gregg backs out on commerce secretary gig....the census issue...


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

well look at it this way, there alot you dont like

but there is alot to be thankful for

something tells me you could not list more than five of things to be thankful for.

you cynical neocon idiotic rat bastid


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
It appears here that some are saying that some of the best and brightest in our society - those that are making a lot of money - somehow are managing to avoid paying their taxes and are getting around the tough plight that the high earners in this country are forced to "overcome" to make their money. You mean, the rich people are finding ways to keep more of their money? You mean they have other methods of money management, financial reporting, investing and evading that those with less money can't take advantage of? But I thought that they have been being penalized all these years, and they would have given up trying to make more money because the system rewards all the other people? And now these people are being spotlighted by the people who always defend those same people at every turn?

Hmm, it's almost like one of those oxy-moron thingees.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Good article Dogs-T-Bark

On the wall street side of things - greed is a blinding bright light that obscures the view of the correct path

with the politicians - it's ashame that they budget our tax dollars without adding to the coffers.

i know the article focuses more on would the politicians have been caught and not as much on the actual wrong doing of not paying taxes. But they were caught and now they have to pay the taxes and suffer the penalties imposed by the IRS.

The CEO's, as pointed out, (most) will keep their bonuses and not face jail time.

My ain't-right-meter just moved two ticks towards twelve o'clock high

Either case - the article screamed greedy bastards without having to actually say the words.

On Gregg - I can semi-buy the - he couldnt wake up and face himself in the morning answer

I just feel that is the easy cop out

Personally - As a politician, his dedication to public service should outweigh his differences from the sitting administration

I'd rather he say that he's staying in the senate to defend the well being of the people who put him there. That's the lie I would have used if I was in his position.

Hefty Smurph -
Brainy Smurph -
Liberal Smurph - Don't set your hopes too high - I've been cow tippin before


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I thought Judd Gregg was a good pick (probably should have been the first choice ahead of Richardson) and a conservative view when it comes to commerce would have been a well placed check and balance tool.

Get to the real (insinuated) issue - The only reason a conservative would turn down the opportunity to be Commerce Secretary, especially with census/congressional boundaries approaching in 2010 would be... If the position came with strings attached and he could only play if he was a company man.

You worry about the Obama administration manipulating the census bureau but the conservative that accepted the job, flip-flops and backs out. If things go the way you fear - he could have stood on Capitol Hill with Television reporters flocking like pigeons to crackers telling the whole world about the injustice being done. Sorry - he can still do that but it won't carry the media attention that it would have, had he been in charge of running the fucking census bureau.

* National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

i`m sorry you don`t get it`s some advice to your bunky time you try to gain political advantage by "reaching across the aisle" be sure that your campaign of undermining the effectiveness of your chosen opponent waits at least until he/she has moved into the office.....:rolleyes:

bad clumsily handled(along with the other 3 nomiinees that didn`t pan out)...nice job of vetting...

clever ruse to use gregg as a blind to get gregg out of his senate seat,grabbing any power he might have as commerce secretary... and making him nothiing more than a shell by taking away the census...

being that gregg's appointment was the justification for commandeering the census by the comrades in the white house, how will they explain holding onto it now?...

now that there`s no republican in that position,what will be the excuse the obama administration uses to take over the census via coup?...

i mean what about the constitution?...separation of powers and all that?...

badly done...:grins: ..thankfully..


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
All these things we don't want the government to do

Yet we are gung fucking ho to let them handle our safety, our security, borders and our airplane ticket lines.

wtf ffs

You gotta pick one here - We can stay the way we are and you get to keep health care the way it is but I need the best army money can buy to look after my well being. It should be it's own industry. They get to go public and hell you can buy their stock on e-trade. We can all buy national security insurance too and if we group together with 10 or more people our safety premium will go down 30% There would be competition but they could always run an ad with a gecko dressed in fatigues to help you make your choice of which army you want to protect you.
Sounds pretty fucking rediculous doesn't it?

