Okay..........here we go.
arrived at Cincy and Handi Capper and his lovely wife and sister in law(?) picked me up went to the hotel and after that everything gets a bit fuzzy but I will try my best.
First I met Jack and we went down to lobby bar with Dawgball and had maybe 6-8 beers. One of us mentioned a nap at which point I went back up to my room and changed into shorts to hit the pool, when the nap man Jack called and said, and I quote "what are you doing slick" hence back to the bar. Went upstairs to change after numerous tune ups and showered and changed and met up with Dunclock, helluva guy by the way, ummmm see this is where it gets fuzzy, I had already met Kosar I think and he had disappeared for awhile then he and Smurp come walking outta the elevator and Kosar is doing the whole sideways step thing already which was great, then everyone else showed up like Tide, BBC, the big moose, gmroz (we are like tighter than two nuts on a squirrel now, love the guy, scuse me atheist)and many others. Then the dude/chick came in and I went right by her as I saw her earlier at the pool when she was dripping wet and in a bikini and apparently she had drunkenly wandered out on the driving range after a swim during peak hours because the damage all those 70 compression balls Kosar was hitting really left a number of dents and such on her thighs and surrounding area. Plus she had a friend with a disjointed hip and red eyes apparently which looked like an easy mark but apparently she was a bit touchy on the subject of her hip as I offered to knock the other one out of joint they left. Closed that bar and the other down. Went to bed.
Day 2
Breakfast boofay, nap, golf. Knocked back about ten or so on the golf course and pretty much nver shut up and had my fun with Eddie and the boys. Was so friggin hot at one point my damn crotch was dripping like a popsicle in july. Sucked at everything pretty much until I started using Bart's driver at which point it was lights out. I was happy to disappoint as I knew I would and wanted to drink more so I did. Showered, met Dunclock and we both hit on some Cuban and then drank that night away.
Day 3
Everyone was pretty much gone except Handi Capper and I hung at the pool and he played cards, very well I might add. Pretty much did the same shit I did the days before but then the flight home was ridiculous. Got dropped off after the breakfast boofay with Handi and his wife. Flight to Dallas was done no way I am getting on was number 73 on the standby list so went to Chicago got there and went to Des Moines thinking I could get on that flt to DFW. wrong! Back to Chicago and immediately jumped on a flight to Louisville where I sat around until about 6p and finally caught a flight to DFW and got home around 745p that night. Had a couple of buddies over to catch up on everything and that was it. Slept like Kosar on a night flight and here I am.
Just want to say that anyone that has not been to one of these things is missing out on some of the best belly laughs you will ever get, as you can plainly see by my pictures, or you may just be gay, not that theirs anything wrong with that.
Tonkgolf, Wineguy, DTB and some others I wish I would have got to talk to a bit more but what a
frigging gas it was.
Hope this helps,:shrug: