good news

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Nov 12, 2000
Quebec PQ, Canada
The best thing you can do when you don't like someone's betting style is to ignore him.

Soon or later you learn that you don't beat the man in your dreams, but in the reality. And it takes work.

Enough said.

Life's too short to allow aggravation.


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Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by barfly:
You people just DON'T get it.

Hey Barfly, I get it. And yourself, me, Kosar and a host of others also get it and have spent alot of time, speaking from experience, sharing our views on the subject. But like Kosar said, it's like banging your head against the wall. The fact is, there are going to be those who think this thing can be beaten on a chance, a prayer, and a whim. Personally, I find the originator of this thread's posts to be an insult to those of us who spend a fair amount of our time actually handicapping the games, by suggesting that the winner of a given game is the result of a "vision" from some sort of higher being. But, considering that Dionne Warwick and a slew of other "psychic" hotlines are still thriving, it doesn't surprise me. To each his own.


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Aug 24, 1999
You people just DON'T get it.

Gonna have to join the minority heree and say I get it as well. Just gonna have to realize that people are lazy. It is sooooo much easier not having to do the work yourself. I've thought and thought about this for quite some time. I use to scratch my head many a nights and wonder just how anyone could put their total blind faith on someone elses' selections. It all kept boiling down to one reason and one reason only: PEOPLE ARE LAZZZZZZZZZY!!!

Its Gravy

Forum Member
Jan 18, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
Your gambling success depends on you.

Relying on somebody nothing more than setting yourself up for failure. Very similar to taking a test in school..sure you could copy someone...but what if they didn't study....You are ass out. Just like school I feel much more confident in myself, after I have done research on the game at hand, and come to a conclusion, play or pass. GLuck to all.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
What about it Fearless!
From my perspective I can cap foots myself till I'm blue in the face and be mediocre at best.After 15 or so years of bumping the ole noggin I had to acknowledge my limitations.
Diverted my efforts to finding those that do have "the touch" and have MUCH better results.So there appears to be 2 sides of the coin.Feel there are many more out there like myself and many more would be better off if they were.For we followers in foots,long term results are invaluable and those that keep year long tabs such as Fearless sure save on the ole charting sheets.Now this is most certainly not a knock on those that do not keep season long stats as there are some with quite impressive results.
Getting close to that time of the year


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Feb 21, 2001
LOL- geez what happened to my post???
looks like I am gaining many detractors, but hmmm for which reason, because I use a little sense of humor when I post and bring some lightheartedness to the forum. Oh, by the way, barfly, the guy who keeps the books in business won again last night lost cinci @even money won LA +125, picked up another 25 units, but that is besides the point. Sounds like we have some rookies here, let me tell you how it works fellas.

This is something we call "gam-ble-ing" theres is HIGH r-i-s-k involved in "gam-ble-ing".
Vegas is a multibillion dollar machine because it revolves around "gam-ble-ing". When it comes to sports wagering there is no formula you can plug into your computer, no research you can do, no number crunching you can perform that will guarantee you can spend 24 hours a day going over information, who has diarreah?, who has a sprained ankle?, who doesnt pitch well when the north star isnt as bright as the south star?, etc etc that will make your play any better than mine or anyone elses.....keep on spending 24 hrs a day coming up with selections and play the entire season, lets see if your wallet can withstand your so-called proven statistical method.

Now, I am assuming that if you are spending 13 hrs a day crunching numbers, looking at stats, etc. trying to pick winners it is because it is a hobby and that is what you enjoy. Which is great...but dont tell me you are better than me, or your plays are better than mine...if you really believe that the more time you spend and do the so called "work" you will have success, I am scared for you.

Gambling is entertainment, it is not a profitable business if you are the player. Each game is a coin flip my fellow friends, for anyone who doesn't believe that keep on playing and you eventually will. I have been capping for twenty years....I have done more "work" research and number crunching than most people here...let me tell you something...I probably would have gotten the same results if I flipped a coin......
so for now, I dont need to say how I pick my games, the most important part is how much money am I up this year.....people on the site know I have given more winners over the last 5 months than most......I'll keep killing my man and love every second of it....ciao and good luck!
p.s. received another vision from "GOD" will post later, and he also said if you guys want to meet him we can set something


Forum Member
Nov 22, 1999

I must agree with Barfly and the others. When a novice comes to te board and someone is yelling...."Bet the freaking house on this game"....and the bet have just done this forum a dis-service.

I also think it is time to start leaving the religious aspect out of your posts. You may not be a religious man....but some of us are...and I for one consider your posts to be extremely insulting.



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Nov 4, 2000
Tchism, you are corrct. Visions come many ways with many differant sunjects. Now I had one last night. But im not telling anyone here. 1837 and few others know about my vision. Depends what your looking at.


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Jan 12, 2001

I am sick of seeing this post at the general forum every time I visit the general forum. Can we lock it up IE or Jack? I am sure we all have our opinions, and those opinions might differ, but I don't want to see this bickering anymore at the top of the forum and I am sure some of the other members will agree. I have nothing more to contribute to it as many others I think have nothing left to say as well - and if it stays open I can see it going on and on and on and on.

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