GOP will sooner see our nation collapse than agree to Clinton-era taxes on wealthy


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
Trampled Underfoot:
Blah blah blah.

Then act like it.

What rot gut.

From the Trampled Underfoot dictionary:
Compassion: Forced, compulsory 'charity' through taxes. (Because the gov't knows how to allocate your hard earned money better than you do)

Stinking pile of dog crap.

It is no wonder that DC is filled with jackasses when idiots like you vote them in.

I give 10% of my monthly income (wife and I combined) to charity. Every month since we were married.

My family goes to a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve to serve food.

Every Christmas, i get a list from a local orphanage from a county over. One gift for each kid. And we give a gift to the orphanage.

Last week, after picking produce for the CSA and filling all the boxes, there was plenty of food left over. Rather than selling it at a local market, I took 120 pounds of fresh produce to the soup kitchen that I serve at on the holidays.

My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's very early in her life. My father and my wife and I are her daily caregivers. I am active in fundraising for Parkinson's Disease and serve as the secretary for a local Parkinson's support group.

My best friend's wife is in her 2nd remission from breast cancer. I am active in fundraising for breast cancer research as well.

Are you sure you want to tell me how I sure act, Trampled?

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Trampled Underfoot:
Blah blah blah.

Then act like it.

What rot gut.

From the Trampled Underfoot dictionary:
Compassion: Forced, compulsory 'charity' through taxes. (Because the gov't knows how to allocate your hard earned money better than you do)

Stinking pile of dog crap.

It is no wonder that DC is filled with jackasses when idiots like you vote them in.

I give 10% of my monthly income (wife and I combined) to charity. Every month since we were married.

My family goes to a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve to serve food.

Every Christmas, i get a list from a local orphanage from a county over. One gift for each kid. And we give a gift to the orphanage.

Last week, after picking produce for the CSA and filling all the boxes, there was plenty of food left over. Rather than selling it at a local market, I took 120 pounds of fresh produce to the soup kitchen that I serve at on the holidays.

My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's very early in her life. My father and my wife and I are her daily caregivers. I am active in fundraising for Parkinson's Disease and serve as the secretary for a local Parkinson's support group.

My best friend's wife is in her 2nd remission from breast cancer. I am active in fundraising for breast cancer research as well.

Are you sure you want to tell me how I sure act, Trampled?

Your concern for others is admirable:0074 , however you're one in a million. Most folks think a hundred bucks to charity is a BFD, and most give nothing.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Trampled Underfoot:
Blah blah blah.

Then act like it.

What rot gut.

From the Trampled Underfoot dictionary:
Compassion: Forced, compulsory 'charity' through taxes. (Because the gov't knows how to allocate your hard earned money better than you do)

Stinking pile of dog crap.

It is no wonder that DC is filled with jackasses when idiots like you vote them in.

I give 10% of my monthly income (wife and I combined) to charity. Every month since we were married.

My family goes to a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve to serve food.

Every Christmas, i get a list from a local orphanage from a county over. One gift for each kid. And we give a gift to the orphanage.

Last week, after picking produce for the CSA and filling all the boxes, there was plenty of food left over. Rather than selling it at a local market, I took 120 pounds of fresh produce to the soup kitchen that I serve at on the holidays.

My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's very early in her life. My father and my wife and I are her daily caregivers. I am active in fundraising for Parkinson's Disease and serve as the secretary for a local Parkinson's support group.

My best friend's wife is in her 2nd remission from breast cancer. I am active in fundraising for breast cancer research as well.

Are you sure you want to tell me how I sure act, Trampled?

If all that is true, my hat is off to you. However, your posts on here about the poor does not match this post. If you think we eliminated all these programs that these people would get the support that is needed, you are kidding yourself.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
From the classic redistribution of wealth advocate--whose livelyhood depends on it.

-You earned it-
-I want it
-you owe me
-it's not my fault

--and the audacity of anyone thinking any different.

Message for the tramps of this world--we tax payers didn't take you to raise--you got 24 hours in day like everyone else.

your on the internet 24/7

If you spent half that time looking for job--you wouldn't have to live at home and be groveling for those gov benefits.

There are 2 modes of attempting to reduce deficting spending (balancing budget not probale)

Reduce spending or raise taxes.

I'm going to take a wild stab and guess--

-- most who pay the taxes will be for spending cuts--and those paying no taxes will approach 100% for the increase in taxes.

One more time until it sinks in-
- Feed a man a fish and you fed him for a day
-Teach a man to fish and you fed him for a lifetime

liberals answer --Lets bring our 20 million illegals (oops) "undocumented" onto the cradle to grave tit.. :facepalm:

There is no hope for you.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

There are 2 modes of attempting to reduce deficting spending (balancing budget not probale)

Reduce spending or raise taxes.

