportunity was missed, and that we should be a much more energy efficient nation with many more sources of alternatives. I do wish the Bush administration would focus more on conservation and alternatives.

However, up until the time that things like solar power can compete cost effectively (and we should include the COST of pollution in those calculations) I seriously doubt if it will take off. On the other hand, there are going to be some terrific money-making opportunities selling efficiency products to the public as gas prices go higher and higher. Has anyone seen that gizmo they're selling on TV, the TORNADO or something like, that's supposed to increase your gas mileage by 10%? We'll be seeing more things like that soon.

Side note on the Derby:

They do not allow ANY glass containers to be carried in. Plastic is OK.
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