Hanna Knightly - Tuesday

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Casa Bonita Cliff Diver
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
I didn't see your questions before. Maybe I skimmed past them.

Numbers & stats for sports-betting are the equivalent of someone taking diet pills to have a nicer body. Math geniuses are not the ones dominating, case & point. Information is all that is needed. I mean, sure skim through the stats but, don't take them literally.

The other day I was on the over in the Baltimore/Toronto game & as I mentioned about that game, the "environment" in the stadium made it easier on the batters. If the pitcher weren't perfect, it would be an easy win most likely - which it was.
Sports-betting is not all about "sports", there is more to it.

I'm old enough to Gamble where I live. I have nothing else to say.

Hanna 1600 views and you're online 24/7 yet you didn't see my post ? :142smilie

Good luck...


Forum Member
Sep 29, 2011
Los Angeles
Funny how you know my profit/loss statement year by year...Maybe I prefer posting INFO instead of plays...Nice bashing.

Over 1000 views in this thread in a matter of hours....Some of the seasoned vets here can't dream of that. :mj07:

It's funny how you bash on others.. then right when you get bashed on you call them out on it. Hats off to you bro:0008

This is my first time bashing another forum member and I admit to it.

But I swear someone has their panties all tied up in a knot because questions aren't being answered.


Casa Bonita Cliff Diver
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
It's funny how you bash on others.. then right when you get bashed on you call them out on it. Hats off to you bro:0008

This is my first time bashing another forum member and I admit to it.

But I swear someone has their panties all tied up in a knot because questions aren't being answered.

I wear boxer briefs...Grow a set !
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2010
No comment. Think what you want.

The funny thing is that my info added into my posts is for volume only. It's meaningless info imo.

my dad taught me , never look a gift horse in the mouth. hanna or what ever her name is has so far been a gift horse. has not cost anyone of us a cent. i don't care if she is 16 or 90 and weighs 300 lbs.
until she asks for money, leave her alone and keep your comments to yourself before you run your gift horse out of here. if she does anything wrong, i can asure you, JACK can handle it. none of our bussiness about her personal life.
hanna, if you haven't seen the video of Lou Holts, get my email from Jack and i"ll send it to you. i"m sure you will enjoy it.
please don't let them run you out of here. i love your posts. you have to get thick skin if your going to stay in this forum. :argue::mj17::s5::bsflag:bsflag:grouphug::grouphug:

Hanna Knightly

Forum Member
Jun 14, 2015
People are free to ask any questions they choose. I have no problem with them. However, there is no obligation for me to answer any question at any point in my life. Everything I do is my own choice.

If you want answers to these questions, go find my posts from last Monday or Tuesday. I gave my responses. I will not search for those threads & I will not repeat myself.
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the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
People are free to ask any questions they choose. I have no problem with them. However, there is no obligation for me to answer any question at any point in my life. Everything I do is my own choice.

If you want answers to these questions, go find my posts from last Monday or Tuesday. I gave my responses. I will not search for those threads & I will not repeat myself.

if you truly feel that way, then I suggest trying to only post plays and rationale to avoid people asking same questions- again just a suggestion-no person can tell another what is right or wrong- but people with more exposure to certain environments can more easily predict an outcome then someone who is new to the setting

I really hope you are a young person trying to have fun and learn and beat the books

but saying things about trying to get your name out there and wanting the attention- well those are immediate red flags for many people on here- this will have them immediately asking questions- which you say you do not want to discuss any further-

otherwise, just like your short time at the other forums and also on here, you are going to be involved in a lot of discussions like these

I have watched over 5000+ new posters come and join here.....none of them had the issues you have had- I am just saying if you don't want to sleep in shit, then don't shit your bed

again please do not think I am joining in on "their side"......I honestly do not care what you plan in the future- if you truly are a young person trying to win, well then you came to the correct place for knowledge and info- I am just trying to help you see why people have reacted the way they have....

hope you do well tonite and again I hope if your intent really is what you claim that you continue winning and dominating the books...

Hanna Knightly

Forum Member
Jun 14, 2015
Oh, maybe I didn't answer the question regarding "my motives" in this forum. I know I did others but, possibly not this one.
So, I will do it right now to put an end to it.

I want to make a name for myself in the Gambling industry & I will. I do NOT ever plan to "sell" my picks. I won't need to. I can but, by giving them for free I would benefit even more from them.

With that said, I might not even continue giving my picks away. I might post them on (a site I can't name because it would break forum rules here) and on my (can't say) account.. moments before each game begins. I might do that.