The Guvment don't know shit from shinolah when it comes to hospital's, wall street and retirement but by god they sure can run the greatest armed forces in the history of man

Is that what we're saying the government role is?

For Pete's sake.

I thought Judd Gregg was a good pick (probably should have been the first choice ahead of Richardson) and a conservative view when it comes to commerce would have been a well placed check and balance tool.

Get to the real (insinuated) issue - The only reason a conservative would turn down the opportunity to be Commerce Secretary, especially with census/congressional boundaries approaching in 2010 would be... If the position came with strings attached and he could only play if he was a company man.

You worry about the Obama administration manipulating the census bureau but the conservative that accepted the job, flip-flops and backs out. If things go the way you fear - he could have stood on Capitol Hill with Television reporters flocking like pigeons to crackers telling the whole world about the injustice being done. Sorry - he can still do that but it won't carry the media attention that it would have, had he been in charge of running the fucking census bureau.

Tickle my fancy - It's not the opposing view schtick that he claims or else our country would have fallen apart a long time ago if people with different views couldn't work together. So what is it, if not the -you have to be one of us now- angle?

One thing that turned me off of Gregg today -
In an interview with The Associated Press, Gregg said, "For 30 years, I've been my own person in charge of my own views, and I guess I hadn't really focused on the job of working for somebody else and carrying their views, and so this is basically where it came out."

To hold a senate position - elected by the people of New Hampshire - Then have the gaul to say that he hasn't thought about working for someone else or carrying their views. You missed the point of an elected official esteemed sir - Senator's need to work for their state down to their constituents.
Not their fucking elephant-ass/donkey-ass party.

I'm not proud - I had to lookup the duties of the Commerce Secretary in which Judd Gregg R-New Hampshire turned down today

The commerce secretary runs the Department of Commerce, which includes the following:

* Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
* Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA)
o Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
o Bureau of the Census
* Economic Development Administration (EDA)
* International Trade Administration (ITA)
* Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)
* National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
o National Weather Service (NWS)
o Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)
o National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps (NOAA Corps)
* National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
* Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)
* National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
* National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

FFS, this is a quality post.
Last edited:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
i`m sorry you don`t get it`s some advice to your bunky time you try to gain political advantage by "reaching across the aisle" be sure that your campaign of undermining the effectiveness of your chosen opponent waits at least until he/she has moved into the office.....:rolleyes:


Hey gw

remember the time when McCain got a wild hair in his ass and dropped his campaign for the economy , went running to washington , then at the round table they asked him something and he totally didnt have any answers.:142smilie

what a total nincompoop

I love that you cringe everytime Obama steps outside the normal stupid shit stuff we have seen for the past 8 yrs.

If Palin/McCain got in we would have seriously been fawked over hard. With the same old time crap politics as usual.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
G Dub - I do get it - There is absolutely nothing that this administration will do right in your eyes.

This stands alone

You can't debate the undebateable.

It's a precarious position you put yourself into - For you to win the United States has to lose.

Don't off-the-cuff this statement - It is not said with malice or whim - You have seen it from the liberal perspective and the only thing worse than rooting for failure is gloating with "I told you so"

You're the guy I'd like to :mj06: and talk politics with - Not because you agree with everything I believe in but because you can comedically debate the differences that we have. Comedically meaning with humor and without emotion. "came to his 'census'" -

In the end, neither you nor I will have any bearing on the outcome of this administration as we are mearly spectators debating on whether a coach made the right call to go for it on 4th and inches

I promise not be "that guy" - can you do the same


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
G Dub - I do get it - There is absolutely nothing that this administration will do right in your eyes.

This stands alone

You can't debate the undebateable.

It's a precarious position you put yourself into - For you to win the United States has to lose.