What you are failing to recognize is COMPROMISE - and that is what is being offered to the GOP - a very generous compromise at that. Signfigicant cuts in spending, with only a minor increase in taxes. Shouldn't that be good enough? Why isn't it good enough?

The budget is a serious problem - one that Fox and the GOP only started railing about when Obama became president (for some reason it wasn't an issue when Bush was destroying the surplus and running up his own record deficits). ....Well, there are great proposals to help the budget now - so is this actually a topic the GOP cares about or have the bias rants on Fox been nothing more than empty partisan rhetoric?
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
Yes. It is all true. And I am rewarded ten-fold from the experience.

I do what I can to help. There are much, much richer people than I who do less and that is bothersome but it is not my place to tell them what they should or should not do with their money. It is theirs.

I do not think it is a gov'ts place. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, I think community is a better place to look for help than gov't.

The war on poverty is the costliest and longest running war in US history and we have more people on gov't assistance than ever before. Doesn't sound like the social programs have been very successful.

Someone in this thread said if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.

Well, that quote needs to be changed a bit.
If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. And tomorrow, he'll ask for 2 fish and some tartar sauce.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
The war on poverty is the costliest and longest running war in US history and we have more people on gov't assistance than ever before.

You're falling into the Mags way of thinking - claiming a fact which is, well, untrue. or maybe it's wishful thinking to support your preconceived ideas or desires.

Facts ARE available. Please use them.

over the past 50 years many have been raised out of poverty, although the poverty rate has stalled at about 12-15% of the population overall, with some blips up and down as economic conditions have fluctuated.

Nonetheless, anti poverty programs have been a success, reducing the poverty rate by about half since 1959.



Another moronic reply to ssd's post from Duff: "Your concern for others is admirable , however you're one in a million. Most folks think a hundred bucks to charity is a BFD, and most give nothing."

In 2009 charities received contributions of $304 billion. Now where did that money come from? Either your "one-in-a-million" is an idiotic statement (it is) plus you have to acknowledge that the balance of the contributions come from those evil corporations (they do) that only care about themselves and profit.

Let's try this one more time...I don't think anyone in the thread is saying that either a) there should not be safety nets for people in need or b) let's keep the current tax system.

What we are saying is that if, at some point, people don't take a stand the tax and spend method will continue to grow. Maybe we can all agree that with the billions of dollars available, there are still millions of US citizens whose needs go unmet. More money won't only enables both parties to continue to act the same way. Clinton bit the bullet on welfare and it worked. Let's see who shows a little bravery in today's fight...I know it won't be any of the current Republican candidates or leaders.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Another moronic reply to ssd's post from Duff

In 2009 charities received contributions of $304 billion.

I don't think anyone in the thread is saying that either a) there should not be safety nets for people in need or b) let's keep the current tax system.

Let's take a better look at that $304 billion

$100 billion of that is to religious orgs, where mostly it's spent on facilities and salaries, and promoting religion.

$40 billion is to education.

$31 billion to foundations.

$28 billion to arts, international aid and animals

So that leaves about $100 billion which *might*be used to help human beings, $300 per citizen.

Like otheres here, you need to gets some facts in hand. Dolt.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
The war on poverty is the costliest and longest running war in US history and we have more people on gov't assistance than ever before.

Why are more people on gov't assistance than ever before? Do you think people have gotten lazier? Wouldn't you agree that people are working harder for less money?


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
What you are failing to recognize is COMPROMISE - and that is what is being offered to the GOP - a very generous compromise at that. Signfigicant cuts in spending, with only a minor increase in taxes. Shouldn't that be good enough? Why isn't it good enough?

The budget is a serious problem - one that Fox and the GOP only started railing about when Obama became president (for some reason it wasn't an issue when Bush was destroying the surplus and running up his own record deficits). ....Well, there are great proposals to help the budget now - so is this actually a topic the GOP cares about or have the bias rants on Fox been nothing more than empty partisan rhetoric?
Exactly what I was thinking.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
A: The answer is no --How many times have your brought up the oil grift and ran off when facts were presented?
B: with no link to resources I assume you want us to think you authored this?

I dont give credit no more ever for links since they tried to fawk us over that copyright shit.

If I put ...........................under something I am copying it from a link. But I have only been doing that for 10 years rube. Geezzz

Looke up Gov Sanders in google and you will see the same article I saw.

I never run from you. I Just have a problem with what the fawk your really asking which is usually some stupid fact that makes no sense anyway.

Cant believe your not going to the golf outing this year and paying all the green fees. wtf.

