guess all good things come to an end.....

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Keith 1

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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2005
Long Island, NY
vinnie said:
You can use it now that the dog is gone to a better place than having to live with someone like you. :clap:
I'm sure it fits you better than it did the dog. :mj07:
best laugh I've had all day.

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
Thunder Lips said:
funny how every time gman gets monitored, he is in the red and then disappears.
How the hell would you know? You've been here since mid January and ironically have used 9 of your 31 posts to respond to Gman's threads. I've looked at your posts and at the threads that you have started (all ONE of them) and have to point out that you have contributed next to nothing to this board. Until you can come up with something other that a one line response to someone else?s opinion, I suggest you just sit back and watch the grown-ups.

Below you will find a link to the single thread started by Lip Service. Enough said.

awaiting gman?s MAC picks


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Keith 1 said:
well then, to answer what is obviously a sarcastic question: only when something is funny.

It wasn't a sarcastic question. I was just surprised that you laugh, and I was curious. Ya know, i'm like you, I only laugh when something is funny. Kind of a coincidence that two random people think the same way about laughing.

Keith 1

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Jan 7, 2005
Long Island, NY
kosar said:
It wasn't a sarcastic question. I was just surprised that you laugh, and I was curious. Ya know, i'm like you, I only laugh when something is funny. Kind of a coincidence that two random people think the same way about laughing.
not gonna let it go---OK then. So why are you surprised ? Because I didn't think a 9/11 and Bin Laden post was funny ? Maybe I am overly sensitive to that--being here in NY and having lost a friend and a client in the attacks. The Beantown Jim thing ? Well, I do have to say that, how was I supposed to know that he rambled like that, and that people just took whatever he said with a grain of salt ? Now I know better. I probably should do the same thing with you--shouldn't I ?


Forum Member
Aug 3, 2004
you guys kill me. 90% of the reason people get pissed and rip into somebody when they go pay is because they are mad they do not get the plays for FREE anymore. the other 10% is because your not as good as he is.

do your thing man, I did the same thing, and then when I went to tell the forum they moved my post to the dumpster, lol. at least your post stayed here.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Kosar makes an excellent point about having to pump out plays on a daily basis if you have a service. A couple of guys I know that tried going pay had this trouble all the time. These guys are solid 'cappers, and make money every year, but they are very selective in their betting. But they had clients e-mailing them all the time about why they didn't have any plays for a couple of days in a row. They lasted 6 months--and never had more than 8-10 clients at that, and still had them bugging the hell out of them on the days they had no plays.
And how does one go on vacation? If I have a service and I e-mail my clients telling them that there won't be plays for 2 weeks because I'm gone, do they all scream for a refund for those two weeks?


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Nov 12, 2002
cooz / bear / et al:

thanks for the words. you guys up the east coast are truly class people.

i never intended for the thread to turn into anything like this whatsoever. just wanted to properly thank the many guys here whom ive established friendships with.

while there are pitfalls to any type of decision in life, those who are determined to succeed are ultimately the ones who do succeed. while kosar and redsfann make legitimate points, i can safely say that very few people truly understand my passion for this and everything i do. ive competed at the highest levels and always tried to surround myself with guys (and girls for that matter) who simply arent willing to fail. i dont intend to start now. im not sure if many people comprehend how much work ive put in and am willing to put in.

again, sorry for starting a thread that (apparently) has taken on a life of its own.

for those that have wished well...thank you. the respect and well-wishes are mutual.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2000
it's called sarcasm...

GOOD LUCK on the Tribe. I'll be on the other side, of course.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2000
vinnie and keith1 (aka..Mr Hotpicks service bitch): you guys are all class, no doubt.

Keith 1

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2005
Long Island, NY
chump said:
vinnie and keith1 (aka..Mr Hotpicks service bitch): you guys are all class, no doubt.
oh my--I'm being called out on an internet forum by someone named CHUMP. Bet it took you all afternoon to think up that one. Judging by the posts in this thread, you certainly know how to win friends and influence people. Of course, if you want to come up to Long Island and talk face-to-face, I'm happy to oblige.
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la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000

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