Don't off-the-cuff this statement - It is not said with malice or whim - You have seen it from the liberal perspective and the only thing worse than rooting for failure is gloating with "I told you so"

You're the guy I'd like to :mj06: and talk politics with - Not because you agree with everything I believe in but because you can comedically debate the differences that we have. Comedically meaning with humor and without emotion. "came to his 'census'" -

In the end, neither you nor I will have any bearing on the outcome of this administration as we are mearly spectators debating on whether a coach made the right call to go for it on 4th and inches

I promise not be "that guy" - can you do the same

sounds like you`re describing democrats and the iraq war,buddy...rooting for our military to

i can`t go along with an administration that hasn`t kept it`s word on it`s claim of transparency...matter of fact,nothing it`s done has been transparent...

the largest spending bill in history passes without anyone having a chance to read it?....12 hours to digest 1100 pages?...

my young friend,i learned a long time ago that the surest way i can get hustled is by capitulating to the demand that one sign on the dotted line "right now" because the offer is about to expire....

this is true when you're dealing with the car salesman who wants to close the`s true when you're dealing with the guy selling florida swamp land, or cheap vacuum`s true when you're negotiating with an independent contractor or doing a licensing deal.....

and it is sure as hell true when a thousand-page bill containing pork and earmarks and god knows what is being fast-tracked for a vote before anyone has read it...

we`ll see these little gems eventually..unfortunately,after the including jobs for illegals and excluding for criminals(i.e.acorn)..and this little expansion of our welfare rolls...

[Thomas Lifson....
It's all about incentives, and buried in the stimulus bill is a huge inducement for states to explode the numbers of people receiving welfare. The editors of National Review spotted the fatal provision:

"Under the provisions in the stimulus bill, states will once again be paid a bounty for expanding their welfare rolls. As reported by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, the federal government will now pay states 80 percent of the cost for each new family they sign up for welfare. That means that states will get $4 for every $1 they spend. This will leave the main welfare program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), with a funding mechanism similar to the one that supports Medicaid. As Brian Blase argues here, Medicaid's funding ratio, which gives states $1 to $3 for every dollar they spend, has caused state Medicaid spending to skyrocket. If Medicaid's dollar-for-dollar model has proved ruinous, Obama's new $4-to-$1 ratio for welfare will prove, in all likelihood, four times so."]

soooo,needless to say, people who receive checks from the government will be loyal democrat voters....say farewell to the prosperity brought about by welfare reform....this new incentive system favors growth of welfare dependency...

we`ve already been there and done that..

throw in the open borders and the potential collapse of the mexican gov`t,and we`re in deep do-do...

and this is supposed to be a "stimulus"...not even a part of the regular budget...:rolleyes:

say hello to the new "one party" system...might float your boat now....unfortunately,when you finally wake up,it will be too late...

i don`t condone this garbage...i don`t condone obama stealing the "apolitical" census count for use as a political tool...

it`s not the way i was raised...i can`t just kick a system that`s worked just fine for over 230 years and made us the greatest country in the world to the curb in favor of socialism...a system that`s NEVER worked...has failed all over the world....

when did americans wake up and say,"hey!..this socialism thing is great!...i want my unicorn, my new house.... i will no longer work for a living...i will become a blight on the nation(something that i have avoided for _ _ years) just cuz`i can..

yes i can!, yes i can!"...

i`m so sad that that this new"spoiled child denied another cookie" generation is so different...

(weasel takes a deep breath)

all that said,i blame the republican party for acting like such assholes when they were in charge....

had they acted like conservatives... acted with honor.... acted with restraint, they would still be in charge....

but they acted like democrat lite....corrupt and bloated...

i partially blame them(along with the "in the tank",biased media)for allowing someone as dull and dense as pelosi to gain control...

i`m pissed off about these republican,incompetent fools,too....

sad....extremely sad...
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
It's a precarious position you put yourself into - For you to win the United States has to lose.

