Let's get one thing straight dumbass, I didn't pick a fight with whomever the fuck you want to pretend to be. You are a fucking clown and a fraud. You hide your true identity, yet expect to be trusted. Everything about you is a fucking farce and a lie. You pretend to be friendly, a lie, as witnessed by the large number of unsolicited attacks on long time members. This fucking thread is a snide attack on kniefl, but your just here to make friends right? You pretend to befriend hedge, you pretend to be illiterate, and you pretend to actually wager on sports. You are completely full of shit and are purposely misleading the good people of this site. You're truly a miserable wretch of a person. You don't wager on shit. Do you honestly think starting a thread in the general about posting losers in a handicapping forum makes you anything other than a narcissist and attention whore? You don't give a fuck about anything but attention, negative or positive. You're fucking scum.
All one has to do is read your response to arrow to see exactly what you're all about. Maybe you believe your own bullshit, but you're not a smart person. You respond from your phone so you can't be traced. That is why your sentences aren't capitalized......you use successive periods......to prevent it from automatically correcting and capitalizing sentences started with......i. With arrow, you got a bit mad because he was so correct about the opportunity missed by your mom in her first trimester, and that's why the first paragraph is far more succinct and grammatically correct than subsequent paragraphs and posts. Once you calmed down a bit, back came all this period ........bullshit.
In closing, fuck you. I knew you were a scumbag liar looking for attention from the jump. That's why I hate you, because I have always hated you. Leopards can't change their spots. If this was my site, you'd have been gone ages ago.
You fucking thumb your nose at jaek by posting this stupid fucking honey hole shit in the general after repeatedly being told to stop, but you're trying to help right? Shut the fuck up about them and post them in the proper forum if you want, just like everybody else.
Damn I missy buddy, we need to go fishing!
One more thing. I dislike hedge, but he's still a human being. You have done nothing but try to make him look like a fool for leading him on. The worst part about all this is, I'm not even scratching the surface of what a punk bitch dick zit you are.
Missed opportunity.
Hope this helps,
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