I am much more than my picks. I don't need to be giving them away forever. They do draw in attention. So will other things.

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
but I am done for certain this time...not trying to pile on

gl to you either way but I really hope you have good intentions because someone who wants to win and share knowledge/info is a huge asset to the site- especially young people who see things differently at times.

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Shake N Bake

Forum Member
Nov 19, 2014
The Real Caesar's Palace
I didn't see your questions before. Maybe I skimmed past them.

TFresh let me decipher for you...

"I didn't see your questions before." = I did everything in my power to avoid your questions because...

"Maybe I skimmed past them." = I intentionally didn't answer because...

... you make me want to roll up my car windows and lock the doors at all times.


Hanna Knightly

Forum Member
Jun 14, 2015
Every time anyone messes with me, I have a winning day. Keep it up. Your negativeness doesn't hurt me, although it does get draining. At the end of the day, my picks will shut up the haters. I gotta keep winning though because, new haters keep coming. lol


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
I was going to follow you until i saw your video where you said you're favorite movie of all time was armageddon


Now i have serious questions about your judgement

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Casa Bonita Cliff Diver
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
Oh, maybe I didn't answer the question regarding "my motives" in this forum. I know I did others but, possibly not this one.
So, I will do it right now to put an end to it.

I want to make a name for myself in the Gambling industry & I will. I do NOT ever plan to "sell" my picks. I won't need to. I can but, by giving them for free I would benefit even more from them.

With that said, I might not even continue giving my picks away. I might post them on (a site I can't name because it would break forum rules here) and on my (can't say) account.. moments before each game begins. I might do that.

I am much more than my picks. I don't need to be giving them away forever. They do draw in attention. So will other things.

And you will ! Or so you think !
Sports betting still has a major taboo attached to it.
A young pretty face won't get you very far.
If you think one week of winning will too
you're in for a rude awakening !
I knew you were here for alterior motives !
Grab as many eyes as possible and lure them
to Twitter !!!

Hanna Lang a dang a ding dong

Hanna Knightly

Forum Member
Jun 14, 2015
I believe that the majority of people posting their picks are hopeful in winning so that people will pay attention.

You can assume what you want. You lack the info needed to have a valid opinion. People that easily assume, are often wrong. Yet, being wrong doesn't stop them from assuming. These people generally have short memories.

I'm done talking to you. There is no enjoyment in talking to some of you. The nicest gamblers that I have ever met online & in person, tend to talk less & focus on winning, more.

You're not going to like one of the two videos I make tomorrow. It's your faults @haters. I will let my poetry say what needs to be said.


Casa Bonita Cliff Diver
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
I forgot the TOUT threat..."I might not even continue giving my picks away"

Hanna you're a well seasoned TOUT hiding behind
a young pretty face.

You've been exposed.

Hanna Knightly

Forum Member
Jun 14, 2015
Oh, maybe I didn't answer the question regarding "my motives" in this forum. I know I did others but, possibly not this one.
So, I will do it right now to put an end to it.

I want to make a name for myself in the Gambling industry & I will. I do NOT ever plan to "sell" my picks. I won't need to. I can but, by giving them for free I would benefit even more from them.

With that said, I might not even continue giving my picks away. I might post them on (a site I can't name because it would break forum rules here) and on my (can't say) account.. moments before each game begins. I might do that.

I am much more than my picks. I don't need to be giving them away forever. They do draw in attention. So will other things.

Apparently you didn't see this post.. @T-Fresh or whatever your screen name was. I said I'm not selling picks.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 9, 2003
I forgot the TOUT threat..."I might not even continue giving my picks away"

Hanna you're a well seasoned TOUT hiding behind
a young pretty face.

You've been exposed.

I don't agree w u often Fresh (or like too ha) but I think you're right w this one....I noticed the red flag when she started posting that "she wants to get her name out there"! Most people just want to win some coin! haaaaaaa....& I'll never get back those 6 min from you tube w the 15 facts bout Hanna. :facepalm:
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Forum Member
Nov 13, 2009
Fuckin' troll. This guy is an ass to lots of people here.

That said, I don't know why Jack is baiting him :0corn

And Addict I know you're a good dude but that bit about 'people spending their money on her pics so she owes them something' is horseshit.

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Fuckin' troll. This guy is an ass to lots of people here.

That said, I don't know why Jack is baiting him :0corn

And Addict I know you're a good dude but that bit about 'people spending their money on her pics so she owes them something' is horseshit.


I never said anything about someone buying her picks
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