Godzilla's Monday System Plays

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Godzilla 1

Forum Member
Nov 17, 2005
MY System:

Explain: I like to bet these Prop plays (Run Scored or No Score) in the 1st INN.

I have been tracking the AL & NL Teams and know how many games a team has gone with or without scoring in the 1st INN.


Florida is aveaging 77% Scoring in the 1st over 40 games. Opp have scored 26 times and they have scored 29 times. and the longest this team has gone without scoring from them or their OPP has been 3 games.

April NL 55% and AL 51%
May NL 57% and AL 57%

I too will follow(Chase) a team until I have exceed the longest they have gone with out a score. (Them or Opp). After that it is a lose. if it hits its a win.

Reminder: That you are always chasing the Team you started the chase with. It will be the Team that started off with the lower(#).

Also If you are chasing two teams and then they finally meet each other like in Chase Game 3. You wll bet it twice, from both angles.


Todays(Monday) Games:

Game 1 Chase

SF(3) vs. Mil(6)
Phila(6) vs. Clev
Wash(4) vs. Det
ST.Louis(6) vs. KC
Hou(3) vs. LAA
Cin(3) vs. Oak
AZ(3) vs. TB
Mets(7) vs. Minn

Game 2 Chase

Fld(3) vs. W.Sox

Game 3 Chase

Ata(3) vs. Bos

Record: 181 Wins - - 3 Losses All in 33 Days
:00hour :00hour :00hour :00hour

Godzilla 1

Forum Member
Nov 17, 2005
Updated Stats:

National League

T% Team% OPP % GWS
Pitt 80% 42% 38% 4
Florida 77% 41% 37% 3
San Fransico 73% 38% 35% 3
Cinn 72% 28% 43% 3
Atlanta 68% 35% 33% 3
Houston 66% 41% 25% 3

Phila 65% 35% 30% 6
Chicago 65% 38% 26% 5
Arizona 64% 29% 36% 3
NY Mets 64% 30% 34% 7
St. Louis 64% 21% 43% 6
Colordo 60% 39% 21% 6
LA Dodgers 59% 24% 35% 6
San Diego 59% 33% 26% 6
Milwaki 56% 24% 31% 5
Washington 56% 22% 34% 4


If you are looking to go BIG then these Teams in BOLD are for you. Check out the (3) & (4)'s quick turnaround..$$$$$$

Godzilla 1

Forum Member
Nov 17, 2005
Updated Stats:

American League

Team T% Team% OPP % GWS
Detroit 78% 43% 34% 4
Cleveland 70% 40% 30% 5
Texas 70% 25% 45% 7
Seattle 69% 31% 38% 5
LA Angles 68% 44% 24% 4
New York Yankees 66% 37% 29% 5
Minnesota 66% 23% 43% 3
Red Sox 66% 38% 28% 4
Tampa Bay 65% 24% 41% 8
Baltimore 63% 35% 28% 4
Kansas City 61% 28% 33% 8
Toronto 58% 30% 28% 6
White Sox 54% 27% 27% 7
Oakland 42% 21% 21% 9


NOTE: I Only play Oakland (NO SCORE).
If you are looking to go BIG then these Teams in BOLD are for you. Check out the (3) & (4)'s quick turnaround..$$$$$$
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Hi Godzilla

Thanks for all the hard work. Just sent you an email. Thanks

Godzilla 1

Forum Member
Nov 17, 2005
Okay for all of you that follow me. I have one other Chase I follow....

Let me explain.

Everyday I look to Espn.com (MLB Scores) I see who the 1st Game is listed.

I then will play that 1st Game to Score or Not Score. I look for trends based upon my data.

These are the Stats that I have so far:


Total: 44

NO Score:

Total: 35

4/1 Sun 0
4/2 Mon 1
4/3 Tue 1
4/4 Wed 0
4/5 Thur 0
4/6 Fri 0
4/7 Sat 0
4/8 Sun 1
4/9 Mon 0
4/10 Tue 1
4/11 Wed 0
4/12 Thur 1
4/13 Fri 1
4/14 Sat 0
4/15 Sun 1
4/16 Mon 0
4/17 Tue 1
4/18 Wed 0
4/19 Thur 1
4/20 Fri 1
4/21 Sat 1
4/22 Sun 0
4/23 Mon 1
4/24 Tue 1
4/25 Wed 1
4/26 Thur 1
4/27 Fri 1
4/28 Sat 0
4/29 Sun 0
4/30 Mon 1

5/1 Tue 1
5/2 Wed 1
5/3 Thur 0
5/4 Fri 1
5/5 Sat 1
5/6 Sun 1
5/7 Mon 0
5/8 Tue 0
5/9 Wed 0
5/10 Thur 0
5/11 Fri 0
5/12 Sat 1
5/13 Sun 1
5/14 Mon 1
5/15 Tue 1
5/16 Wed 1
5/17 Thur 0
5/18 Fri 0
5/19 Sat 0
5/20 Sun 1
5/21 Mon 1
5/22 Tue 1
5/23 Wed 1
5/24 Thur 0
5/25 Fri 0
5/26 Sat 0
5/27 Sun 0
5/28 Mon 1
5/29 Tue 1
5/30 Wed 1
5/31 Thu 1

