Good Article


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Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY

couple highlights...

"Projection is one example of unconscious psychological processes called defense mechanisms. Some people find it hard to accept criticism or believe information that they wish were not true. So they seek – and then provide – another explanation for the difference between what’s happening in the world and what’s happening in their minds.

In general, this is called “motivated reasoning,” which is an umbrella phrase used to describe the array of mental gymnastics people use to reconcile their views with reality.

Some examples include seeking out information that confirms their beliefs, dismissing factual claims or creating alternate explanations. For example, a smoker might downplay or simply avoid information related to the link between smoking and lung cancer, or perhaps tell themselves that they don’t smoke as much as they actually do.

Motivated reasoning is not unique to politics. It can be a challenging concept to consider because people tend to think they are fully in control of their decision-making abilities and that they are capable of objectively processing political information. The evidence is clear, however, that there are unconscious thought processes at work, too."

"Audiences are also susceptible to unconscious psychological dynamics. Research has found that over time, people’s minds subconsciously attach emotions to concepts, names or phrases. So someone might have a particular emotional reaction to the words “gun control,” “Ron DeSantis” or “tax relief.”

And people’s minds also unconsciously create defenses for those seemingly automatic emotions. When a person’s emotions and defenses are questioned, a phenomenon called the “backfire effect” can occur, in which the process of controlling, correcting or counteracting mistaken beliefs ends up reinforcing the person’s beliefs rather than changing them.

For instance, some people may find it hard to believe that the candidate they prefer – whom they believe to be the best person for the job – truly lost an election. So they seek another explanation and accept explanations that justify their beliefs. Perhaps they choose to believe, even in the absence of evidence, that the race was rigged or that many fraudulent votes were cast. And when evidence to the contrary is offered, they insist their views are correct."


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Cricket doesn't believe the 4 star General that quoted Trump calling our fallen soldiers "suckers an losers" so he says there's no evidence (beyond the person that heard it). Meanwhile, Trump didn't want to be seen at a hospital with veteran amputees because that would look bad for him.

Just say it didn't happen and you can go on your merry way. He's forced to use motivated reasoning to get around the fact that what Trump said is horrifying and disqualifying.


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
Cricket doesn't believe the 4 star General that quoted Trump calling our fallen soldiers "suckers an losers" so he says there's no evidence (beyond the person that heard it). Meanwhile, Trump didn't want to be seen at a hospital with veteran amputees because that would look bad for him.

Just say it didn't happen and you can go on your merry way. He's forced to use motivated reasoning to get around the fact that what Trump said is horrifying and disqualifying.
In similar fashion you can ignore what's happening at the border.
Here's an exerpt from something I read.
When viewed in the context of TDS, knowing that you always have the ultimate freedom to choose your attitude can help you confront situations in a more healthy, positive, and meaningful way. Experience has shown that by not holding yourself a “prisoner of your thoughts,” as well as by not holding others prisoner in your thoughts, you will be able to gain additional degrees of freedom that, for example, will help build your capacity to manage stress and confront life challenges, be they in everyday life or at work, including potential signs of TDS.


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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
Cricket doesn't believe the 4 star General that quoted Trump calling our fallen soldiers "suckers an losers" so he says there's no evidence (beyond the person that heard it). Meanwhile, Trump didn't want to be seen at a hospital with veteran amputees because that would look bad for him.

Just say it didn't happen and you can go on your merry way. He's forced to use motivated reasoning to get around the fact that what Trump said is horrifying and disqualifying.
that's what i truly don't understand about trump supporters. he's been a con man his entire life. failed at everything he did until they put him on tv. bragged about sexually assaulting women and walking into teenagers' dressing rooms. dodged the draft because daddy had money. insults our troops who sacrificed everything for this country AND insults the gold star families. he was a democrat most of his life (donated to kamala harris even!). he has a higher opinion of vladimir putin than of our intelligence agencies. he's INSANELY easily manipulated, thanks to his fragile ego. he doesn't have one single policy idea (or concept of a plan) that would help the working class. 40 out of 44 former cabinet members refuse to endorse him. many of them have said he's unfit for office.

he is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what republicans have said for years that they want in a candidate.

and yet... republicans have become so convinced over the years that they need to put party over country that these maga fools are brainwashed into voting for the R no matter what. and they think it's a good idea to put donald trump back in the white house.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
that's what i truly don't understand about trump supporters. he's been a con man his entire life. failed at everything he did until they put him on tv. bragged about sexually assaulting women and walking into teenagers' dressing rooms. dodged the draft because daddy had money. insults our troops who sacrificed everything for this country AND insults the gold star families. he was a democrat most of his life (donated to kamala harris even!). he has a higher opinion of vladimir putin than of our intelligence agencies. he's INSANELY easily manipulated, thanks to his fragile ego. he doesn't have one single policy idea (or concept of a plan) that would help the working class. 40 out of 44 former cabinet members refuse to endorse him. many of them have said he's unfit for office.

he is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what republicans have said for years that they want in a candidate.

and yet... republicans have become so convinced over the years that they need to put party over country that these maga fools are brainwashed into voting for the R no matter what. and they think it's a good idea to put donald trump back in the white house.
He hates the people they hate, and that's good enough!
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sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
Kamala's not Trump,that's good enough for you guys and that's really pretty much it.

Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
Using a psychology article to explain away the beliefs of those who don’t agree with us🤣🤣🤣. Classic!! as we all know, that’s the mantra around here. Anyone who doesn’t vote the same as we do is mentally deficient and/or evil. This place is hysterical. It’s wild that the new guy, Smitty, is actually far more annoying than the guys who ran the cool non liberals like Al/ar182, Dogs, gardenseasel, sports, etc out of here.
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Registered User
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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
Using a psychology article to explain away the beliefs of those who don’t agree with us🤣🤣🤣. Classic!! as we all know, that’s the mantra around here. Anyone who doesn’t vote the same as we do is mentally deficient and/or evil. This place is hysterical. It’s wild that the new guy, Smitty, is actually far more annoying than the guys who ran the cool non liberals like Al/ar182, Dogs, gardenseasel, sports, etc out of here.
seriously, how fucking dense are you?

i don't give a fuck what party you vote for. i do give a fuck which candidate you vote for. unlike you, i actually would love to see this democracy continue a little while longer. when somebody has demonstrated his entire life that he's not fit to run a lemonade stand, i would prefer not to see him in the oval office.

hey, in all fairness, i can't imagine how difficult it is to be stuck in a cult. i mean, it's easy as hell to stay. but very hard to get out. there is help available.

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Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
When Cie said he thought Trump was one of the best president's of his lifetime, that was the tell. He's not a serious person.

He just posted an interview of MAGA Mike Johnson, not knowing who the guy is.
Here we go. everyone who doesn’t agree with you is not serious, is mentally deficient, or has something wrong with them. Preach !!
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