Does the punishment fit the crime? I did say IF CONVICTED, that I wouldn't object to serial murderers being tortured. I realize this would be a very small number of cases, but look what's happened in DC. The bleeding hearts always can empathize with the accused, but how come they have no empathy for the victims and the families of the victims? The media would have you believe that so many prisoners and death row inmates were wrongly accused; I think that's total bulls---. This guy has ended what, ten or 11 lives, possibly two more, and forever damaged the lives of the families of those victims. He's also disrupted the daily lives of the millions in the greater Washington area. So now he gets a nice peaceful lethal injection? The media would also like to have us believe that the death penalty (and I'm sure torture if it was legal) would not be a deterrant to crime. I guarantee you torture would be a deterrant. If somebody is hell bent on murder, maybe they would think twice if torture was an option. But with a nice peaceful ending, what's stopping them?