Frickin ..."Twinkle Toes" you believe that......5'9" 225 lbs and I get twinkletoes.
I put my ex wifes name in and got "demon woman that sucks the money from your wallet and the blood from your veins, refuses to take any responsibility for her own actions, and takes custody of your digital camera and KidRock cd's even though the heathen didn't know who KidRock was until she heard me play it and yet leaves custody of the three dogs and fatass worthless cat to me, none of which may I add are my friggin animals in the first place.
Trust me only a woman can go to a reputable Labrador breeder and pick out the only pedigreed mutt in the entire place that has horrible allergies, hip dysplasia, and goes blind at the age of 6, and then stiff the ex with the headache of trying to play fetch with a blind dog.