Don't off-the-cuff this statement - It is not said with malice or whim - You have seen it from the liberal perspective and the only thing worse than rooting for failure is gloating with "I told you so"

you got that one down pat

he is one sick fawk

I have to laugh at how upset he gets over things being done to change America

too bad he couldnt wake up and smell the coffee and jump on the band wagon.



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
sounds like you`re describing democrats and the iraq war,buddy...rooting for our military to

i can`t go along with an administration that hasn`t kept it`s word on it`s claim of transparency...matter of fact,nothing it`s done has been transparent...

the largest spending bill in history passes without anyone having a chance to read it?....12 hours to digest 1100 pages?...

my young friend,i learned a long time ago that the surest way i can get hustled is by capitulating to the demand that one sign on the dotted line "right now" because the offer is about to expire....

this is true when you're dealing with the car salesman who wants to close the`s true when you're dealing with the guy selling florida swamp land, or cheap vacuum`s true when you're negotiating with an independent contractor or doing a licensing deal.....

and it is sure as hell true when a thousand-page bill containing pork and earmarks and god knows what is being fast-tracked for a vote before anyone has read it...

we`ll see these little gems eventually..unfortunately,after the including jobs for illegals and excluding for criminals(i.e.acorn)..and this little expansion of our welfare rolls...

[Thomas Lifson....
It's all about incentives, and buried in the stimulus bill is a huge inducement for states to explode the numbers of people receiving welfare. The editors of National Review spotted the fatal provision:

"Under the provisions in the stimulus bill, states will once again be paid a bounty for expanding their welfare rolls. As reported by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, the federal government will now pay states 80 percent of the cost for each new family they sign up for welfare. That means that states will get $4 for every $1 they spend. This will leave the main welfare program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), with a funding mechanism similar to the one that supports Medicaid. As Brian Blase argues here, Medicaid's funding ratio, which gives states $1 to $3 for every dollar they spend, has caused state Medicaid spending to skyrocket. If Medicaid's dollar-for-dollar model has proved ruinous, Obama's new $4-to-$1 ratio for welfare will prove, in all likelihood, four times so."]

soooo,needless to say, people who receive checks from the government will be loyal democrat voters....say farewell to the prosperity brought about by welfare reform....this new incentive system favors growth of welfare dependency...

we`ve already been there and done that..

throw in the open borders and the potential collapse of the mexican gov`t,and we`re in deep do-do...

and this is supposed to be a "stimulus"...not even a part of the regular budget...:rolleyes:

say hello to the new "one party" system...might float your boat now....unfortunately,when you finally wake up,it will be too late...

i don`t condone this garbage...i don`t condone obama stealing the "apolitical" census count for use as a political tool...

it`s not the way i was raised...i can`t just kick a system that`s worked just fine for over 230 years and made us the greatest country in the world to the curb in favor of socialism...a system that`s NEVER worked...has failed all over the world....

when did americans wake up and say,"hey!..this socialism thing is great!...i want my unicorn, my new house.... i will no longer work for a living...i will become a blight on the nation(something that i have avoided for _ _ years) just cuz`i can..

yes i can!, yes i can!"...

i`m so sad that that this new"spoiled child denied another cookie" generation is so different...

(weasel takes a deep breath)

all that said,i blame the republican party for acting like such assholes when they were in charge....

had they acted like conservatives... acted with honor.... acted with restraint, they would still be in charge....

but they acted like democrat lite....corrupt and bloated...

i partially blame them(along with the "in the tank",biased media)for allowing someone as dull and dense as pelosi to gain control...

i`m pissed off about these republican,incompetent fools,too....

sad....extremely sad...