6/1 Fri 1
6/2 Sat 1
6/3 Sun 0
6/4 Mon 0
6/5 Tue 0
6/6 Wed 1
6/7 Thur 1
6/8 Fri 1
6/9 Sat 1
6/10 Sun 0
6/11 Mon 0
6/12 Tue 0
6/13 Wed 1
6/14 Thur 1
6/15 Fri 0
6/16 Sat 0
6/17 Sun 1
6/18 Mon
6/19 Tue
6/20 Wed
6/21 Thur
6/22 Fri
6/23 Sat
6/24 Sun
6/25 Mon
6/26 Tue
6/27 Wed
6/28 Thur
6/29 Fri
6/30 Sat

You can slam it in Excel and see the trends by coloring the 1 an 0 and then bet accourdingly....But the Scoring has been the way to go.

Mister Covers

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2006
181-3. LMAO...that's laughable. So you've only lost three wagers in the last 33 days? You haven't lost any other wagers? I am surprised a book lets you keep betting with that record. That's pretty amazing dude. I guess you aren't couting every time that you doubled up, or tripled up or drained your bankroll to finally win. Your record is very misleading...have you thought about being a tout and sell your picks? With your sketchy record-keeping and spin you would fit right in.
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Godzilla 1

Forum Member
Nov 17, 2005
181-3. LMAO...that's laughable. So you've only lost three wagers in the last 33 days? You haven't lost any other wagers? I am surprised a book lets you keep betting with that record. That's pretty amazing dude. I guess you aren't couting every time that you doubled up, or tripled up or drained your bankroll to finally win. Your record is very misleading...have you thought about being a tout and sell your picks? With your sketchy record-keeping and spin you would fit right in.

Its all about making $$. Enough Said!

Mister Covers

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2006
Why don't you tell everyone what your real record is? You aren't going to do that are you? Nobody is guillible enough to believe that you've only lost three wagers in 33 days. Anyone who would play your chase system would have lost their ass by doubling up, etc.

Its all about making $$. Enough Said!
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play the under
Forum Member
Jul 8, 2005
Won good $ on this system today

I pass on the games which the total is 7 or 7.5, and I only 3 or maybe 4 times


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 1, 2005
Wisconsin's Armpit
That's what I thought. You won't post your real record. You're chicken-shit

I am no more than a 3rd party on this, but the actual record is not 3 losses...but that is irrelevant - he posts chase losses. He posts this system for all to help, and if you choose not to follow or even respect the plays, you should probably bow out from posting or choose to not open the threads.

I will say that today for example, if you bet $10 on a gm1 chase, you would have made about $200 chasing your $ today alone. YEAH - you lose when you chase a lot...but no one says you have to.

don't mean to disrepect anyone, but I do mean to offer a little more respect to Zilla for posting these.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
JUST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a suggestion........................

I play on line craps for a diversion and a $100 or so extra cash a day.
I play the "field" in a $2 $4 $8 progression and stop if i lose the $8.
The next time i play the filed again.my progression will
be $4 $8 $16 for while till i recoup the first progression loss and then drop down to whatever my orig prog amount was.

So.....if u got caught on the Brewers prog loss today my bets wd all have dbled...whether or not u play the brewers again after you lose the progression for an extra play is a personal decision of what u are willing to lose.
Hope this helps someone.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 10, 2007
Long Island, New York
Why don't you tell everyone what your real record is? You aren't going to do that are you? Nobody is guillible enough to believe that you've only lost three wagers in 33 days. Anyone who would play your chase system would have lost their ass by doubling up, etc.

Just a suggestion, but if it BOTHERS you THAT MUCH..Why DON'T YOU let US know what HIS RECORD IS?

Start WITH GAME 1 CHASE...Print out the lines so you know what he is "laying to a $100 bet" Use $10 Interverls though, so it's somewhat realistic. THEN Write DOWN what HE'S WON and LOST including juice, then Write down GAME 2 CHASE IF THE bet looses, and so on. Print out the lines again and continue doing this for lets say 33 days exactly what the system has been running so far. THEN Let US know what the "REAL RECORD IS ALONG WITH UNITS LOST" BUT IF IT COMES OUT THAT "HE IS" WINNING UNITS. PLEASE LET US KNOW THAT ALSO!! And an APOLOGY would be in order as well! Take somewhat of probably 15 minutes a day, and if you don't have "TIME" to do all that..Just REPLACE THE TIME You BITCH AND MOAN on this site with that and I'm sure the "TIME" will equal out!

Have a wonderful day and G/L!!