guess all good things come to an end.....

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slick willy 17

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Forum Member
Dec 19, 2000
Iowa, United States
gl Gman, I will miss reading your perspectives. Though I don't follow basketball as much as other sports, I have always appreciated you well written, well thought out views.



slick willy 17

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Dec 19, 2000
Iowa, United States
Thunder Lips said:
Name ONE scamdicapper or or service that is reputible.

We loath these people, so does g2.


Is everyone here on drugs??/

Look at Fletcher's record. Also, don't use the word WE. I speak for myself, and so do most on here. And, it's REPUTABLE.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
gman hope you have thought this through. one thing to have a winning year, years, though have heard know (one example) of one person that went pay.

good information but had one bad year (season) the stress from all of the hate mail can wear on most people. can be very stressfull. when someone pays for picks they expect to make money.

also not uncommon for some very good cappers at madjacks to go pay; how many times does it happen in a year?
why not just build up the bankroll over time, if someone can win at a good percetage then could increase the size of the wagers.

quickly a capper could have a large amount of money on each game, there are many books to spread the wagers (amounts), also there are some books that list at madjacks that take fairly large wagers or have in the past.


dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
selkirk said:

also not uncommon for some very good cappers at madjacks to go pay; how many times does it happen in a year?
why not just build up the bankroll over time, if someone can win at a good percetage then could increase the size of the wagers.


because hes not winning...plain and simple

why not make money off of fools instead?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
dr. freeze said:
because hes not winning...plain and simple

why not make money off of fools instead?

Yawn. Same old story around here, like the movie 'Groundhog Day.' Other than Fletcher, who i've heard at least keeps his head above water, has there been even one person from here who got stroked enough to decide that the minions should now have to pay for picks, who hasn't gotten buried?


Registered User
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Feb 26, 2001
Kosar I believe you know Fletcher fairly well. If that is indeed the case I think you know he's done QUITE a bit better than just keeping his head above water. Just wanted to clarify.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
rrc said:
Kosar I believe you know Fletcher fairly well. If that is indeed the case I think you know he's done QUITE a bit better than just keeping his head above water. Just wanted to clarify.


Yes, I know Fletcher well, but that fact doesn't really mean anything in regards to my 'knowledge', or lackthereof about his services performance. I have no idea what his service plays are and never have. However, other people who I trust that follow him have said good things. 'Keeping head above water' means making money and that's a compliment.

It may not be as gushing as you would prefer, but i'm really the last person to directly or indirectly advertise for any service, even one run by a friend.


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Feb 26, 2001
Wasn't asking you to gush. His record is posted on his site and it speaks for itself.

Somehow I didn't think you'd advertise for any service :)


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Nov 12, 2002

i respect your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it, even if it is quite off-base.

as i stated earlier, there are definitely some unscrupulous guys in the business, and theres a helluva lot of scum too. im aware of that.

but youve been on this board for awhile and youve seen the lengths i go to post as much info as possible on a game.

while im not going to get into a debate of semantics, "selling picks" is not what i am doing. any joe off the street can post a pick with nothing behind it and then hope it comes in.

im passionate and determined to go far beyond what people 'expect'. i want to take the information part of it to a whole new level.
i want to report on what i see in the mac games in person. i want to report on the things i hear in mac-circles from the people i keep in contact with. i am basically willing to bust ass to do all the leg work and research work so that those who dont have the time or resources to really get good, really 'relevant' info can still do well in this hobby.

i could see the criticism (or skepticism) if my posts on madjacks contained little substance. but i invested a TON of time writing games up and doing research so that i could make a positive contribution to jack's site. and while i am a very modest and humble person, the results, by and large, speak/spoke for themselves. i challenge anyone to say that i ddnt go far beyond the call of duty when it came to putting many, many hours of time into posting all my info all the while expecting nothing. i simply enjoyed the exchange of info with everyone here. but for as much info as i posted here over the years, i want to go even BEYOND that and establish something where people get more than just a password to read a list of 3 or 4 teams that are the "picks for the day" and then expected to put blind faith in the service and hope for the best, since the plays have no reasoning behind them. theres nothing unethical about busting your ass trying to put together a site that goes far beyond what anyone else is willing to do. i can assure you nobody is willing to do what im willing to do.

again, youre entitled to your opinion but im a little surprised to hear this from you considering the respect i have for your capping.

didnt mean to type such a lengthy reply, because im certainly not trying to defend all the trash that is currently out there in the field.

just though that my work and posting history here would at least keep the skepticism and cynicism to a minimum. but again, youre opinion is your own, so no hard feelings.

kosar -- same deal, :) youre entitled to your opinion. im not the first to make the jump, nor would i assume ill be the last. but i guess all i can ask is to be judged on my own merits. a lot of guys flop because their work is inferior and they arent willing to invest the time. im determined to do things the right way, and im very passionate about this. if nothing else, thanks for all the levity you brought to this forum with your witty replies to various posts in the general forum. the one-liner about people getting poisoned at the super bowl party was a true classic, lmao.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
It's all good, man. Just had to put my obligatory two cents in yet another 'gone tout' announcement. I scan the sports forums here briefly every now and then, but I pretty much quit going in there regularly a few years ago. I've seen your write-ups and they're good. I have no idea if you win or not, and i'm sure plenty of people would say that you do, but a lot of times things get skewed. Just the nature of forums where winners constantly get bumped and losers fall to the second page quickly. Winners, of course, are noticed more than losers and tend to stick in everybodys mind.

