sounds like you`re describing democrats and the iraq war,buddy...rooting for our military to
i can`t go along with an administration that hasn`t kept it`s word on it`s claim of transparency...matter of fact,nothing it`s done has been transparent...
the largest spending bill in history passes without anyone having a chance to read it?....12 hours to digest 1100 pages?...
my young friend,i learned a long time ago that the surest way i can get hustled is by capitulating to the demand that one sign on the dotted line "right now" because the offer is about to expire....
this is true when you're dealing with the car salesman who wants to close the`s true when you're dealing with the guy selling florida swamp land, or cheap vacuum`s true when you're negotiating with an independent contractor or doing a licensing deal.....
and it is sure as hell true when a thousand-page bill containing pork and earmarks and god knows what is being fast-tracked for a vote before anyone has read it...
we`ll see these little gems eventually..unfortunately,after the including jobs for illegals and excluding for criminals(i.e.acorn)..and this little expansion of our welfare rolls...
[Thomas Lifson....
It's all about incentives, and buried in the stimulus bill is a huge inducement for states to explode the numbers of people receiving welfare. The editors of National Review spotted the fatal provision:
"Under the provisions in the stimulus bill, states will once again be paid a bounty for expanding their welfare rolls. As reported by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, the federal government will now pay states 80 percent of the cost for each new family they sign up for welfare. That means that states will get $4 for every $1 they spend. This will leave the main welfare program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), with a funding mechanism similar to the one that supports Medicaid. As Brian Blase argues here, Medicaid's funding ratio, which gives states $1 to $3 for every dollar they spend, has caused state Medicaid spending to skyrocket. If Medicaid's dollar-for-dollar model has proved ruinous, Obama's new $4-to-$1 ratio for welfare will prove, in all likelihood, four times so."]
soooo,needless to say, people who receive checks from the government will be loyal democrat voters....say farewell to the prosperity brought about by welfare reform....this new incentive system favors growth of welfare dependency...
we`ve already been there and done that..
throw in the open borders and the potential collapse of the mexican gov`t,and we`re in deep do-do...
and this is supposed to be a "stimulus"...not even a part of the regular budget...
say hello to the new "one party" system...might float your boat now....unfortunately,when you finally wake up,it will be too late...
i don`t condone this garbage...i don`t condone obama stealing the "apolitical" census count for use as a political tool...
it`s not the way i was raised...i can`t just kick a system that`s worked just fine for over 230 years and made us the greatest country in the world to the curb in favor of socialism...a system that`s NEVER worked...has failed all over the world....
when did americans wake up and say,"hey!..this socialism thing is great!...i want my unicorn, my new house.... i will no longer work for a living...i will become a blight on the nation(something that i have avoided for _ _ years) just cuz`i can..
yes i can!, yes i can!"...
i`m so sad that that this new"spoiled child denied another cookie" generation is so different...
(weasel takes a deep breath)
all that said,i blame the republican party for acting like such assholes when they were in charge....
had they acted like conservatives... acted with honor.... acted with restraint, they would still be in charge....
but they acted like democrat lite....corrupt and bloated...
i partially blame them(along with the "in the tank",biased media)for allowing someone as dull and dense as pelosi to gain control...
i`m pissed off about these republican,incompetent fools,too....
sad....extremely sad...