That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
sounds like you`re describing democrats and the iraq war,buddy...rooting for our military to

i can`t go along with an administration that hasn`t kept it`s word on it`s claim of transparency...matter of fact,nothing it`s done has been transparent...

the largest spending bill in history passes without anyone having a chance to read it?....12 hours to digest 1100 pages?...

my young friend,i learned a long time ago that the surest way i can get hustled is by capitulating to the demand that one sign on the dotted line "right now" because the offer is about to expire....

this is true when you're dealing with the car salesman who wants to close the`s true when you're dealing with the guy selling florida swamp land, or cheap vacuum`s true when you're negotiating with an independent contractor or doing a licensing deal.....

and it is sure as hell true when a thousand-page bill containing pork and earmarks and god knows what is being fast-tracked for a vote before anyone has read it...

we`ll see these little gems eventually..unfortunately,after the including jobs for illegals and excluding for criminals(i.e.acorn)..and this little expansion of our welfare rolls...

[Thomas Lifson....
It's all about incentives, and buried in the stimulus bill is a huge inducement for states to explode the numbers of people receiving welfare. The editors of National Review spotted the fatal provision:

"Under the provisions in the stimulus bill, states will once again be paid a bounty for expanding their welfare rolls. As reported by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, the federal government will now pay states 80 percent of the cost for each new family they sign up for welfare. That means that states will get $4 for every $1 they spend. This will leave the main welfare program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), with a funding mechanism similar to the one that supports Medicaid. As Brian Blase argues here, Medicaid's funding ratio, which gives states $1 to $3 for every dollar they spend, has caused state Medicaid spending to skyrocket. If Medicaid's dollar-for-dollar model has proved ruinous, Obama's new $4-to-$1 ratio for welfare will prove, in all likelihood, four times so."]

soooo,needless to say, people who receive checks from the government will be loyal democrat voters....say farewell to the prosperity brought about by welfare reform....this new incentive system favors growth of welfare dependency...

we`ve already been there and done that..

throw in the open borders and the potential collapse of the mexican gov`t,and we`re in deep do-do...

and this is supposed to be a "stimulus"...not even a part of the regular budget...:rolleyes:

say hello to the new "one party" system...might float your boat now....unfortunately,when you finally wake up,it will be too late...

i don`t condone this garbage...i don`t condone obama stealing the "apolitical" census count for use as a political tool...

it`s not the way i was raised...i can`t just kick a system that`s worked just fine for over 230 years and made us the greatest country in the world to the curb in favor of socialism...a system that`s NEVER worked...has failed all over the world....

when did americans wake up and say,"hey!..this socialism thing is great!...i want my unicorn, my new house.... i will no longer work for a living...i will become a blight on the nation(something that i have avoided for _ _ years) just cuz`i can..

yes i can!, yes i can!"...

i`m so sad that that this new"spoiled child denied another cookie" generation is so different...

(weasel takes a deep breath)

all that said,i blame the republican party for acting like such assholes when they were in charge....

had they acted like conservatives... acted with honor.... acted with restraint, they would still be in charge....

but they acted like democrat lite....corrupt and bloated...

i partially blame them(along with the "in the tank",biased media)for allowing someone as dull and dense as pelosi to gain control...

i`m pissed off about these republican,incompetent fools,too....

sad....extremely sad...

so much to agree and disagree with all in one post - have a good weekend and we can start over on monday


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane


quit being a whining sniveling coward and get behind Obama for Gods sake.

I banked 20 million as President. Dont feel bad for me or Dickie . We rule !

by the way ? did that welfare bill I signed before I left help you with extended benifits ?

George W


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
so much to agree and disagree with all in one post - have a good weekend and we can start over on monday always stays in`s never can whack me`s all good...

afterward,we can go over in the mma threads or in general, do our thing and be tighter than a knat`s a--hole...

don`t be one of these hothouse flowers that can`t take a little`s just discussion....

i mean,we should enjoy democracy and the ability to disagree as much as possible while we still have the right...:yup

who knows how they`ll try and expand the "fairness doctrine" once they ram it through?:shrug:

btw...i suggest you set aside your $400 tax break for any meds you might need(and some c-rations....:grins:)`s gonna be a long 4 years..

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