Arn't you worried about the 15 people out of a million on madjacks that could be pissed off at you for not showing ?

Are you hiding behind your computer again ?

Time to pull out that picture of nomads you love so much.

I never look at shit.

Havnt you figured out yet that it is a bunch of fawking lies used to dupe the American people.

well the stupid ones that is.

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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
What you are failing to recognize is COMPROMISE - and that is what is being offered to the GOP - a very generous compromise at that. Signfigicant cuts in spending, with only a minor increase in taxes. Shouldn't that be good enough? Why isn't it good enough?

The budget is a serious problem - one that Fox and the GOP only started railing about when Obama became president (for some reason it wasn't an issue when Bush was destroying the surplus and running up his own record deficits). ....Well, there are great proposals to help the budget now - so is this actually a topic the GOP cares about or have the bias rants on Fox been nothing more than empty partisan rhetoric?


exactly right there

The GOP has only one agenda and that is not to compromized shit at any time.

They will not take any chance to make Obama not look bad.

McConnel or whatever his name is - his solution lets just vote on SSI every month for 3 months and maybe have these deficit meetings 5 or 6 times a year in 2012.

Yeh Obama just aint this stupid.

GOP are the apes in the band .

Soon they will be exposed for what they are.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
What you are failing to recognize is COMPROMISE - and that is what is being offered to the GOP - a very generous compromise at that. Signfigicant cuts in spending, with only a minor increase in taxes. Shouldn't that be good enough? Why isn't it good enough?

The budget is a serious problem - one that Fox and the GOP only started railing about when Obama became president (for some reason it wasn't an issue when Bush was destroying the surplus and running up his own record deficits). ....Well, there are great proposals to help the budget now - so is this actually a topic the GOP cares about or have the bias rants on Fox been nothing more than empty partisan rhetoric?

That is exactly why I have no respect for fucks like doggie dogshit. They simply come in here with their marching orders.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
...which of course happens to be the last time the budget was balanced. WTF is wrong with this people? Obama will compromise and cut spending. Do what's right for the COUNTRY you pricks! :rolleyes:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America?s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can?t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government?s reckless fiscal policies. ? Increasing America?s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ?the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Who said this in 2006?:142smilie :142smilie :142smilie


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Who said this in 2006?:142smilie :142smilie :142smilie
Well, I doubt it was Dubya. The debt ceiling was raised 7 times during the Bush Administration.

It's puzzling that Republicans didn't oppose it just as vehemently under a Republican Administration... :confused:
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
freeze hasnt been here for a year or more that i have seen.

he is a classic right wing butter nutter.

welcome back freeze


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Your concern for others is admirable:0074 , however you're one in a million. Most folks think a hundred bucks to charity is a BFD, and most give nothing.

so true--especially for some

Here's the facts once again on the character of charity preaching liberals when its their dime.

Gumby's 2002 return--

Gave less than 1/2 of 1% to charity--of course he was still paying off those credit cards.

Biden a whooping $195 to chairty

--and common knowledge on Kerry and Gore

"Two America's"-Kerry tax returns (1995 & 1991)have 2 years where he donate """0"""" to charity

Gore 1997- $353

---now on other side of fence we have the greedy conservative as portrayed by drive by media--
GW--heres a few from Goggle ranging from $82,000 to $334,000

Cheney--how many million and which year you want?????

Ok lets drop down to Sarah Palin have 2 years on her--06 ($4,250) and 07 ($3.325)----
and thats with 4 children and one being special needs.

Hmm more than years reported on Gumby-Biden-Kerry and Gore COMBINED--

Bottom line when you hear a liberal preaching about giving/charity--their generousity stops at your dime.

-or closer to home we have had probaly 20 or so local causes for forum members/troops and others.

I'll wager- Yours-trenchs and tramps collectively = 0

funny how that # keeps poping up on ya all.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Well, I doubt it was Dubya. The debt ceiling was raised 7 times during the Bush Administration.

It's puzzling that Republicans didn't oppose it just as vehemently under a Republican Administration... :confused:

whats puzzeling is you always leave out meat of fact your trying to hide.

Would amount of debt be pertinant DAH

Could you give something that contains all the facts
-instead of the ole liberal ropea dope
--like this maybe--


Increasing the statutory limit on the debt from $14.294 trillion to $16.7 trillion would give the Treasury Department the additional money it needs to keep borrowing through the 2012 elections. It would be the fourth time the debt limit has been increased since February 2009.


Now since you initiated this--bring us back a report of increase in debt in GW's 8 years compared to Gumby's 2 years and give us an accurate comparison

Hey--come back here -----kurby
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