:00x10 wow, great time, good partying, good conversation and many laughs with the best people that can be found anywhere. it's was terrific!
no pic from me on the golf course. i was too hot and sweating for 4 hours. didn't even bring my C game but was with a great group in ppabart, eddie haskell and FDC, who can keep a conversation going with the dead :mj07: good having you ride along with us too, mrs bart (going blank on the name right now. sorry. ah - samantha
watch your language out there, haskell, i was somewhat offended at times

and eddie said he is a 24 handicap

the beers were flowing just fine out there too, so that' my excuse
nice bar on wheels by rolltide, as usual. i had one bloody mary and a nice drink from one of tonkgolf's recipes. good stuff, slick!
i couldn't hang and talk to many people prior to tee off because i was trying to get carts for everybody but it finally got straight and off we went. our group finished the 18th in the dark so NO WAY we would have finished 14 holes had we teed off at 5:20.
thursday, kosar and i cheched in around 3:30 and right behind us was dunclock but no rooms for him :shrug: i let him stay with my on day one, we checked in and off to the liquor store for supplies. then, back to the room for some drinking for a couple hours. then, off to hit the bars and check out the casino.
1st time EVER in my life i spent 72 hours in a casino and never bet one cent on anything.
we ate the buffet and more drinking and off to bed around 2am. i think kosar played a few more hours in the casino and made a few bucks.
i'll post more later.