I guess it's good that you'll have lengthy write-ups with your picks, and initially the write-ups will give confidence to your players. But just have a few losing weeks and you'll see the difference in attitude between the people glomming your picks on a free message forum and people paying the real 'man' and also the tout 'man.' Obviously, in the end, all that matters is winners overall. So hopefully you can pick at such a % that covers the juice and your fees. As with anything, time will tell. But just remember that every one of those people who jumped to become pay from here, and were atrocious as services, were regarded as superstars when they left also.

BTW-Pretty nice of Jack to let you have your advertising campaign begin here. :)

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
hey i am all for ya...dont get me wrong

never let a fool keep his money i say

good luck!

i would give Jack a cut as well....pretty good advertisiing you are getting


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2000
totaly agree with Freeze and Kosar.

Hilarious that another guy has used Madjack's as a springboard to go 'service'.

I do think Gman is a decent capper, not exactly way above average like Thunder, Fletch etc

It's nothing personal with G, I liked the writeups and insight here. I would never ever pay for his picks.

Maybe I should start posting, get a following of people to constantly bump my threads to wish me 'good luck' like Trolln, ajoytoy, rexthesquare, etc. Then I can have one good season, go 'service' and get rich.

It's very funny to me... Either way, good luck
Last edited:


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
We really need these "I'm going pay" threads. It gives all the guys that are running services a chance to "meet and greet" again and of course, give their consent to the new union member. Like a mafia sit down. :mj07:

Thunder Lips

Forum Member
Jan 19, 2005
funny how every time gman gets monitored, he is in the red and then disappears.

Good luck gman, a sucker is born every day.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA

Only thing better than good information and a players insight (which your posts always include) is STRONG money management.
You are one of the best and naysayers usually contribute next to nothing. Many, many excellent players here have gone pay and for good reason!! They are GOOD! You are one of that crew..Good Luck!



Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
chump said:
totaly agree with Freeze and Kosar.

Hilarious that another guy has used Madjack's as a springboard to go 'service'.

Kinda like, "I can't believe someone would hone their skills at school, and then use those skills to get paid!"

Some of you guys really need to jack off those hard-ons you have for guys who actually have some success around here. They are few and far between, and if they want to try and make a buck, so what? You aint buying their picks, so why the fukc do you care if the next guy does? Where is a guy supposed to get good at handicapping, if not at a handicapping site? This guy put in his time at Jack's. He isn't some "mouth" who came in here, won for a month, and said, "Follow me!". This guy is one of the handful of posters here who I give two shits about. He's been pretty selfless from what I have seen, and treats the board with respect.

I do think Gman is a decent capper, not exactly way above average like Thunder, Fletch etc

So you can stroke their dicks, and it's A-O-K, but some posters appreciate GM2's ability, and they are "hilarious"?

I don't have anything against Thunder or Fletch, but they started the same way, I believe.........

By the way, you might want to re-check your math if you think Thunder is "way above average". That's not meant as a slam at him, but you are doing a little shilling here, IMO.

Maybe I should start posting, get a following of people to constantly bump my threads to wish me 'good luck' like Trolln, ajoytoy, rexthesquare, etc. Then I can have one good season, go 'service' and get rich.

Sounds like a good plan! Now, all you have to do is pick some winners.

The bottom line on this? Some guys will always be pissed when a guy wants to start his own business. I don't think it is fair to just label them as a "scamdicapper".


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
yyz said:
Some of you guys really need to jack off those hard-ons you have for guys who actually have some success around here. They are few and far between, and if they want to try and make a buck, so what? You aint buying their picks, so why the fukc do you care if the next guy does?

I assume i'm one of those who needs to 'jack off', so I guess i'll respond.

Surprising post from someone who has said that it's impossible to beat the line and the integrated 4.54 edge against. Now add in the cost of the service. I guess you have a ton of confidence in this newest incarnation to be able to overcome all of it.

You're right about one thing, who cares? That said, I don't think there is an inherent right to have a 100% lovefest advertising thread every time somebody wants to go pay.

By the way, you might want to re-check your math if you think Thunder is "way above average".

Correct. Thunders service was absolutely abysmal. It defied odds that 4 handicappers could be so bad over such a long period of time. And bringing back a point I briefly made earlier in this thread, 'Roger' is still known as a totals guru. Selective memories. He was brutal once he went in with Thunder. F*cking brutal.

The bottom line on this? Some guys will always be pissed when a guy wants to start his own business. I don't think it is fair to just label them as a "scamdicapper".

Not sure anybody is 'pissed', or that anybody has labeled him a scamdicapper. I think we all wish him the best of luck.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2000
not schilling for anyone, but YYZ we all know that you are a loser. bottom line...

thanks for all the fades over the years...

Think it's funny that these marginal cappers go pay using this board for suckers and exposure.



Wonder Dog
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2003
Irvine, California
chump said:
Maybe I should start posting, get a following of people to constantly bump my threads to wish me 'good luck' like rexthesquare,

Go **** yourself Chump, ya little fag. You are the one who is always crying about peeps wishing good lucks. Get over it loser. Until you post something worthwhile you should crawl back under your rock loser


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2000
**** you, chalk eater.

you are as sharp as a bowling ball, my friend...
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