Sorry to hear about your custody issues Clem. I went through the same kind of mess 4 years ago with my daughter. I live in KC and my X wanted to move to Dallas. I contested the move and we went to court. Before the trial started, the judge told both attornies that the case was going to hinge on how active a father I was. My daughter told the judge that she wanted me to coach her in basketball and softball. My X at the time was 39 and on her fourth marriage (I was dumbass #2) and had moved in with 3 different guys between when we were divorced (luckily good guys). She got grilled for 3.5 hours and I was on the stand for 3 hours. The judge told me I was the best dad that had ever been in his courtroom, "but I'm not seperating the daughter from the mother." I dropped about $9K to hear that mother fuhker tell me that beings I was a guy, I wasn't worthy of being actively involved in raising my daughter.
I just took her back to the airport yesterday morning after her summer stay with me, and I mother fuhked that judge the whole way home. If I can give you any advice, it is don't be a nice guy when you are in depostions. Her attorney is going to assasinate your character, discredit every postive thing you have ever done, and try and make you look like a piece of shit. I tried taking the high road and was polite and respectful, and he made me feel like I wasn't even worthy of being my daughter's father.
Isn't it satisfying to know that an agreement that you both signed in regards to not moving more than 150 miles, can supposedly get thrown out by her attorney. I remember our mediator telling us at the end of one our sessions that "as great as I think our justice system is, it is totally inadequate when it comes to child custody situations." Unfortunately it will never change, because if they make everything so cut and dry, it is going to take money out the attornies pockets, and we all know that we will never happen.
Good Luck and hopefully there will be brighter days ahead.